
Level 25 Wildclaw
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Serpentine Lamp
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Violet Flowerfall
Illuminated Crown
Horned Frog Companion
Butterfly's Kiss
Will o' the Ember
Warmwater Wanderers
Lemongrass Tail Feathers
Gloomwillow Guide
Seashell Mantle
Crystalhide Treads
Peridot Flourish Bracelet
Solar Blades
Surgestream Coat
Luminous Legguards
Starlight Cloak
Black Iron Plates


Accent: Bark Warrior



6.01 m
9.22 m
688.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 31, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level


Name: Hissyfit
Lair position/role: None
Personality: Selfish and spoiled brat
Bio:Following Lore curtisy of HeartThief
I am the queen. Okay, not seriously…but I should be! I’m smart, and pretty, and I should get to have whatever I want. How hard is that for others to understand? No one in my clan really likes me. It…kind of hurts my feelings…but they don’t give me what I want anyway, so I already know that they hate me. Completely hate me!
K, so, when I was born, my parents didn’t really take good care of me, so I stole things to get by. I guess I really didn’t need to steal anything other than food, and like…things to keep me warm whenever it got too cold…but some dragons had such shiny things, I couldn’t help myself! I mean, seriously, it’s not like one dragon needs that many shiny things…unless it’s me…then of COURSE I need all the shiny things. All of them.
Eventually it became more about the adventure of stealing things, rather than about actually needing them, but I mean, like I said before, my parents didn’t really take good care of me, so I needed SOME way to entertain myself! It was pretty neat figuring out how to take stuff and try not to let people notice. I had planned to put it back after dragons saw it was missing for awhile, you know, that way I could make them think that they were going crazy, but I liked the stuff so much and I never had cool stuff, so I just…kept it.
Sometimes I felt bad about stealing things, so I would ask…but they always said no! Maybe I crossed the line with asking the queen if I could borrow her crown (I really didn’t intend to give it back, I had intended to pretend to lose it, and cry, and make her forgive me, and I would have a crown for my hoard), but she shouldn’t have said no so rudely!
Of course, my parents never noticed. Sometimes I think that that’s part of the reason why I kept doing it…to get them to notice…you know? Anyway, long story short, I was kicked out for stealing things. So I just went to another lair. I guess I just got used to stealing and never stopped. I just wanted everything and I wanted it my way. Nothing wrong with that, is there? Wanting things my way, I mean. Doesn’t everybody?
The lair I’m in now is pretty awesome, although, like I said before, they don’t give me everything I want, and no one really likes me. Like I said, it hurts my feelings! My feelings are fragile and should be treated as such!
I have had mates before, so that’s something. DragonSinger is one…I guess he wasn’t a mate, but we did mate and I had BABIES! They were so cute and adorable. I just loved holding them and everything…well except when they cried or wanted food or something like that. But they were cute.
They’re all brats though. I don’t know where they would have learned how to be so bratty! I mean, seriously!!! Screaming if they don’t get their own way or biting, I mean, one of them even breathed fire on me before! How rude, you know? They were kicked out of the clan for being brats. Except for HotStuff, he’s a good kid…but he doesn’t really like me either.
Then there was Poseidon, he was my mate, but he left after the kids did…he said that I was…um…a “good lay”, but a bad mother. He said I was too childish for him…I…I wasn’t childish…I’m not childish…. I’m childlike…that’s good, right? It’s good to be childlike, and have a childlike disposition and have a child’s heart, right? I don’t know, I just feel like those words are different!
Besides, if I’m not a good mother, it’s not MY fault! I didn’t have a good example. Ugh! My mother and father didn’t care. So that’s how I learned to treat my children. You can’t blame me! I’m innocent here! They might have well just have run off to fight! Stupid parents….
But, I mean, my hoard is growing and growing. And I figured out a great way to make people regret not giving me their stuff when I ask! And I DO ask. I might forget to say please sometimes, but I don’t demand like everyone says I do…I’m good.
I’m so good that Cryptfury even let me tag along on a trip once before! I hugged his leg tight so he wouldn’t accidentally leave me behind. Of course, he was telling everyone that I forced him to take me, but that’s just silly. I can’t force anyone to do anything! I’m just a cute little thing! I AM CUTE! DON’T DENY IT! I’M CUTE AND SWEET!!!
Sorry about yelling…I just wanted to make sure you knew. And I’m not a brat. I’m not. I’m really not. I’m not even scared of anything! Some dragons are scared of things, but I’m not. I’m brave. Really brave! They won’t kick me out of this lair…they’ll keep me forever. So…I’m not…um…I’m not scared. Not scared at all. And I’m not scared of losing my stuff either, so stop thinking it.
I’m not scared of anything! Just stop thinking that! Oh, but I just saw something fantastic that another dragon was wearing and it just looks so cool! I’m gonna go ask for it!!! I’m sure they’ll just give it to me. I need more and more and more and more! And I need it, so I will be beautiful.

Shining Stars WC by Resorant http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1934852/1

Wonderful commissioned picture of HissyFit as of 5/27/16 by SinnaStormheart
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Exalting Hissyfit to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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