
Level 1 Wildclaw
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Female Wildclaw
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Choker
Alabaster Filigree Banner
Alabaster Filigree Wing Guard
Alabaster Filigree Breastplate
Alabaster Filigree Boots
Alabaster Filigree Tail Guard
Alabaster Filigree Gauntlets
Alabaster Filigree Helmet
Simple Copper Wing Bangles





5.02 m
9.06 m
383.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 02, 2013
(11 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245


Arviasal The Matriarch's Person Guard
Life Partner: Suzaku
Mutations: None
Clown Platinum - Shimmer Ivory


Arvi is a Traveler at Heart, despite being born in the Shifting Expanse. It isn't unusual for her to be gone for several months at a Time, selling and trading The Clan's wears. Before her Partnership with Suzaku, She was often gone more than she was with the clan. However, now her travels are few and far between, often only occurring when Suzaku visits allied Clans or when Suzaku insists Arviasal take a break and sends her off. Despite Arvi's insistence that she if fine and doesn't need the breaks she is silently appreciative of them.

As Life Partner to the Queen and Suzaku's Personal Guard, Arviasal wears Alabaster Filigree armor. Both to Display her rank to the Clan, and to further protect Suzaku.
On her neck, she wears a Tear Drop Lapis Lazuli Choker. This was a gift from her beloved and she refuses to take it off, partly as a sign of her Devotion to Suzaku and because she fancies it quite a bit.

-Joining The Clan-

Arviasal had always been free spirited, never spending more than a few days with a Clan. They always wanted her to settle down, find a mate and Raise hatchlings and at one point in her life, she did just that. However, she was never happy. After her mate left, along with their hatchlings she continued her traveling. Shortly after she stumbled upon an Azure and Obsidian winged Fae with a Pair of Ebony Antlers. Arvi quickly found out that a Mirror had taken over The Azure and Obsidian Fae's Clan before banishing her. Said fae then asked for her Help in Taking back her Clan in return for a permanent Place in the Clan.

Naturally Arviasal refused at first, She had no need for a Clan nor did she eagerly want one. She watched as a slightly frustrated look came over the Fae as she turned and then Flew off. With little thought about the Fae, Arvi turned and left, shortly after she found decent place to stay and fell asleep as soon as night fell.

It Was Nearly Dawn when Arviasal woke to the sound of a Fight Near by. Irritated by the sound and curious about what was going on, She slipped her hood and Armor on and Went to find out. She quickly found the Area in the Windswept Plateau were the fight was going on, and what she saw surprised her.

The Antlered Fae before was fighting the Larger female Mirror. She, and the rest of the crowd watched as the Fae dove in for an attack several times before she was grabbed out of the air. A half Scream of pain emitted from the Smaller dragon as The Mirror's teeth left wounds. Arvi had expected the smaller dragon to back down, only to watch as the Fae turned her neck and jabbed the antlers into the side of the Mirror's face. She had to admit it was a valiant attempt, however it only Angered the larger Dragon. Before more harm could come to the Fae, Arviasal charged in, knocking the Mirror away. As the Mirror stood Arvi growled before releasing a challenging shriek, which scared the Mirror off.

After having a Healer Tend to the wound of The Fae, she was startled to see the small clan gather around to make sure their former queen was okay. Confused, she questioned why, if they cared so much about their former queen, did they not rebel and help her.
It wasn't but a moment later that the Azure Fae awnserd, telling Arvi that she told them not to so they would remain unharmed while she found a way to get her clan back, but as she had lost the Battle, the clan fell to the Wildclaw's command.

"For a Name, I shall relinquish my title as queen onto you", Arvi had replied with a bow, having little want for being a queen. Silence Passed for several moments before a name was spoken from the Azure Fae. Suzaku was the name of the valiant fae. It was Then the Title was returned and another offer made. One where Arvi would have a Place in the clan, but freedom to travel as she pleased as long as Arvi acted as a guard long enough for the clan to gain some proper guards.

Arviasal rolled the offer in her head and was close to declining, but as she looked over the clan her eyes fell on the Azure Fae and felt a strange sense. After a moment She nodded and agreed. Throughout the clan, Cheers rang out, but it was the smile that fell on the Fae's face that warmed her heart. She heard a rustle and a Shimmery Fae male flew out of the bushes. Arvi moved to defend untill she heard the Darkly colored Male call to Suzaku and dive into a hug before he started to coddle the slightly smaller female. She watched at the Female's smile changed to something looking more forced and uncomfortable. Something in Arvi wanted to growl, but she pushed it away. Telling herself that the Queen was fine and the Male meant no harm.

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