
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Nocturne
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6.1 m
5.12 m
575.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245


After a long journey from Bauble's Clan Ironkite Mari is finally home.
Thanks a bunch to Bauble for the inspiration and the dreg!


Mari honestly thought that jumping off her kite home in the sky was a good idea. Dragons fly right? All her family did, her neighbors did why not her? Most of Mari's friends that were still hatchlings thought she was crazy and instinctively stayed away from the edges of the kite lairs, not that it stopped them from climbing where the shouldn't. Hight meant nothing to them, edges did. So when Mari casually mentioned her plan they were confused and baffled. She was known for being an adventurous hatchling always exploring and questioning. Mari came up with grand quests and schemes but she talked big and didn't usually follow through. So her friends doubted her a bit, and at least if she was going to go through with the plan it would take a while, she was a total show off and liked to have an audience when she "preformed" but this time was different. Mari guessed that the adults would stop her and snatch her out of the sky if she tried. Some how she kew it was dangerous and yet when wanderlust takes hold of a dragon no mater how small there is not much that can stop them. So in the middle of the night, way past her bedtime she sneaked out with her old blankie turned scarf and her marching spectacles. She didn't take much because she was intending to return after a few laps around the kite lair. (It was shaped like some colorful fish not that Mari would know what a fish looked like since she never saw nor ate one and never thought to ask about it)
So off she went, creeping past her siblings and parents filled with excitement. She wanted to laugh and sniker because she was so proud that she was going to fly. Her parents and clan would be so amazed and impressed that she took to the skys all on her own. They'd question why they had ever told her to stay kite bound.
With excitement and hubris Mari strode to the moonlit edge of the kite house and leaped off. A strong gust of wind carried her for a few meters as she unfurled her wings. For a moment she was gliding along effortlessly the moon reflecting off of her deep purple scales she took in the huge expanse that was open sky. In the next moment she plummeted. Down down she fell the fluffy clouds that always were so far below suddenly engulfed her. She screamed and screamed but her voice was whipped away by the wind. As she fell her tears flew upwards along with her precious glasses and she plunged into a blurry purgatory. The once fluffy grey clouds became a blur of wet, endless, terror.
Mari never fully understood how far up she was or that there really was a ground beneath her lofty home. By the time her long decent had ended she had fallen into a trance like state of exhaustion both mental and physical. The fall had taken both her dreams of flight and her tranquil home and the loss weighed heavily on her. She had time to think about her home now far away above the clouds once she stopped trying to fly back up. At first she flapped her small wings and prayed and fought hard to pull herself out of her dive but to no avail. Finally her little body tired and cold gave up and she gave in to the eternal pull of gravity.
It felt like hours later but Mari had no way of knowing but she dinky fell thorough the cloud layers. Suddenly she saw the ground for the first time just as the sun was peaking over the horizon illuminating the land. Mari only had moments to appreciate the blurry golden view before hitting the ground. It seemed to rise up to meet her, and then the smell hit her.  
The putrid rot of the Plague lands hit her like a wall and she puked her guts out. Adding insult to injury the vomit flew up into her face as she fell smack dab in the middle of a cesspool.
It was slimy and sludgy and was a highly unpleasant experience for Mari but it did cushion her fall and save her life. She plunged deep in to the slushy mound and if it hadn't been for the geyser of filth that shoved her limp form up towards the surface she would have suffocated and drowned in the almost liquid blend of rotting glop.
The putrid slop moved across the land almost like a body of water, possibly influenced by the properties of the land next door. It eventually carried Mari slowly to the borders of the plague lands. To Mari the plague lands were a blurry, pinkish, reddish, lumpy, sticky, blisteringly hot place. Some how the smell no longer bothered her, she suspected that her delicate nose had been traumatized beyond help and that she had no sense of smell left or it could have been the clear puss that clogged her nose making it impossible to breath any other way then through her mouth.

Exhausted as she was the first day of floating down the bile like river Mari spent passed out. She slept floating on her back in the slow moving sludge and managed not to drown. The heat of the new day on top of the heat created by the decomposing matter kept Mari from suffering to much from the shock of falling. It was like a warm wet sticky blanket. During her journey she ate slept and drifted to where ever the slow current would take her. It was if the land itself was guiding her, or perhaps the Plague Lady herself.
When ever Mari became hungry, which was often, some how she managed to find something to eat. Often just as the hunger pains began a not quite rotted carcass would show up. Mari was shocked and horrified at the things she would put in her mouth when hungry enough.
Only once she regained some her strength did she manage to hunt some of the scavengers that came to feast on the guts of things but even then she could only manage the smallest of critters, barely a mouth full at best. Not only was she severely dehydrated due to the lack of actual water but she was nearly blind and that kept her from finding any substantial food. She never starved but she was never ever full. Her blindness also almost cost her more than a meal. There were large blurry figures that roamed the wasteland and Mari was terrified of them. They moved in a highly undragon like way, stif and yet fast. Clearly hunters of some sort and whenever they were around Mari hid herself in the muck. Hoping that the reddish fleshy sludge would hide her brilliant purple scales.
One night a blue-green glow started to spread around the horizon. It was hazy and Mari was confused and nervous. The days of drifting in the Plague lands had left her tired and suspicious, she tried her best to stay alert but as she wandered into the new lands she couldn't help but let her guard down in the shadowy twilight. It was so different from her home in the open sky but some how the cool darkness with its blurry green and blue phosphorescence just put her at ease. She knew that even though she was blind and couldn't see much at least no one could see her. Her dark purple coloring blended in almost completely with the shadowy landscape. Knowing she would probably be safe along with her deep exhaustion from her long journey Mari curled up and fell asleep.
Some time later a troop of young shadowlings playing and bouncing around happened on her by chance. So busy and distracted by their tricks and mischief they didn't see Mari until they were literally on top of her.
“Oof!” One muttered as he tripped over her dark form and fell flat on his face. “Was that you Chai? Try’n to get me back for that fish yesterday?”
“Oi, I didn't do nothin. See Im wayyy over here ya dork. Maybe you're just clumsy Ivesy.” Chai, the beige pearlcatcher replied.
“Then what-?” The green coatl turned and looked back and saw Mari’s crumpled form. She was still passed out. “Dear Shadowma! Its a dragon!” Ives shouted.
“You serious?” Chai exclaimed as he bounded over his brother Trill in toe.
“Is it dead?” Trill asked peering at Mari’s head.
“Don’t be rude!” Chai said and shoved him in the shoulder.
“Well is it?” Trill persisted. Chai shrugged and both brothers looked at Ives.
“How should I know??” He proclaimed horrified and confused. They all looked at Mari. After a bit Trill stuck out his claw and poked her in the cheek. They all stared transfixed as she opened one large bright green eye.
“Who are you? And by chance do you have a pair of glasses I could borrow?”
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