
Level 1 Coatl
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Marbled Jester
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Coatl
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Personal Style


Darksteel Glasses
Poet's Tam
Green and White Flair Scarf
Wind Tome
Midnight Sandwastes Vest
Black Lab Coat
Green Breeches
Silver Filigree Tail Guard
Emerald Aviator Gloves
Inkwell Feathered Wings



Scene: Training Fields


6.85 m
8.86 m
1042.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Feb 24, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245


Matriarch | Design Engineer | Playful | Intellegent

While HeartRune takes up the business end of things, Elowen is definitely the face of the clan and can be seen in many places throughout the day. Friendly, and eager to make friends, some might call her. It's hard to imagine that this face hides the intelligence of a brilliant engineer, one that can put her mind to anything and face the greatest of odds.

Elowen is the creator of the Hallow, an underground temple that resides in the cliffs of the Runelight Hallow. It houses 11 flight shrines, guarded by giant sculptures of the deities themselves. Elowen of course, had help building it, but she is proud of her work and loves to show people around the clan, holding the wonder of her work for the very last bit of the tour.


Amethyst Geode
Cunning, Impulsive

To have a name in Columbine's clan, it must be earned. Dragons don't get names unless they earn them... or, unless they were slated to be trained and exalted to the Boss. The coatl knew this. She tried her level best to earn approval, over and over, but the adult engineers always outpaced her. The clan was Lightning-flight and didn't need any more tinkerers.

She tried again and again to say or do something that would impress the adults, some new idea or gadget, playing to her natural strengths as a mechanically-oriented Lightning dragon and her natural instinct for metalwork as a Coatl. Unfortunately for her, their Forgemaster was one of the best metal-workers to come out of the Ashfall Waste in years. They had artisans, crafters, more engineers than one could shake a stick at. (Five! In one lair!) She was running out of time. Already, she'd seen some of the dragons that'd hatched around the same time as her clutch loaded into the exalt cannon for an eternal internship under the Boss.

The coatl tried to learn her mother's craft, but she had no interest as a beautician. She had no interest in being a naturalist like her father, and besides, the clan had had both of those. She couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag, and all her magic was good for was occasionally bridging a circuit or powering a small generator. With the clock ticking, the coatl begged for more time. And oddly, she was granted that time.

This dragon is hyper-insecure based on her upbringing in the rigidly structured and often cold hatchling bays of Columbine's clan. She is terrified of disappointing those above her, and will work herself to the bone trying to impress leaders that are already, in some cases, impressed. She doesn't really know what approval looks like, and has never really known unconditional love. Her first lair just didn't work that way. She constantly pushes herself to go further, do better, work faster, just because she's terrified that she'll be exalted if she doesn't earn that regard. She believes that any small failure on her part is grounds to be kicked out of the lair. She's prone to crying breakdowns and stubbornness past all reason when she fails, just because for her, failure is not an option. Being the best, her best, is a matter of survival.

She doesn't trust affection at first, but true acceptance and a little bit of patience make her melt into the sweetest, gentlest, most affectionate dragon you've ever seen. She's a bit blind and naive toward dragons who have earned her trust or who show her a scrap of affection. She never believes she's good enough, or strong enough, or smart enough, so when another soul makes her believe that, she tends to cling. She's driven others away with it before. A little love goes a long way with her. She tends to clam up and not say anything most of the time, but when praised, becomes a chatterbox, full of ideas.

Because of that, though, the skills she's honed in the Shifting Expanse are varied and in some cases exceptional. She knows how to work a forge, vaguely the proper way to care for most kinds of feathers, vaguely how to track prey over short distances, and vaguely how to spot certain mineral deposits. Her main strength, though, is building things. Had her previous clan not already had engineers up to the gills, she would have been brought in as an engineer. She's quick and clever, and knows exactly what she's doing when it comes to designing and building products both to make the lair more comfortable and to make life easier on the dragons living in it.
Ultimately, her clan couldn't hold out on her any longer, but she had her brakes on full stop. Whether it was her stubbornness not to be exalted or her brilliance at just about anything, she wasn't sure, but they took it upon themselves to FIND her a place of her own. Their search was short, only spanning the clans between the Lighting and Light flight, but they finally found a clan to take her in. Her mother wished her luck, asked for a letter now and again, and they left her in the hands of the small clan of the Runelight Hallow. It was a pitiful clan, compared to her birthplace. Quaint and humble, just a tribe really. The young coatl wasn't really sure if this was the place she wanted to call home.

Uncertainty plagued her first week of living on her own in the Hallow. It was so ethereal, like living in a some kind of fantasy novel with elves and ancient beings, living off the land in unity with nature. She had the impression that Light clans were people of high society and power, wielding knowledge to fight their battles. This was just pathetic compared to her visions. She was given a den near the cliff, overlooking the rocky seashore below their clan. It was windy and cold in that hut of a den, it shivered in the winds that sometimes picked up from the sea. Things felt bleak for her.

When she had first been brought, they had asked if she could do anything. Her clan had touted her abilities, like trying to sell a show-horse. They seemed impressed, and said something vague about finding her a post. But she never expected what they had meant by that.

The day of her second week in the clan, she was awaken early by an older female coatl, Artemis, whom was beautiful despite her dour colors and outlook. They spent the next few weeks finding her a "post". Paging through her many talents and asking many questions, the younger coatl became nervous when day after day, Artemis would give her a vague assessment and tell her to be ready for the next day of tests. Artemis frustrated her to tears, never giving her any sign that she was impressed or even satisfied with the many things she knew she excelled at.

By the end of the week, she had demonstrated all of her talents. Woodcutting, growing and harvesting, alchemy, potion making, doctoring, hunting, science and even magic, she demonstrated proficiency in everything, and anything she wasn't very skilled in or had never done she'd picked up quickly.(archery, fishing, and star reading to name a few.) Forging and building were the two things she knew she had done with flying colors, and when they hit those things she thought she would be assigned to those areas in a flash. But there was still nothing from Artemis. She dismissed her at the end of the day, and left her to her own devises.

She cried long and hard, panicking that they too might throw her out. Thinking, perhaps, that her birth clan had been easy on her or trying to save her feelings.She had never felt this insecure about her abilities. The next morning, there was no intrusion from a dour-faced coatl. There was no tests, no assignments. There was nothing. The young coatl shakily groomed herself, and after another hour or so of waiting around, left her den in search of an answer to her questions.

It happened that Artemis had left that day on surprise ambassador duty. She found out after asking around, being sent in the direction of the clan leader, with whom she had not yet seen hide nor hair or feather of. She found him in the treasury with their clan treasurer, grumpily going on about finances and a problem with their exports. Something about a stall in their last shipment and goods being damaged by their last tradesman and not enough being sold. Listening, unseen, to the conversation, being too anxious to reveal herself and too ashamed to speak, she began to piece together the entire situation. The answer to the problem seemed pretty obvious to her, and when both of the dragons speculated without any resolution plausible enough to work, she finally cut in. "Why expand your fishing community and take that along with the rest of your argriculture and manufaced goods. It will bring in more treasure and give you a reason to find a better tradesman when the goods expire too quickly to wait around forever for them." Both dragons turned to stare at her, bewildered. The coral coatl stared for much longer than the one clutching his pearl, but the smaller dragon smiled and agreed right away, her idea clicking with him as quickly as it had with her.

For the first time coming to the Runelight Hallow, she'd felt butterflies in her tummy with the compliments from the treasurer. She had thought up a solution to a problem, used her talent for intellect to help her clan. Something shiny in her heart began to glow. But it died out when the coral coatl asked in a deadpan. "Oh. You're the dragon Artemis told me about." He seemed upset about that. She felt fear quicken in her veins, and the shiny something went cold, quenched in her insecurity.

She left with the older coatl, but not before the dragon called Chadwick gave her his thanks and wished her luck, telling "Heartrune" to take it easy on her. That wasn't very reassuring, but when Heartrune snapped for her to follow him, she jumped to it. He explained the situation with Artemis, and told her he had meant to pick her up that morning but the issues with trade and relations had stalled him. She followed behind him silently, too afraid that talking would ruin something. He trudged towards the largest building around, made of stone and held together with trees and their roots.

Heartrune led her into his study, saying things about expansion plans and hiring excavators for something she didn't know about. He seemed to be rambling to her, as if he thought she knew something that he wasn't speaking. She just let him go on to her, nodding when appropriate and making faces at different things. They settled in his study, him behind a desk and she on a comfortable pile of animal fur and soft things.

"Can you speak?" Heartrune asked incredulously, watching her with a close eye as they sat in his study. He was working on something or another, it looked like some kind of architecture plans to her. She nodded, and he looked slightly more annoyed. "Well? What do you think about this?" He pointed a claw at the papers in front of him. She took a closer look, staring hard at the papers.

"Well..." She began, experimentally glancing at him to check to see if he were still inviting her to speak. "These dimensions are rather large-scaled for the land and resources available around these parts..." He seemed to lean forward to hear her better, but then she realized she was basically whispering. He hummed in thought. But she leaned away and waiting for a moment, watching him nervously.

"Are you saying our architect needs to rethink her plans?" She shrank away as he eyed her incredulously. She met his green gaze with her electric eyes, hesitating a moment. She realized he was waiting for her reply. Her gaze flit down to the parchments below them, then up again to find him still intently staring at her. She swallowed nervously.

"No..." Her voice wavered. Heartrune cocked an eyebrow at her. "These plans are very well made, they have a lot of potential. But if this is the direction you plan to take for the clan, you need to conserve space and resources until it can pay itself off." She could see that wheels were turning in the coatls head, and her words were manning the crank that set them in motion. She gained confidence as he took in her every word.

"Well, we spoke briefly about excavation in the caverns below this cliff, to provide more den space. Arc wanted to build this temple beneath as well, but the earth around here is brittle. I'm afraid we might cause a sinkhole without proper support." Heartrune looked away from her to glance over the blueprints again. She went quiet, looking around the room again. There as a window to her left, delicately created by a braiding of roots. There was a slight breeze coming in from the channel, salty and cool. It ruffled some of her feathers as she studied the knots in the living wood. The idea struck her straight in the forehead.

"Who built this building we're in now?" She turned to look at HeartRune again. He looked up at her, before looking around the room, which was wrapped in roots and sprouting leaves.

"Starfall and Avalon worked together to make it after we settled here. It was the first thing we built after we settled here." Heartrune explained. He paused, and look at her with slits for eyes. "Why?"

"Because I think I know how to build this temple underground."

She spent a very long time in that study that day. HeartRune perked at her idea, a smile on his face as they talked over plans and laughed at the idea of an underground temple. She was ecstatic about pleasing the coatl. Her pleasure receptors were bouncing with happiness, but finally, as the day wound down and they began to get off topic, she finally asked him a question that had been floating around in her head.

"Why did you talk to me about this issue? Isn't that something you should talk over with Artemis?" Heartrune took a moment to process the question, and then looked at her with folded brows, suddenly very serious.

"You don't know why you're here, do you?" Well, duh, she thought to herself. But instead she politely shook her head. He lifted his chin a little and his brow rose in mild surprise.

"Artemis seems to think you are a very, very talented dragon, and I told her to assign you with Bond, our resident engineer. But she seemed to think that a waste of talent." Heartrune began. He laughed at her a little when she looked shocked. But it was truly the biggest shock in her life. How could she have said such things when it had been so apparent that Artemis was not impressed with her at all?

Heartrune continued, "Artemis insisted I take you on as my assistant, since she seems to think I need one. Really, I could handle my job alone, but I'll admit it's been...stressful these days with the influx of visitors and new clan members." Her eyes grew ten times their size. He laughed at her reaction, and settled further into his own feathers.

"I-i-i-i," she sputtered, the down of her feathers rising in embarrassment. She frightenedly brushed the soft feathers down, to which she didn't notice Heartrune carefully watching as she did with a different look in his eye. She glanced up at him again and nodded. "I'm flattered, really, but I don't know anything about how a clan should be run."

"Neither do I." Heartrune smiled now, a little more tenderly than his had been all night. He shrugged. "I'm just doing what I believe in. It's not like there is a handbook."

"Oh." She trembled with nervousness. It sank in that the way she had been raised, the ways of her birthclan, was not the only way. She thought of all those things she'd been expected to do before. Caught in her thoughts, she jumped when HeartRune spoke up.

"Say, what is your name? You've not told me yet."

Silence. Heartrune was met with silence as she looked away carefully. Her clan's methods were truly something else, but she was still embarrassed that she hadn't earned her name. Heartrune prompted her again, "...what's wrong?" and she sighed.

"I don't have a name." She sat for a moment, silent again, and Heartrune just repeated her words again to her. Her feathers ruffled in embarrassment and she shook her head in nervousness. "I'm so sorry, I really don't have a name. My birth clan wouldn't name their hatchlings until they earned it, and I just never earned my name. I'm really really sorry, I know it's an inconvenience, so you can call me something like assistant if you want. Sorry." Heartrune saw she was going to continue her apologizes, but held a claw up to stop her.

"It's alright. You can choose you're own name if you want. We don't really care about that around here." He shrugged, but she looked up at him in horror.

"I-- I don't even know what kind of name would suit me. I'm really sorry." She drew away, almost looking as to stand. HeartRune caught her in his claws, gently. Asking her to stay a bit longer.

"Well, I could help you think of names. Or, I'm sure Avalon could help, he loves to name all his things and all his plants." He suggested. Her sea green feathers ruffled again, and she drew away from his grasp. But this time she stayed. And stared at him. And suddenly a very hard gaze grew in her eyes, something he might call near determined. They sat in silence again, before she took away her gaze, face softening.

"Maybe you could just give me a name. I am working for you now, and you'll probably need it a lot. So maybe you could..." She glanced at him, studying his reaction. He looked inquisitive. But at her flitting look, he smiled quickly enough that she would see it before looking away.

"Well, no need to agonize over it then." She perked up as he agreed, and she smiled again, meeting his gaze this time excitedly. "I've heard Aspen name trees by their old language name, and particularly I thought the word for Elm was nice. So, I think you should be called Elowen."

She'd never heard such a pretty name in her life. She felt a warmth grow over her heart, and she couldn't tell if it was for the name or the coatl that gave it to her.
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Exalting Elowen to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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