Level 25 Mirror
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Energy: 50
out of

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Personal Style



4.58 m
8.31 m
604.66 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level

- none
- Kala
- Charis
- Eldrea
- Priam
- Naxis
- Yashe
- Terzi
- Malgrim
- Oriana
- Andromeda
- Baine
- Alanii
- Kinga
- Dreyda
- Keto
- Thyra
- Hadyn
- Cadel
- Casban
- Elidyr
- Tariff
- Abscess
- Essel
- Kigeri
- Ifta
- Noah
- Tybal
- Nesita
- Samuel
- Sonata
- Blade
- Benefice
- Corrin
- Loman
- Venus
- Konah
- Mjir
- Neth
- Eintel
- Galeru
- Hohti
- Migora
- Dalmar
- Shade
- Misaki
- Damario
- Lennster
- Rivin
- Paige
- Baaljagg
- Yodh
- Santos
- Yaw
- Bardran
- Draint
- Norven
- Harvest
- Elmo
- Chipotle
- Linu
- Janecka
- Rhox
- Resh
- Tregen
- Isotta
- Nomos
- Nimmi
- Deven
- Okhan
- Yetunth
- Downfall
- Gawaine
- Unnamed
- Bledryn
- Rhamnella
- Magnus
- Verquent
- Jillia
- Garston
- Kunzite
- Yachad
- Jimbu
- Gleeclaw
- Breeya
- Solace
- Palan
- Nil
- Crush
- Maxence
- Illarion
- Estaith
- Kerubi
- Goshawk
- Nergal
- Hahona
- Murus
- Cornelia
- Michi
- Gerhart
- Tevra
- Palomba
- Jericho
- Rodelle
- Peron
- Hedd
- Raeside
- Dantris
- Madina
- Timbre
- Conrad
- Hess
- Coralle
- Tevner
- Lurch
- Aalish
- Sideriitti
- Malicious
- Hirini
- Shaula
- Lilith
- Elcid
- Kylara
- Shudder
- Gimel
- Kubal
- Jasjet
- Yoldu
- Tonic
- Heza
- Winter
- Akira
- Cacklebone
- Feir
- Scratches
- Scarab
- Amber
- Monsoon
- Sibal
- Paeve
- Warstomp
- Keeper
- Rabbia
- Phobetor
- Yadin
- Heilin
- Rogaldorn
- Tiberius
- Tulukaruk
- Auldcastle
- Kestrel
- Megan
- Koyane
- Marquis
- Zippo
- Tennor
- Ceiro
- Achaius
- Leiloni
- Shorthorn
- Hine
- Starburst
- Loca
- Divineflame
- Swiftrise
- Achalendra
- Saccharo
- Tyl
- Tajah
- Natalia
- Panorin
- Hadan
- Arapeta
- Muse
- Laramis
- Kurenov
- Hermes
- Adon
- Battledance
- Adalee
- Xanna
- Illa
- Adoration
- Volyno
- Aidziam
- Aix
- Starstrike
- Pietra
- Hati
- Alabaster
- Betsu
- Roial
- Milion
- Luc
- Maximo
- Meil
- Abrielle
- Hail
- Eilir
- Treven
- Estel
- Ripsaw
- Chainblade
- Willow
- Gwern
- Aihe
- Deniere
- Nomos
- Taker
- Dirmoon
- Volan
- Handel
- Pointer
- Keion
- Eon
- Whiskers
- Revenwood
- Laverne
- Champion
- Gweneal
- Badar
- Anthu
- Hammer
- Duhar
- Clemens
- Goanthe
- Wrenlet
- Eiry
- Query
- Aulon
- Marietta
- Lakila
- Marvin
- Asmin
- Darkfall
- Karolapi
- Maelrys
- Danyl
- Sonnuk
- Rav
- Tylendel
- Target
- Quill
- Abria
- Knife
- Reda
- Pulse
- Panorin
- Ihaia
- Firewheel
- Carlyassa
- Cedro
- Toxie
- Cuqenos
- Partis
- Aura
- Kennit
- Tristam
- Rauro
- Ramona
- Linna
- Darbin
- Aquila
- Aelwen
- Nalani
- Eirig
- Artan
- Honey
- Minny
- Nago
- Galaeron
- Zerila
- Farsong
- Darwin
- Savion
- Matteo
- Wryzin
- Mirk
- Liniel
- Potsol
- Fritz
- Rinu
- Simon
- Chumpette
- Mab
- Verde
- Rayya
- Loman
- Rue
- Aludra
- Tutti
- Ortez
- Indil
- Seamus
- Arkania
- Razelan
- Artair
- Binadas
- Laden
- Deerhurst
- Kashaan
- Osfain
- Jarick
- Milion
- Lockswell
- Jairo
- Ordas
- Jaidry
- Biscotti
- Fatuil
- Kor
- Allard
- Eikre
- Fera
- Celia
- Kalyn
- Cotor
- Chorus
- Orkeck
- Cynara
- Packrunner
- Deazal
- Darkfury
- Stony
- Jolene
- April
- Vail
- Carlyassa
- Glain
- Carwyn
- Savil
- Celyn
- Brok
- Borin
- Farghoul
- Esper
- Tinuvial
- Baphomet
- Hydro
- Lisse
- Cello
- Roanoke
- Asphodelle
- Anahera
- Bray
- Agoradi
- Okes
- Alanii
- Blanda
- Ankhor
- Pala
- Cedro
- Gretor
- Zephaniah
- Rippon
- Gelbu
- Ayoub
- Imhotep
- Goldenlarch
- Eri
- Tinnu
- Home
- Gindast
- Pirru
- Yur
- Cirro
- Ancho
- Patriss
- Platina
- Eirys
- Kalle
- Alps
- Balsoi
- Thankar
- Suneater
- Pavlina
- Lazulite
- Lalo
- Bonefury
- Rayne
- Bossanova
- Yii
- Mayflower
- Ohm
- Alai
- Aleister
- Cygol
- Rageality
- Invidia
- Patois
- Hineani
- Sota
- Bult
- Jewel
- Swifthawk
- Minecrawler
- Eon
- Guldur
- Gholan
- Zancon
- Sassafras
- Jecto
- Brawne
- Duma
- Hana
- Hidas
- Ardolen
- Venerated
- Zinnaerris
- Blessing
- Reveler
- Asterope
- Kellan
- Durren
- Rafae
- Katrun
- Pendegrast
- Boyce
- Monolith
- Kurenov
- Carantec
- Dagian
- Scar
- Lalor
- Izak
- Whistler
- Plato
- Knowles
- Brylen
- Vast
- Yohn
- Ulund
- Areta
- Faolin
- Sirius
- Worm
- Allray
- Rethor
- Candy
- Andon
- Cally
- Hatcha
- Ascan
- Sibyla
- Vast
- Zaulen
- Mezan
- Heritage
- Seriadne
- Iruera
- Meirgon
- Sollel
- Crescent
- Dira
- Noikyla
- Modo
- Bruthen
- Cephissus
- Sim
- Sacred
- Evanel
- Elwyn
- Malan
- Dolor
- Mayes
- Heavy
- Red
- Sarto
- Thornspine
- Bilotone
- Kaitaka
- Siekte
- Arianrhod
- Mab
- Euru
- Xile
- Tobai
- Addie
- Somer
- Darkscar
- Minya
- Erin
- Ines
- Soh
- Lucia
- Santor
- Rilivi
- Xara
- Kew
- Ineod
- Nithu
- Sherrill
- Auryk
- Halka
- Anpaka
- Judaia
- Eito
- Leban
- Herald
- Iolo
- Roach
- Snowflake
- Persephone
- Harbor
- Tricky
- Naza
- Chanter
- Irwen
- Lancelot
- Aximilo
- Helina
- Accipiter
- Seranus
- Kubal
- Coldfire
- Longtalon
- Chainclaw
- Plague
- Durant
- Maelon
- Aemben
- Toro
- Quag
- Germaine
- Gambeson
- Lartessa
- Horticox
- Aerfen
- Negi
- Guts
- Ramen
- Kolarun
- Revere
- Pulse
- Ortin
- Astane
- Friar
- Aradan
- Destin
- Finedel
- Viatrix
- Markander
- Jeine
- Hlam
- Disa
- Andii
- Belemus
- Niluva
- Fori
- Halfmoon
- Ediz
- Daan
- Tasmos
- Eleff
- Gharial
- Morel
- Lylia
- Unzsa
- Dreamsinger
- Carassius
- Leonora
- Bivatt
- Praja
- Arzit
- Angel
- Hess
- Tranth
- Oado
- Tholric
- Relin
- Haboto
- Ayden
- Outsider
- Lampades
- Taric
- Asu
- Nafadel
- Udolamin
- Ighte
- Xyremita
- Yaari
- Sartre
- Sullein
- Jaunt
- Grigsby
- Yklis
- Amalia
- Joseph
- Lethe
- Zamarca
- Teilin
- Perren
- Heshu
- Rainier
- Bernhilde
- Nefertiti
- Uskstas
- Luyen
- Engit
- Rantia
- Atoro
- Nydelat
- Onov
- Ghad
- Sulgare
- Vorath
- Essod
- Tanwor
- Engale
- Vestas
- Vorqua
- Ormit
- Tuuru
- Justice
- Ledra
- Murdag
- Forak
- Edoleth
- Nalac
- Teiataia
- Aldtia
- Biwight
- Oiao
- Kimash
- Alm
- Suldra
- Tinray
- Voral
- Erild
- Eurion
- Diver
- Oorma
- Asrak
- Kinek
- Slienn
- Ekina
- Utburd
- Delhin
- Hawkinge
- Iadar
- Sayrotha
- Idrau
- Chever
- Yuske
- Sameld
- Pea
- Diar
- Silar
- Torgym
- Tienal
- Utbel
- Lungsara
- Garright
- Thertan
- Lysoa
- Karno
- Conant
- Kynua
- Iwan
- Ounti
- Risund
- Sulture
- Kitcry
- Regeris
- Lahan
- Ralat
- Hellfire
- Ner
- Ysolde
- Hatl
- Onabel
- Ardol
- Tassa
- Belic
- Imkela
- Iano
- Zaire
- Eima
- Kalit
- Braal
- Pon
- Arrow
- Glaw
- Auntor
- Gion
- Tyl
- Fleder
- Dina
- Sidanyis
- Manom
- Arzon
- Demelin
- Vant
- Rakit
- Ymora
- Bia
- Aneam
- Iageo
- Onh
- Itup
- Tang
- Musul
- Siar
- Dama
- Nilie
- Zida
- Ahrom
- Golanth
- Unnamed
- Ironduke
- Sultas
- Arddar
- Engroda
- Dymene
- Therad
- Lynnet
- Aryssa
- Etera
- Aihe
- Tetai
- Ameloren
- Secrecy
- Ancestry
- Tearfang
- Lightbane
- Awapuhi
- Retorno
- Jenribe
- Ezyrris
- Heatlen
- Chamassa
- Undile
- Ajak
- Ghann
- Yamano
- Grimurc
- Lizjak
- Pestilence
- Pistache
- Xalvador
- Amphiptere
- Betsu
- Baaljagg
- Kuthan
- Orelis
- Irastes


- Absolutely ancient wiry dragoness
- Missing her tail tip, blind in her front left eye
- 50% pointy bits
- Completely dedicated to the service of the Plaguebringer
- Only just found her chill sometime in the last century
- Still mostly held together with rage and religious conviction
- Blunt and forthright with her intentions
- Doesn't do scheming, but she'll tolerate it in her clanmates
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Fane to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.