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Luna Mith
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Tundra
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Timithius "Pati" Lumin
Clan Founder, Clan Healer
Lvl 25 Wizard
"There is no nobler practice than that of caring for others."

_______________________ Strength







What is the dragon's build? Size? Do they have scars, or disabilities? Do they wear apparel? Practical or fashionable? Special features? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor. Ut aliquam, orci eget molestie semper, leo nisl sagittis nibh, in malesuada metus magna nec nisl. Duis quis est scelerisque, sollicitudin odio nec, pulvinar ligula. Nunc blandit luctus risus, nec accumsan elit euismod sed.

Pellentesque sagittis sit amet risus nec tincidunt. Fusce finibus tempus tellus, molestie gravida velit fringilla vel. Suspendisse dictum odio tellus. Nam placerat placerat porta. Quisque pulvinar feugiat dolor. Maecenas sapien diam, sagittis sed nulla ac, scelerisque vulputate est. Praesent eu nibh sed mi euismod euismod. Nullam cursus odio eget mi vestibulum maximus. Vivamus suscipit dolor felis, a faucibus enim aliquet ut. Quisque faucibus hendrerit tincidunt.

Proin eu ipsum molestie, fringilla lacus sed, tempor quam. Donec condimentum scelerisque ipsum, eu aliquet urna. Suspendisse iaculis nisi blandit leo semper pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Cras ultricies ut augue tempus lacinia. Curabitur a efficitur felis. Nullam vestibulum vitae arcu ac congue. Fusce commodo elit sed diam mattis, in blandit elit sagittis. In facilisis ipsum euismod, interdum nunc eget, suscipit sem. Aliquam in arcu eu turpis hendrerit congue ultrices ac purus. Nam vitae porta odio, vel condimentum lacus.

Dragon Name
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Dragon Name
A short description of this dragon.
Dragon Name
A short description of this dragon.


What items does this dragon hoard? What pets do they keep? Do they have a favorite color? What is their favorite meal? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.


Book Title[link]
Book Title[link]
Book Title[link]


Timithius "Pati" Lumin
Founder, Clan Physician


Physical Description:
What is the dragon's build? Size? Dogeneral appearance they have scars, or disabilities? Do they wear apparel? Practical or fashionable? Special features? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.
Timithius is most often quiet, listening until words seem necessary. He thinks long and hard before giving advice to any of the younger dragons in the clan. Timithius does not think much of himself, rarely offering his thoughts to others unless they ask.
He enjoys gardening and reading, and fills his spare time tending to the growing herbs and reading up on medicines he has yet to learn.
Although thoughtful and studious, Timithius also has a great sense of humor. He encourages hatchlings into playing harmless practical jokes and keeps a small store of toys and silly apparel to amuse them when checking or treating their health. Timithius has always had a love for others and for building a community based on family. He enjoys spending time with hatchlings and adults alike and rarely excludes anyone. His kindness and wisdom are treasured by those who speak with him. Contrary to his air of regal wisdom, Timithius also has a love for all things silly. He was known for hoarding Marva sweaters when he was younger, and has several written stories that he created for the hatchlings of the clan. He will happily wear one of his old sweaters and a paper mask when caring for a sick hatchling just to keep their spirits up
Timithius is a thin, frail-looking tundra with lots of white patches in his thin, green fur. Timithius was always a thin dragon with a frail appearance, taking others by surprise with his deep voice. His thick mane gets easily tangled and other members of the clan will sometimes help him brush and braid it. His long nimble fingers are good for writing and bandaging, and his friendly, calming smile lacks any fangs at all. His thin fur allows him to get cold easily on rainy or chilly days, prompting him to wear more covering apparel than most tundras would.
Timithius can often be seen wearing his healer's apparel when wandering the clan halls or attending a formal meeting. He has a pair of bright orange feathers that he wears behind his ear. No one knows why, but they seem to have special significance to him. During official meetings or events of significant dress requirements, he will also call up a halo of arcana denoting his rank and skill. When he is in his infirmary taking care of his clan's wounded, he forgoes any formal dress and simply wears a robe or a Marva-brand sweater.

1056258.png ¤ Fireshade - Bonded Mate
Timithius will do anything to keep her safe and well, even follow her into battle. Their bond is strong, and differing schedules and responsibilities do nothing to keep them apart. Every time they see each other, even if it had only been a few hours, they spend a moment together, breathing each other's scent or rubbing noses.
noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
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noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.
noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.
Amaranth Moth Luna Mith

Place in the Clan:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor. Ut aliquam, orci eget molestie semper, leo nisl sagittis nibh, in malesuada metus magna nec nisl. Duis quis est scelerisque, sollicitudin odio nec, pulvinar ligula. Nunc blandit luctus risus, nec accumsan elit euismod sed.

Pellentesque sagittis sit amet risus nec tincidunt. Fusce finibus tempus tellus, molestie gravida velit fringilla vel. Suspendisse dictum odio tellus. Nam placerat placerat porta. Quisque pulvinar feugiat dolor. Maecenas sapien diam, sagittis sed nulla ac, scelerisque vulputate est. Praesent eu nibh sed mi euismod euismod. Nullam cursus odio eget mi vestibulum maximus. Vivamus suscipit dolor felis, a faucibus enim aliquet ut. Quisque faucibus hendrerit tincidunt.

Proin eu ipsum molestie, fringilla lacus sed, tempor quam. Donec condimentum scelerisque ipsum, eu aliquet urna. Suspendisse iaculis nisi blandit leo semper pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Cras ultricies ut augue tempus lacinia. Curabitur a efficitur felis. Nullam vestibulum vitae arcu ac congue. Fusce commodo elit sed diam mattis, in blandit elit sagittis. In facilisis ipsum euismod, interdum nunc eget, suscipit sem. Aliquam in arcu eu turpis hendrerit congue ultrices ac purus. Nam vitae porta odio, vel condimentum lacus.

Pellentesque porta maximus erat, vitae volutpat purus rhoncus tristique. Nullam vehicula nibh sit amet dapibus sagittis. Quisque urna sapien, convallis in accumsan vitae, scelerisque malesuada dui. Praesent in tellus ultrices, sagittis elit a, ornare est. Vivamus sollicitudin posuere sagittis. Nam eu lobortis tellus, ac ultrices odio. Quisque vitae ligula eget turpis dapibus vulputate. In a velit ac metus fringilla scelerisque. Etiam in nunc a odio mattis cursus nec ac dolor.

Hoard and Interests:
What items does this dragon hoard? What pets do they keep? Do they have a favorite color? What is their favorite meal? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.
Micromoth Runic Pug Moth Catocala Moth Dark-bordered Beauty Meal Moth Frost Whisper Fallout Whisper False Leaf Reverse Silkworm Moth Triad Moth Mustache Moth

1st Anniversary Leaf Cake Aether Cherries Fogflower Manaweed Dandelion Seeds Peppermint Feverfew


(Billet Points?)
Hopes and dreams. Fears. Etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.

Library Entries:
¤ Book Title - (Section)


  1. old_dragon_icon_by_sludgy_png_by_sludgy-dben7rc.png

Career Choice:
Lore. Timithius was a sickly child, and for this reason, spent more time around the clan's healers than he did other hatchlings. He learned the healing trade, both from practical interest, and a heart for helping others.
When Timithius and Fireshade were first establishing their territory and fighting was a near-daily occurrence he spent more time healing Fireshade than he did actually fighting. Later, when more dragons joined the clan, he tended to their injuries and let others do the fighting. When his skills at magic healing and herbal remedies became apparent, he established peace with the nearby centaur herd by promising to tend to their sick and wounded as well.
Timithius is still the clan's only healer, but his speed and skill have ensured that they will not need another for a long time.
He also teaches gardening.

Clan Position:
Lore.Years later, the clan has grown tremendously.
Timithius and Fireshade have raised dozens of nests on their own, and started a library and sanctuary to help researchers and trainers alike to cooperate and grow. Timithius used his knowledge of healing to save many lives, some of which made the clan their permanent home. He has his own moth garden, tells stories to the hatchlings born from breeding pairs in the clan, and continues his work in healing and magic hoping to finish writing a directory to help others who feel healing is their calling rather than fighting.
Timithius has an odd love for moths and butterflies. While he does stockpile necessary ingredients for healing, it is his garden that is his true hoard.
Every single plant or fungus growing in Timithius' garden is something that either attracts or feeds his growing collection of moth and butterfly species.
Certain other creatures are also kept in the garden to keep out invading insects. Most of these come from Shegrasi.
The garden itself is hidden from outside and is housed near the middle of the spire the clan calls home. It was meant to be an extra room, but an overzealous ridgeback created a hole in the upper wall which let in too much sunlight. Rather than fill the hole, Timithius filled the room with dirt and
began an indoor garden.

Family History:
.His adopted parents were exalted just as he was growing into an adult and after a short, bittersweet goodbye, he left the clan and set out on his own.
Few clans had the space to take him in, and once he wandered into the infamous Starwood forest he quickly became lost. On the third day it began pouring rain...
Rushing to find shelter, Timithius ran through the storm until he found a small hill with a den opening dug into one side. Unable to tell if it was abandoned, with the wind and rain destroying any scent, he decided to risk entering.
Another dragon trying to escape the weather had the same idea, and they collided in the entryway.
The obsidian dragon was another Tundra. Having never seen a Tundra other than himself, and being a little stunned from the impact, Timithius stood and stared. The other dragon did the same, before suggesting they go inside. It turned out that the den truly was empty and that they had discovered it at the same time.
The other dragon, who was named Fireshade, seemed guarded rather than shy, but was still content to engage in conversation. It was not as difficult as it could have been for these two to speak to each other, considering Timithius had been raised in a primarily Coatl lair and occasionally switched over to his own form of humming, and Fireshade had been raised in a purely Fae lair and had never learned to decipher tone of voice. Fortunately, it did not take them long to fall in love and start their own clan.

Hatchlings - There is few things Timithius loves more than taking care of hatchlings. Each one is a tiny ball of joy eager to learn new things. Because the clan started out with just Fireshade and Timithius' hatchlings it made them the matriarch and patriarch of the clan. Every new generation referred to them as Mati and Pati, and eventually it was picked up by hatchlings of no relation as well. Timithius is happy to think of himself as the father of the clan, spending his life nurturing them all.
Born from a egg scavenged by a small clan of coatl, Timithius never knew his biological parents or siblings. The clan that raised him became his new family; from his doting parents who saw to his every need, to the other adults who wouldn't let him play with their hatchlings for fear of getting them sick. When his parents were exalted and left to serve their deity he decided to look for a clan that would feel more like home.
Fireshade was the next dragon he met and they immediately made a connection that lasted for the rest of their lives. Fireshade and Timithius had many children, most of which helped to build the beginnings of the clan and its territory. They also had a habit of adopting every lost egg or young dragon that came to the clan, so their family grew exponentially.
They still guide the clan with the belief that anyone can be family, no matter where they were born.

Original colors
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