
(They/Them) (literally multiple people) Skeleton
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Energy: 40
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Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Banescale
Female Banescale
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Ancient breed emblem
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7.45 m
6.33 m
755.33 kg


Primary Gene
Savanna (Banescale)
Savanna (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Safari (Banescale)
Safari (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Skeletal (Banescale)
Skeletal (Banescale)


Jan 11, 2025
(1 month)


Banescale icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Banescale
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Skelly has about seven souls inside them, and is also technically their own seperate dragon, though they don't think and rarely moves on their own. Their more of a husk then anything. If they have any more inside them, it is currently unknown. Typically Smoke or Glaze is controlling the body, though any soul at any time can speak or think. 'Skelly' is their general name, and typically what most dragons go with.
They were created of quite the unusual origin. Around seven smashed skeletons from the long-ago battle of the Gaolers and Banescales were unearthed by a few lightning dragons, who misternpted it as one dragon's skeleton, smashing the parts together then burying them in a cemetery in the Shifting Plain to give them a 'proper burial'. Everything was fine and normal until one night, the skeleton woke up. They grew scales, taking from Smoke's Orca, his brother Smolder's Platnium, Nightnight's Eldritch, Lion's Savanana, the hatchling that should of been's Safari, and no tertiary, instead just sticking bones to themself, mishmashing the colors and patterns for a bit until they were proper. Organs and blood and veins and muscles sprouted through the body. Given that all the bones were combined, all seven souls went inside one body. So now, they roam forever, seeking revenge on the gaolers that did this to them. Of course, the fact all the gaolers present in the battle are now all dead annoys most of the souls.
The Seven Souls.

Smoke was a smaller then average male Banescale with Candycane/Antique/Freckle/Orca/Carnivore/Silver and Fire/Faded. He was quite the loner in life, preferring to stay in his lair instead of socializing. When he controls the body, he speaks with a slight british accent, and typically keeps the body in whatever the current lair is.

Smolder is Smoke's brother. He was an average sized male banescale with Candycane/White/Butterfly/Platnium/Carnivore/Smoke and Fire/Pastel. He was quite talkitive and social in life, and tried to get his brother to come out of his shell. He was a diplomat and tried to advocate for peace with the gaolers. When he controls the body, he speaks with a British accent, and typically moves the body about often, and tries to socialize.

Glaze was a large female banescale with Cherub/Hickory/Striation/Brown/Trimmings/Moon and Fire/Dark Schlera. She was quite aggressive and cold, and stubborn. She was the most eager of all the banescales to go into the war with the gaolers, and it was even partially her idea. When she controls the body, she often starts fights with other dragons.

Nightnight was a small banescale hatchling with Clown/Eldritch/Sarcphogus/Cobalt/Ghost/Blackberry and Fire/Innocent. It never got the chance to grow up, being only three months old during the battle that killed it. It was of course still quite childish. It was also insanely energetic and hyper. When it controls the body, it often bounces off the walls (figuratively and literally) and runs around nonstop.
The hatchling

The hatchling was still just an egg when they died. They were kept out of the main hatchery by their mother, as they were a product of cheating and she didn't want anyone to find out about them. Due to this, their egg was frozen by the spell. They never control the body, and have only spoken three times, all of which were illegable squeaks.

Lion was a tiny male banescale with Savana/Peacock/Edged/Jungle/Plumage/Spearmint and Fire/Goat. He was bold and reckless, to the point of stupidity. He was not actually killed by the spell, but instead by charging into battle. When he controls the body, he speaks with a Boston accent and almost always gets the body injured.

Brightly was an average sized female banescale with Chevron/Radioactive/Blaze/Red/Glimmer/Spring and Fire/Multigaze. She was quite intelligent, and well liked. She enjoyed books. When she controls the body, she typically just reads.
(NOTE:The first story takes place shortly before the Banescale/Gaoler battle, the second story takes place during it, the third story takes place a few centuries afterwards)

The day of the battle had finally come. Every Banescale prepared for it. Finally, they would take the Gaoler's lands as Mother had instructed them for so long. The ice would melt beneath their flames. Then they'd scorch the rest of Sorneith. Banescale's would conquer.
Smoke plotted a way to get away from the fighting. He was not one for physical combat, with a thin, agile frame much more built for speed. He'd always been much of the scout type. Maybe he could sneak away once the fighting actually started.
Smolder, his brother, pleaded with the elders a final time. All he wanted was peace.
"We can't do this! There has to be another way!" he begged the uncaring dragons. Half the elders didn't even listen at all and the rest simply shook their heads.
Glaze sat in the weapons room, grinning as she polished a sword. She'd wanted so long for a good opportunity to use her claws. Her poor weapons had gotten so dusty with all this peace. Now she could finally put them to good use. Those Gaoler's wouldnt know what hit them.
Nightnight skipped around the cavern floor, blissfully detached from the weight of the coming battle. It was too young to care about such things. It hummed a little tune as it never paused its gleeful bouncing. Nightnight wagged its tail as it paused its constant skipping to pounce on a stray piece of coal, chomping on it. It then returned to its bouncing about.
An egg lay buried beneath piles of ashes. Born of shame and secrecy, it was hidden away rather then joining the other eggs and hatchlings in the hatchery. Fire crackled about it, its only companion in its lone hiding place. The coals were the only presence there to warm it. It was already a solitary creature before even hatching.
Lion crouched at the front lines, his tail swishing back and forth as he waited for the fighting to start. He grinned an arogant grin as he thought of how he would surely win. This would be how he'd prove himself. He'd be regarded as a war hero after this, he was sure! The trophies, the bragging rights, the medals, the whole shlick.
Brightly sat among a line of soldiers, her wings twitching in irritation. She was a scholar, not a soldier, yet she'd been dragged here anyways. She didnt want bloodshed or glory. All she wanted was to get back to her cave so she could continue reading.
"Let’s just get this over with," she muttered to no one in particular.
The air thickened as the distant sound of horns echoed through the mountains. The moment was drawing closer, the inevitable clash of scales and fire and frost looming on the horizon. Whether they were ready or not, the battle was here.
No one was truly prepared for the battle.
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Exalting Skelly to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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