
Level 10 Pearlcatcher
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Blue Tang Hippogriff
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Blue Birdskull Wingpiece
Blue Birdskull Armband
Azure Highnoon Hank
Navy Leg Wraps
Blue Birdskull Headdress
Navy Head Wrap
Navy Tail Wrap
Blue Birdskull Legband
Navy Neck Wrap
Navy Chest Wrap




4.96 m
5.97 m
464.31 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 18, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 18320 / 27676
Flame Bolt
Fiery Acuity Fragment


Needs: Bar, Crackle
Familiar: Blue Tang Hippogriff

Corbin the Pearlcatcher lived on his own for a long time. He drifted through the Ashfall Wastes like an errant ember, with no Clan to call his own. He doesn't remember his parents, having only a vague recollection of teal wings and a black face. He learned how to survive through harsh necessity, living on the scraggly plants on the edges of other dragon's territory, and whatever grubs he could find in the volcanic earth.

In his wanderings, he eventually came across two young hatchlings, barely out of the egg, and obviously abandoned. The Spiral and Pearlcatcher hatchlings had clung to each other like nest mates, alone and afraid, and Corbin knew they would die if he left them as they were. He was reluctant to take them in, as he was only barely getting by with only himself to feed, but the thought of leaving them to their fate was unbearable.

He managed to coax the two of them with him, partially through kind words, and partially through bribes of food. They had been quiet at first, timid; but after they realized they were safe and being cared for, they clung to him and burst into tears. Corbin had frantically tried to get the girls to calm down, but eventually they tired themselves out and fell asleep curled up around each other.

In the days that followed, Corbin continued to care for the two hatchlings, and managed to learn their names - Hallow and Eve. Hallow was a Pearlcatcher like Corbin, though of the Arcane Flight, with charcoal stripes and fiery feathers, and her little pearl was still dull with how new it was. She was a little older than Eve, and was a rather calm, stoic child. She spoke carefully, always thinking about what she was going to say before she said it, and in even tones. Even when she was upset, she hardly ever threw tantrums and mostly frowned or pouted at Corbin until she got what she wanted or she forgot what she wanted. As time passed Corbin figured out how to say no to her, but he'll never be very good at it.

Eve was a Fire Flight Spiral, with dark obsidian coloring and fiery stripes on her six sets of wings. The younger of the two, Eve was excitable and chatty, without any brain-to-mouth filter to speak of. She learned how to fly early, making Corbin exasperated and making Hallow pout. Eve always had a sort of dramatic flair, so when she was happy she was ecstatic, when she was sad she was utterly crushed, and when she was mad she was fuming. Unlike Hallow, she wasn't capable of holding a grudge, and she could always cheer up her "two-most-very-best-friends! :D".

The three of them were inseparable. But it wasn't long after they met that something strange and wonderful happened - they were accepted into a Clan.


When Corbin met Cassandra and Cedric, it was entirely by accident. They were foraging for food in what Corbin had thought was unclaimed territory - which, to be fair, it had been up until recently. A massive, stoic Guardian found Corbin up to his ears in pilfered plants, and he had been sure that was it, game over. The Guardian leaned down, down, down, her mighty crimson muzzle inches from Corbin's snout, and she sniffed once, then twice. There was a long pause, then she grumbled, nodded, and stalked off. Corbin, still frozen with fear, nearly fainted.

Hallow and Eve had come bounding out of the undergrowth with mouthfuls of grasses and insects, entirely unaware of the perceived danger that had passed. Corbin was about to herd them away, quickly, when the Guardian came rumbling back. Hallow and Eve huddled behind Corbin's legs as the crimson Guardian came closer, and he wanted nothing more than to run - but Hallow and Eve were too big to carry now, and too small to keep up, so he held his ground. Just as the Guardian stopped within horrible-maiming distance of him, a little red Fae with rosy wings and a pink bow-tie came whizzing out from behind her.

"Oh! Dear, dear, dear, dear me!" He said, fluttering about as he inspected the state Corbin and his two little charges were in. "Oh, tut tut, this won't do at all! Cassandra, dearest, you are absolutely right, this simply will not do!"

Corbin glanced fervently between the Fae and Cassandra, still wanting to bolt, but confused about what was going on. The Fae seemed to notice his agitation and stopped short.

"Oh, but you must be exhausted. Cassandra, darling, I think you've given him quite a fright!" He tittered a small laugh before looking kindly at Corbin. "Don't worry, dear, it's alright! My name is Cedric. You three look like you've had a rough time of it. Why don't you come along and rest for a while?" At Corbin's skeptical look, the Fae had only smiled. "I know how you must feel. Cassandra and I were on our own for a long time, constantly wandering between the Flights. It's hard to trust anyone after having only yourselves to rely on. But I've found a bit of kindness can go a long way." He paused. "Please, at least spend the night someplace safe and secure. By the Flamecaller, I swear no harm will come to you."

Reluctantly, Corbin followed Cedric and Cassandra to their lair, a recently cleared spot in the Emberglow Hearth, with Hallow and Eve following close behind. Before he knew it, the three of them were ensconced in Cassandra and Cedric's lair, and for the first time in months Corbin found himself able to relax. Cedric was an excellent host and an exceptional conversationalist, and Cassandra warmed up once you got used to her long, looming silences. Hallow and Eve scampered about the lair, having fun playing with the odd bits and ends in Cedric and Cassandra's hoard. Something about that struck him as strange, but he was too full of good food and good cheer to worry about anything right then, and he had drifted off before he could figure out what it was.

They stayed with Cassandra and Cedric for a week before Corbin realized what was happening. The Guardian and the Fae were doing nothing to usher them out, not even after the week of playing host to the three wanderers. When he spoke to Cedric about it, the Fae only looked at him with a sly smile.

"Heh, so you've cottoned on, then? I knew you'd figure it out eventually." Corbin wasn't sure how he was going to take that, but then the look on Cedric's face grew serious and he drew Corbin aside, away from where Hallow and Eve were playing while Cassandra rested on the floor, watching them with one eye slit open, cat-like.

"Come with me." They moved toward the back of the lair, Corbin walking and Cedric flying sedately beside him as they talked.

"It's like this, Corbin. We're a new Clan. Brand new. By my count, we were established here only five days before Cassandra found you." Corbin's eyes widened. That was a very short amount of time. No wonder he had thought the territory to be unclaimed. "Our hold on this land is barely tangible. We could very easily be driven out. No doubt you've wondered where our other clan-mates are." Hesitantly, Corbin nodded.

Cedric sighed. "There aren't any. Cassandra and I are the only members of our Clan."

Corbin's eyes widened. "But, you and Cassandra; aren't you - don't you - ?"

Cedric laughed, embarrassed. "Yes, yes, I know. We certainly are a pair, aren't we? But Corbin," he said, not unkindly. "You have to understand. We've been here barely two weeks, our nest less than even that. Our children still have quite a while before they hatch, wouldn't you say?"

Cedric gestured with his head, and Corbin noticed then that they had moved all the way back to the nesting grounds, where three molten eggs rested in the bubbling pit of lava that served as their nest. As he looked at them, Corbin could feel his heart melting. He'd be upset with Cedric's obvious manipulation of his feelings if he didn't admire his subtlety in doing so.

And Cedric was right. Nests take quite some time before hatching. It would be at least a month before Cassandra and Cedric could even consider leaving the lair - he's amazed that Cassandra got Cedric to come with her when she found him and the girls. Leaving a new nest alone for even a moment is risky, and goes against every dragon's instinct. Even leaving Cedric on his own with their nest must have been hard on Cassandra, but they needed the food, and to leave a strong presence in their territory before any competitors came sniffing around. Usually a Clan will have enough members that the parents can stay with the eggs while they incubate, constantly monitoring them; but even if the parents had to leave, there would be other clan-mates who could watch the nest. But Cedric and Cassandra didn't have any clan-mates at all. Yet.

"You're wooing us."

Cedric burst out laughing. "I suppose that's one way of putting it. We're giving you the option." He sobers. "We need you, Corbin. And I know what it's like - wandering around, living on what you can find. And it can't be easy, caring not only for you, but for Hallow and Eve. They're wonderful girls, and it's clear how much you love them; I'll admit, Cassandra and I have grown quite fond of them - and of you." Cedric smiled gently at whatever stupid, surprised look Corbin knew his face was making.

"But two rambunctious hatchlings would be a handful for two parents, let alone one without a Clan." Cedric grinned suddenly at him. "They are yours, aren't they?"

Corbin blushed furiously. "What?! N-no!" He spluttered. "Of course not! I found them one day, and they had been abandoned! I couldn't just - !"

" - and you just couldn't leave them, no, no, I understand!" Cedric finished for him, laughing. He smiled at Corbin. "It's quite alright Corbin, don't fret. I was only teasing. You certainly are one for strays, aren't you?"

Corbin looked back at the nest. Cedric and Cassandra's eggs lay quietly in the molten rock, three little souls still forming, still growing, and still needing protection.

"How about it Corbin?" Cedric held out an outstretched paw. "Want to adopt a few more strays?"

Corbin sighed before smiling helplessly. He took Cedric's claws with his own.

"How can I say no?"
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