Atresia's Hibernal Den
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Dusthide Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 66172254
Age: 4 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Maroon Display (Dusthide)
Secondary Gene: Brown Parade (Dusthide)
Tertiary Gene: Wine Gembond (Dusthide)
Eye Type: Earth Common
Diet: Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 70317935
Age: 3 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Maize Starmap
Secondary Gene: Umber Constellation
Tertiary Gene: Sunshine Capsule
Eye Type: Light Unusual
Diet: Plants, Insects
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Aberration Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 73395413
Age: 3 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Red Flaunt (Aberration)
Secondary Gene: Thicket Spade (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene: Cherry Firefly (Aberration)
Eye Type: Plague Rare
Diet: Meat, Insects, Plants, Seafood
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ID#: 74152269
Age: 3 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Mantis Jaguar
Secondary Gene: Forest Trail
Tertiary Gene: Taupe Points
Eye Type: Nature Common
Diet: Meat
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Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 74544793
Age: 3 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Pear Savanna
Secondary Gene: Moon Flair
Tertiary Gene: Thicket Runes
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
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Nocturne Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 75772105
Age: 3 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Violet Vipera
Secondary Gene: Royal Bee
Tertiary Gene: Sable Glowtail
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Meat, Insects
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Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 77449868
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Radioactive Boulder
Secondary Gene: Chartreuse Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Emerald Sparkle
Eye Type: Wind Unusual
Diet: Insects, Meat
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Mirror Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 77496449
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Berry Ribbon
Secondary Gene: Blush Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Orange Spines
Eye Type: Plague Swirl
Diet: Meat, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Guardian Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 77755128
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Ultramarine Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Turquoise Myrid
Tertiary Gene: Storm Capsule
Eye Type: Water Unusual
Diet: Meat, Seafood, Plants, Insects
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Obelisk Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 78225922
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Hickory Ground
Secondary Gene: Brown Fissure
Tertiary Gene: Sunset Veined
Eye Type: Earth Common
Diet: Seafood, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Banescale Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 78816159
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Sunset Laced (Banescale)
Secondary Gene: Sunshine Tear (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene: Moss Capsule (Banescale)
Eye Type: Fire Uncommon
Diet: Insects, Seafood, Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 79380460
Age: 2 years
Parents: Time, Guang
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Gold Bee
Tertiary Gene: Gold Runes
Eye Type: Light Uncommon
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Veilspun Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 79513855
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Royal Sphinxmoth (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene: Mist Edged (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene: Flint Firefly (Veilspun)
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Insects, Meat, Plants, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 79724362
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Fuchsia Jupiter
Secondary Gene: Navy Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Blush Sparkle
Eye Type: Arcane Goat
Diet: Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 79954773
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Terracotta Laced
Secondary Gene: Marigold Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Orange Smoke
Eye Type: Fire Uncommon
Diet: Seafood
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ID#: 79971541
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Ice Ripple (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene: Lavender Blend (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene: Overcast Runes (Gaoler)
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Meat, Plants
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Ridgeback Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 79980170
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Storm Metallic
Secondary Gene: Steel Stripes
Tertiary Gene: Caribbean Circuit
Eye Type: Lightning Unusual
Diet: Seafood
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Snapper Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 80115225
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Taupe Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Forest Opal
Eye Type: Earth Rare
Diet: Plants, Seafood
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Bogsneak Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 80335047
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Periwinkle Flaunt
Secondary Gene: Pearl Flair
Tertiary Gene: Clay Peacock
Eye Type: Ice Rare
Diet: Plants, Meat
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Aether Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 81797896
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Antique Laced (Aether)
Secondary Gene: Fuchsia Flicker (Aether)
Tertiary Gene: Murk Underbelly (Aether)
Eye Type: Arcane Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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Undertide Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 82940784
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Blue Octopus (Undertide)
Secondary Gene: Aqua Pack (Undertide)
Tertiary Gene: Purple Capsule (Undertide)
Eye Type: Water Unusual
Diet: Seafood, Plants
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Auraboa Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 83246929
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Spearmint Mochlus (Auraboa)
Secondary Gene: Abyss Saddle (Auraboa)
Tertiary Gene: Stonewash Spines (Auraboa)
Eye Type: Nature Uncommon
Diet: Seafood, Meat
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Tundra Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 83880009
Age: 2 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Moon Poison
Secondary Gene: Iris Paisley
Tertiary Gene: Lapis Sparkle
Eye Type: Ice Uncommon
Diet: Plants
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Sandsurge Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 86407020
Age: 1 year
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Turquoise Sailfish (Sandsurge)
Secondary Gene: Sapphire Blend (Sandsurge)
Tertiary Gene: Purple Stained (Sandsurge)
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Insects, Meat
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Fathom Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 90728509
Age: 1 year
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Periwinkle Fern
Secondary Gene: Hunter Saddle
Tertiary Gene: Cornflower Capsule
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Plants, Seafood
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Everlux Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 94640335
Age: 9 months
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Banana Strike (Everlux)
Secondary Gene: Soil Stripes (Everlux)
Tertiary Gene: Metals Wish (Everlux)
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Plants
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