[LF] Dragons for Science and Robot UMAs

Valmue's Clan
As Winter does in Spring; let solitude melt away
Clan Info
Hello, welcome to Bleakcliff Keep! It's a bit of a mess here while my lore is under construction and I try to sort out my many breeding projects so please forgive the mess!
Please be aware most dragons I buy are for breeding projects and are likely to be exalted afterwards.

Current avatar dragon is: Dautheill!
My dragon bios are best viewed on desktop!
See a dragon in my Sales or Exalt tabs that you want but it isn't on the Auction House yet? Feel free to message me! I prename all non G1 dragons with either the random generator or a certain theme, but don't feel like you need to keep that name.
Self Reference:
Ursegal Project | Lair Tab Templates | Dragon Bio Resources
Breeding Projects | G1 Goals | UMA Wishlist | Item Wishlist
Dragon Sales Thread | Nest Rentals | Dragon Search
Please be aware most dragons I buy are for breeding projects and are likely to be exalted afterwards.

Current avatar dragon is: Dautheill!
My dragon bios are best viewed on desktop!
See a dragon in my Sales or Exalt tabs that you want but it isn't on the Auction House yet? Feel free to message me! I prename all non G1 dragons with either the random generator or a certain theme, but don't feel like you need to keep that name.
Self Reference:
Ursegal Project | Lair Tab Templates | Dragon Bio Resources
Breeding Projects | G1 Goals | UMA Wishlist | Item Wishlist
Dragon Sales Thread | Nest Rentals | Dragon Search
Recent Comments

Merasmus (#73376452) was on the front page!

Merasmus looked pretty on the front page!

thank you!

Penumbra (#70114077) was on the front page!

aaa thanks so much!! glad you like the goobers :]

Thank you for adopting Sargas!!

aah thank you so much for letting me know!!! thank you so much i just finished the project :D

Thank you! How long ago did you get the skin for your Ingo and Emmet fandragon?

Oh my god I love your Ingo and Emmet fan dragon!!

IngoEmmet was on the front page! I love the skin you have for them

IngoEmmet was on the front page, I get the reference! :)

Thank you for buying Polaris :) I hope you love him
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