giveaways to lore/art lairs (slow)
Featherfalls' Clan
*hisssss hiss hiss*
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Chresmologoi was front, cool lore!
Samedi was on the front page! A handsome, sharp-dressed lad :)
Hyperion was on the front page! Gorgeous Ridgeback!
Hyperion was on the front page! Love the color of red!
Thanks for buying Anikallal! I hope she serves you well. ^^
Kyron was on the front page!
Orlaith was on the front page! She's cool!!
Patina was on the main page! She's fab!
Congrats! Cacoxeni was on the front page!
Cacoxeni was on the front page! What a lovely bunch of necromancers you have!!
Thela was on the front page!! Super pretty!!
Carneliall was on the front page!
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