Dancer08's Clan
I dance within the shadows. #Blackswankotlc
Clan Info
Sorry for going away for such a longtime and leaving the flightrising committee. Im really sorry for that. But now I'm back (and trying to bring the lair back to life hehehe)
Im back to having nothing much so I really hope people can give me some kind donations :(
*Currently I'm trying to pay respect to each deity and also flight and I am making all my dragons cosplay to match the mood of the flight.
Currently I'm only done with fire and shadow flight. For the rest of the flights please do help me by trading with me or giving me anything u think make help me achieve my goal.
Thanks! XD
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I am not sure about the Gem trading.
If you really want her, maybe we can discuss it at school or maybe we can ummm... Private Message?
I really do not know.