osiem's stuff

classytier's Clan
I'm just so tired.
Clan Info
| Wright | 17 | Student |
My Animal Crossing + Pokémon Shop
riot of rot gathering turns
Note to Staff: My family (listed in order of ID numbers: ranshikoi #62390, FartMeister #77113, and Syreno #77150) and I share several mobile devices, and there are four accounts in total that are logged into on a daily basis on various platforms within our household. We are a very sharing family, so many dragons and such will be passed from one of us to another. Please do not hesitate in contacting me if this causes any sort of issues whatsoever.
My Animal Crossing + Pokémon Shop
riot of rot gathering turns
Note to Staff: My family (listed in order of ID numbers: ranshikoi #62390, FartMeister #77113, and Syreno #77150) and I share several mobile devices, and there are four accounts in total that are logged into on a daily basis on various platforms within our household. We are a very sharing family, so many dragons and such will be passed from one of us to another. Please do not hesitate in contacting me if this causes any sort of issues whatsoever.
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