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Apellosine's Clan

putting down the roses picking up the sword
Venerable Lair
carved into the
Reedcleft Ascent icon

Clan Info

eaten by life and obligations, dragon pixels secondary :(



clan kiuvuik
a quiet clan carved into a pillar in the reedcleft ascent, neither particularly intreresting nor interested in much. it boasts a small port on the sea of a thousand currents along with a lively market, though its main attraction is the temple. all deities - dragon, beastclan, or otherwise - can be found here along with 12 temple staff.

a research station situated in the driftwood drag. supplied and staffed by kiuvuik, the outpost hosts those who wish to study the area - namely the extensive shade-infested ruin nearby. it's a fascinating location and rich with unexplored secrets, though perhaps the biggest mystery is why such a massive castle would remain abandoned for so long...

apollo . he/him . fr+2 . adult
damm full time employment got hands!!! if strawberry is fed, i'm probably online. all bios are at least five years old so read at ur own risk


code by wanderlustfaun

Notes to Self //
gathering turns:
PLANTS in eh!
DIGGING in eh!

past broadcast messages:
* don't open the oven yet, this idea's only half baked
* winner winner!!! 2 dozen eggs
* kinda scared of ghosts
* Sweeney Todd? A Modest Proposal with music
* circumstances eat themselves; the present tense has been
* c. s. lewis' middle name is staples
* at what point does a knife become a sword?
* badminton but with hands
* (american noises)
* ethos pathos logos doritos locos tacos
* id live on wizard island were it not guarded by the Old Man
* mgs alert sound
* cut it loose, watch you work the room
* Whose creature are you? Do you think you are god?
(Quote from Franco, Archbishop of Rouen, to Rollo, Duke of the Pagans: Whose creature are you? Do you think you are God? Are you not a man formed from filth? Are you not dust and ashes and food for worms? Remember what you are and will be and by whose judgement you will be condemned.)

Recent Comments

ablindtiger's avatar
May 28, 2024 07:18:17
so i just hatched a sunset/buttercup/plum baby and i like to check color rarity for fun and that's when i found your Aura, Yaer. she looks AMAZING and i adore that accent you have on her. hope you have a great day!
Skyleidge's avatar
April 17, 2024 18:16:03
Thank you for letting me know Ferruginous was on the front page! :)
Russette's avatar
December 17, 2023 12:15:34
Thank you so much!!! :D That's so exciting! I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know :)))
KittyOfInsanity's avatar
November 24, 2023 23:08:27
Eurwyn (#58330172) was on the front page!
thefrogg's avatar
October 28, 2023 13:41:13
Arelle was on the front page!
vellum's avatar
September 21, 2023 12:58:20
:D aaaa thank you haha!!
modusiticate's avatar
June 10, 2023 21:01:52
Woah I didn't know that! Neat
modusiticate's avatar
March 19, 2023 16:11:19
Fun Fact: Humans are technically still undeveloped when born! Due to evolving to stand upright, we also evolved to give birth early due to our less broad hips.
ufology's avatar
August 27, 2022 07:39:03
hi! I've cancelled the CR for Accent: Cut To The Chase (AbF) because it's been sitting for a week, and you don't seem to be active ^^ If you'd still like your slot, I can add you back into the next run! <3 Hope you're doing well
TheHunterZ's avatar
May 11, 2022 12:31:45
It works wonders :D Here's a fun fact: The first ever email was sent in 1971. That predates the World Wide Web by almost 20 years!
TheHunterZ's avatar
May 10, 2022 12:29:47
Haha, I love this fact! Might be my favorite one yet :)
prayer's avatar
May 10, 2022 12:16:58
thank you, i'm glad you like kismet!! <3
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Apr 8, 2015

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WhiteRose101 is my sister. No ban pls.
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a lost eldritch being-
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Straka (#450999)

feel old yet? the sun was formed 4,600,000,000 years ago

Recent Activity

Jun 26
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Male, 1 Guardian Female
Jun 26
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Female
Jun 26
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Male

Recent Achievements

Dec 31
Of Course I'll Take the Mystery Box! (12)
Sep 23
Sign-On Bonus
Aug 30
Vinetangle Orphan
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