[NatDom] Public Buy Now Open

rockss' Clan
rock enthusiast
Clan Info
Welcome to the Rolling Rock Garden! 

This is a travelling clan that often hosts dragons on their way to serve a deity in exalted positions.
they/them | 30s | FR+3
If you're interested in breeding/nesting/a dragon/etc please feel free to let me know!
I have the memory of a tundra, monotone of a fae, and executive function of a spiral in slow motion. I may forget things or be accidentally abrupt in messages, and I'm sorry in advance if that happens. Please feel free to ask for clarification, remind me, etc, though I may be slow to respond <3
(If you want to keep a dragon I have sent to be exalted that it fine with me, no need to ask)

This is a travelling clan that often hosts dragons on their way to serve a deity in exalted positions.
they/them | 30s | FR+3
If you're interested in breeding/nesting/a dragon/etc please feel free to let me know!
I have the memory of a tundra, monotone of a fae, and executive function of a spiral in slow motion. I may forget things or be accidentally abrupt in messages, and I'm sorry in advance if that happens. Please feel free to ask for clarification, remind me, etc, though I may be slow to respond <3
(If you want to keep a dragon I have sent to be exalted that it fine with me, no need to ask)

Recent Comments

marble #99810354 was on the front page!!! very cool :-]

I am! How much is he?

Thank you for buying Enyalius (#100627658)


Hi! I was wondering if this dragon is for sale? He would be a great Joxar. https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98401493

Surge was on the front page!

Boteba (#79540087) was on the front page! :3

Stonelight was on the front page!

hi!! i sent you some messages, ty~

thanks! it's fun being able to look at past exalts on dragon search ^_^

Craelite was on the first page- GORGEOUS dragon!

Craelite (#81049589) was on the front page!
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