Currency Exchange Hub [1:1000]

LittleWatty's Clan
Through the smoke, something lurks...
Clan Info

. Wavecrest~ Ascent .
| Lore | Wishlist | Market | Skin Shop? |
| 25s for Newbies | Hatchery | Challenges |
L o r e Fragmented and broken, the remains of the Wavecrest nurse their wounds and strategize how to return their Patriarch to the dragon he once was. In their moment of need, the Fathoms return from the far reaches of Sornieth and ferry aid to their allies. Those who remember the stories of the old days mourn for the losses in this once proud clan and remain to assist where they can. Generations spent away from the Sea makes them no less family than those not born of it. As it always has been, all are welcome in the Wavecrest. |
Though new lives and new hearts bring hope the sorrows of the Wavecrest run deeper still. At the unearthing of the Oracle's Heart, news of the Shade's return from the Tidelord himself shakes them to their core. The signs become obvious: their once strong leader has been corrupted. And now, their lady Matriarch.... is missing. Just like the Tidelord before her, Muirin has gone. Perhaps in search of a way to repair the damage that has been done? Or perhaps he has called her to his side once again. |

While at times, the clan may appear dormant, it simply lies in wait. Asleep. Biding its time for the right moment to return...
For now the founders sleep,
the mantle picked up by the next generation

Watty || Old || She/Her/They/Them || FR+3

That was all just a fancy way of saying I'm still here, I'm still alive, and even when my lair seems dormant I promise I'm still checking in every so often. Even when my dragons are at 0 or haven't been fed in weeks I promise I'm here. Right now its almost every day.
I recently did a purge of old friends that I don't remember why I friended them, they appeared banned, or haven't had any forum activity since prior to 2020. If you are still active, and we were good friends but you changed your name, just toss me a PM and remind me how we know each other!
- I will happily buy back any of Muirin's hatchlings (or their grand hatchlings of notable offspring) for a reasonable price.
- If you have a dragon between the ID's of 2602325 and 2613329, I'll probably want to buy it.
- My AH listings can be haggled
- Transient/Queue Dragons are up for fair offers.
- I will not be selling my KS items or my Light Sprite.
- This is an exalting lair - but they will be named.
- I don't accept random friend requests, and don't usually friend people I've only had passing contact with. We need to actually communicate and be friends.

2602325 - xyz pink imp bred
2602365 - xxy imp bred
Exchange Hub
Recent Comments

Idris is SUCH a gorgeous dragon!! I adore her skin and her familiar is absolutely perfect

Pruatis (#98750531) was on the front page!

Thank you for taking in 78172692! I'm only returning to FR after a while and wanted to ensure babs with potential got good homes :]. Your plans look awesome, best wishes in getting them! Have a lovely 2025~

Munin (#235939) was on the front page!

Forfax was on the front page :)

Malice is on the front page!

Oh, I didn't realize progens were always recoverable or that she was one
Woo, that is some dedication to the lore of your clan! I'm glad to hear that she will return from the soup!

What happened to Muirin?

Wow 🤯

Aw, no problem! Thank you for the kind words. :] She has to be one of my favorite dragons now! I didn't expect to get such pretty colors after one reroll! She's perfect!!

Eee! You moved! And everything got very fiery! I'm super curious. :D

You exalted Muirin?! What? Was that an accident? Lol
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