Scry Me A Phobia
KingJin's Clan
Clan Info
I plan on opening an art shop here at some point. In the meantime, please look at my social media for my art. If you find you like my art and wish to commission me, please DM/comment me.
Friend requests/Comments/Private Messages are welcome, both here and on my other social media!
Friend requests/Comments/Private Messages are welcome, both here and on my other social media!
- I will always take Treasure & Gems if you are too greedy with items or cannot afford others.
- Certain dragons might interest me. My favorite species are Bogsneaks, Nocturnes and Obelisks- but still ask about any other species. My favorite flights are Shadow, Fire, & Plague.
- Shameless plug, but I like getting commissions. That's both a wish and a want, so it qualifies. I'm an artist and I have to make a living.
- I will not stop you from gifting art of my dragons or art of other things I like. So, Gift art is on the table!
- There are some wishlist items I will consider taking as on-site payment for art or other exchanges. A few wishlist items I will possibly take as partial-payment.
- Familiars are currently my highest desired item(s) on my list, so look at them first.
My Hierarchy of Desired items on-site (Not including currency) : Familiars / Certain dragons > Apparel > Skins/Accents > Vistas/Scenes/Other
Wishlist- Familiars section
- Familiars are the items I most strongly prefer and request. I encourage you to browse this section before any other if you plan to gift/exchange with me.
- Any Familiars in my 'Undiscovered' tab from my bestiary are generally accepted- but the ones listed below are my highest priority ones that I'm strongly after (Not in any order. The ones with *'s are the most desired) If you have a familiar you believe I would like that is not listed, please bring it to my attention :
Apparel (Under construction)
Skins/Accents (There are too many skins/accents to go through on this site therefore this list is labeled incomplete. It will be updated infrequently to rarely. Skins/Accents are not as strongly desired as familiars are. Some are more favored than others. If you have a skin/accent you think I would like that is not listed, feel free to try your luck. Please use this list also as a 'gauge of interest' to get an idea of the kind of look I enjoy. I like eerie/gothic and fiery/volcanic.)
Items (Under construction)
- Baldwin's Trasmutations are acceptable, but I'd prefer the more uncommon/rarer varieties.
- I'll take any unhatched eggs of any element but I prefer fire, shadow, nocturne and bogsneak.
Vistas/Scenes (Under construction. Vistas/Scenes are also the lowest desired on my wish list)
- I will always take Treasure & Gems if you are too greedy with items or cannot afford others.
- Certain dragons might interest me. My favorite species are Bogsneaks, Nocturnes and Obelisks- but still ask about any other species. My favorite flights are Shadow, Fire, & Plague.
- Shameless plug, but I like getting commissions. That's both a wish and a want, so it qualifies. I'm an artist and I have to make a living.
- I will not stop you from gifting art of my dragons or art of other things I like. So, Gift art is on the table!
- There are some wishlist items I will consider taking as on-site payment for art or other exchanges. A few wishlist items I will possibly take as partial-payment.
- Familiars are currently my highest desired item(s) on my list, so look at them first.
My Hierarchy of Desired items on-site (Not including currency) : Familiars / Certain dragons > Apparel > Skins/Accents > Vistas/Scenes/Other
Wishlist- Familiars section
- Familiars are the items I most strongly prefer and request. I encourage you to browse this section before any other if you plan to gift/exchange with me.
- Any Familiars in my 'Undiscovered' tab from my bestiary are generally accepted- but the ones listed below are my highest priority ones that I'm strongly after (Not in any order. The ones with *'s are the most desired) If you have a familiar you believe I would like that is not listed, please bring it to my attention :
Apparel (Under construction)
Skins/Accents (There are too many skins/accents to go through on this site therefore this list is labeled incomplete. It will be updated infrequently to rarely. Skins/Accents are not as strongly desired as familiars are. Some are more favored than others. If you have a skin/accent you think I would like that is not listed, feel free to try your luck. Please use this list also as a 'gauge of interest' to get an idea of the kind of look I enjoy. I like eerie/gothic and fiery/volcanic.)
Items (Under construction)
- Baldwin's Trasmutations are acceptable, but I'd prefer the more uncommon/rarer varieties.
- I'll take any unhatched eggs of any element but I prefer fire, shadow, nocturne and bogsneak.
Vistas/Scenes (Under construction. Vistas/Scenes are also the lowest desired on my wish list)
Recent Comments
Thank you kindly for the offer! I haven't got any Insta/Twitter accounts, but FR friend requests are OK! I haven't done an art trade in years, but if my work catches your eye, you can shoot me a PM and we might be able to work something out. ^^
I popped over to your Twitter, and dang, no kidding, your art is fantastic! I've never been able to work with ink or paint, so I'm deeply in awe of your skills. The river monster from Dec. 6 has to be my fave so far.
Awesome! Yeah! It’s cool that the first person I talk to is interested in Dark Crystal. Not many people I know have even heard of it!
Oh wow! Thra is beautiful!! And Augra is one of my favorites too. I collect Funko Pops and she was the first one I got.
Thank you! And yes it is. Both the show and the movie are my favorites!
Saw your Skeksis derg, I remember watching Dark Crystal on Netflix and that brought back many memories! :)
hello! just wanted to thank you for your comments on my dragons on the top 5 thread, they mean a lot! my username is actually taken from the addams family, it's one of my favorite shows. i checked out your art and it's gorgeous, do you have prices in mind?
Thailog was on the front page!
Another check-in for whenever you log on. Hope you're doing well!
Checking in to say hello! Hope you're doing alright!
Doing great! For awhile I took a break from this game, sorry for leaving you in the dark!
Lavinia was looking amazing on the front page!
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