♥ Mahou Shoujo Hatchery ♥

CureTwinkle's Clan
I hope that one day, things will change.
Clan Info

banner by MegaLatios
☆ Hello! I'm Twinkle, some others usually call me Taco, but you can go with whatever suits your fancy!
I'm a female, 22, and a huge star enthusiast! My goal here is to get dragons that resemble my fave OCs!☆
★Dream Dragons★
Lionfish Navy/Safari Azure/Obsidian Capsule Male Spiral (Wind Dark Sclera eyes)
Metallic Obsidian/Shimmer Aqua/Banana Contour Male Coatl (Wind Eyes)
Iridescent Heather/Sunset Stripes/White Glimmer Male Coatl (Shadow eyes)
Skink Mantis/Basic Magenta/Thylacine Lemon Female Imperial (Arcane eyes)
Iridescent Lemon/Toxin Azure/Thylacine Red Male Skydancer (Any eyes, Plague/Water preferred)
Skink Sky/Trail Banana/Underbelly White Female Coatl (Thunder eyes)
Pinstripe Phthalo/Noxtide White/Chocolate Spines Male Guardian (Wind Eyes)

★ I wear a crown of the stars, and I am bright ★
Recent Comments


dont make me block you!!! ahdhdhhs /jk im lov u but dont!!!

same here! i was like "hmm that's interesting idk if i'll like it" and then first episode when star transformed my eyes literally turned into the starry gaze and i was SHOOK

yesss same!!!! one of the best transformation songs EVER! <3

Ahh, you're welcome! And thanks! They're my favorite as well, if you couldn't tell haha

Bonnie was on the front page!

Faux meme that you are...

Barney's about to meet his maker

Diaper beam lol

waga baga bobo

No thank you. But thank you for offering. :)

Once again, they produced four eggs. :)
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