[S] Fest Items Present to 2016

CrocodileCrunch's Clan
Welcome to the Circus of Mirrors
Clan Info
Hello there! Welcome to my Lair! ^^ I'm fairly new here, and +9 Fr time. Generally offline from 13:30-23:00 FR Time, so don't worry if I don't reply between those times :>
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or offers, I take mixed payments of Treasure/Gems/familiars etc. if you see something in my lair that you might like! I'm up for trading, fodder is priced at LAH per level. Dragons on the sales page would be preferred to go to non-exalt homes, as I'm hoping to keep tabs on their lineages!
My Breeding projects are for my colourful racing banescales, pastel and eyeburner mirrors. I have a bit of everything, and anything in my for sale page is free game! I'm working on some G1's and hopefully my Homestuck fandragons work out eventually, you can find them here:
My Main Clan-lore is centered around a traveling circus (shh I know that's a shadow thing I didnt know when I started heh) The Circus of Mirrors (pun intended) is constantly on the move, bringing entertainment and joy to dragons all over Sornieth. Merchants and artisans travel along, providing financial support to the circus when on the road, and the circus provides then with increased foot-traffic and advertising. The Circus of Mirrors is led by Marquis and the Emerald Convey, a shadowy group of Dragons who fund and run the Circus in the wings.
I am always open for collaboration with lore for bought or sold dragons, or even if you would like a dragon to have some history with my clan! The Circus of Mirrors welcomes all, and outcasts and traveling souls have always found a warm meal and a spot beside the fire.
W I S H L I S T: https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/27059664

by cassiopie
Happy to be here and be part of the community, and learning new things every time i log on!

by MoonsideTourist
Note to staff: @/FisherKing is my IRL friend, we might share IP address occasionally, she just started out so I'm helping her set up :3
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or offers, I take mixed payments of Treasure/Gems/familiars etc. if you see something in my lair that you might like! I'm up for trading, fodder is priced at LAH per level. Dragons on the sales page would be preferred to go to non-exalt homes, as I'm hoping to keep tabs on their lineages!
My Breeding projects are for my colourful racing banescales, pastel and eyeburner mirrors. I have a bit of everything, and anything in my for sale page is free game! I'm working on some G1's and hopefully my Homestuck fandragons work out eventually, you can find them here:
My Main Clan-lore is centered around a traveling circus (shh I know that's a shadow thing I didnt know when I started heh) The Circus of Mirrors (pun intended) is constantly on the move, bringing entertainment and joy to dragons all over Sornieth. Merchants and artisans travel along, providing financial support to the circus when on the road, and the circus provides then with increased foot-traffic and advertising. The Circus of Mirrors is led by Marquis and the Emerald Convey, a shadowy group of Dragons who fund and run the Circus in the wings.
I am always open for collaboration with lore for bought or sold dragons, or even if you would like a dragon to have some history with my clan! The Circus of Mirrors welcomes all, and outcasts and traveling souls have always found a warm meal and a spot beside the fire.
W I S H L I S T: https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/27059664

by cassiopie
Happy to be here and be part of the community, and learning new things every time i log on!

by MoonsideTourist
Note to staff: @/FisherKing is my IRL friend, we might share IP address occasionally, she just started out so I'm helping her set up :3
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all good, no worries :)

I saw your fan dragons and thought "man these remind me a lot of Homestuck" and then I read through your profile and lo and behold! I really like how you did Snowman, I immediately thought of her upon seeing your dragon. Also Ridley is very well dressed

Do let me know in the future if you decide to sell #68468767! She's a dreamie ^^

Sorry about the accidental request

You're welcome, and thank you! She's my favorite dragon! :D

Blanche (#26395859) was on the front page!

Just wanted to thank you for selling me Crackel ^-^ I've had him since he was a hatchling and now he's one of my favorite Coli grinders!

Thanks for buying the obbie! Also i love this circus thing its very cool!!!

aaa thanks so much! btw your lair theme is brilliant (and I love seeing mirrors so appreciated) <3

Ja hello!! Dis altyd nice om nog iemand hier te kry wat afrikaans praat maar ook bitter skaars so jy't my nou omtrent van n kant af gevang x'D Maar baie dankie, ek's bly jy hou van my goed ; w ;

Thank you, I love your circus mirrors!

Oh hectic! Its still cool though, spore is a cool game! You're bringing back memories XD
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