New colors - numbered!
Dyrim's Clan
Lofty ambitions steel the soul.
Clan Info
Good day! It's me. I'm sure you know me.
I need dragons that are steel/jade/obsidian. I'll pay between 100% and 250% of the dragon's approximate market price depending on the exactness of the match. Most dragons, no matter name, breed, age, or genes would be accepted.
I practice random acts of kindness.
5/35 Exalt babies for next lair upgrade.
Scroll up Parell+mate, he deserves it.
Trip beige ripple/current/okapi boynoc + trip grey same genes ladynoc: why are our kids so flamboyant??
Tealy bap: mate will be imp.noct coalish/stonewashish/denimish with clown.tiger.speckle/seraph/underbelly.glimmer
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You sure it was me? If it was, the dragon was fodder, but thanks anyway!
How do I feed them? I use all my gathering turns on Seafood and grind fodder in the Mire for the rest. As for remembering who they are, I just love them a lot I guess?
Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm really glad you liked Maxwell. ^^
Whoa! Cool. I've always wanted to breed more dragons that look like my progenator, I've been here for a while just picked it back up. Send me a ping if you're interested in breeding anything and we can split eggs or something.
Ahaha yes. That is why I never go to those big conventions filled with them from there ((Rihannsu colloquialism for Federation folk and not exactly nice)) and only come out every once in a while.
Haha neither do I. I did it once and literally had to be in bed for two days afterwards. And it wasn't even at a con, just for Halloween. It was pretty hard to take disabled!Romulan seriously, hobbling around with a cane. OH WELL.
*mad cackling* YES your souuuuuullllll!
Haha, thanks. I've dressed in full gear as a Romulan before, too (those forehead ridges are awful to put on).
It's always good when I hear of the successes of my signature. It's also good that I hold yet another soul in my hands. c:
Try looking at my lair. You can tell what dragons I bought pre-named (and all the Zais I'm holding for a friend) and what dragons are mine. XDDD
Bahaha now how would you guess the Trekkie part? c:
Oh I see thank you too bad she is out of my league for now thank you anyway
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