Hi there! Welcome to Flight Rising (FR), and the Ice Flight! We're happy to have you as a new icicle :D
I recommend you check out our newbie welcome hub here:https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl6/3294758. There's a bunch of links and information geared specifically towards new icicles like yourself, to help you get the snowball rolling on Flight Rising and make the early stages easier for you. There's a lot to do on FR and we hope the information makes it easier to navigate everything; but it's totally cool if you'd prefer to go at your own pace instead!
In the hub, you can also find some information about getting a free dragon and familiar. You can also leave an introduction and meet fellow newbies!
We're very happy to have you, and hope you have a chill time here in Ice!
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I recommend you check out our newbie welcome hub here:https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl6/3294758. There's a bunch of links and information geared specifically towards new icicles like yourself, to help you get the snowball rolling on Flight Rising and make the early stages easier for you. There's a lot to do on FR and we hope the information makes it easier to navigate everything; but it's totally cool if you'd prefer to go at your own pace instead!
In the hub, you can also find some information about getting a free dragon and familiar. You can also leave an introduction and meet fellow newbies!
We're very happy to have you, and hope you have a chill time here in Ice!