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Rakizna's Clan

We're all mad here...
Venerable Lair
in the
Wispwillow Grove icon

Clan Info

Welcome to the Shadeloom Clan!

Note that I am a mobile user primarily, although I'm occasionally on my laptop. Mobile use is convenient, but sometimes... interesting. XD
Note to mods/whomever it may concern: My brother also has an account and we use the same Internet connection at times.

Badge Dragon
Avatar Dragon


I collect fandragons and dragons with special eyes, lineages, and cool ID numbers! Feel free to randomly show me dragons of all types!

The Shadeloom Clan is proud to host members of several lineages, including (but not limited to) the following:
  • The Starwood Seers (multiple lines)
  • Phantasmagoric Apotheosis (multiple lines)
  • Aion Argenti
  • Chaotic Oneiromancers (my own G1 project)
  • Temple of Non (my own project)
  • Dark Oaks Legacy
  • Bubblegum Inferno
  • Ignis (multiple lines)
  • Naomi Lineage (multiple lines)
  • The Avariels
  • Voidsingers
  • The Firstborn
  • Sunset's Legacy
  • Lupes Subspecies
  • Mechanical Wants

Each dragon here came to arrive in Wispwillow Grove with the clan's progenitors, Grimmshade and Yewtangle. This clan is a (loose) matriarchy, meaning that where possible and when applicable, a female dragon's name will be listed first.

This clan covers different regions that are found in and around Wispwillow Grove:
  • The Shadeloom Sanctuary- This sunlit cove is where Grimmshade and Yewtangle first carved out a space for their band of misfits in the Grove, and where they remain settled to this day, along with some of their many children, grandchildren, and friends (both biological and adoptive). They provide hospitality and affection to the creatures who find their way into the Grove, although with a measure of put-on grouchiness from Grimmshade who insists that newcomers are nothing but a waste of time even as she prepares them food from her stores and a warm place to sleep.
  • The Sunrise Swale - This marshy outskirt of the Grove is where many dragons choose to hunt and explore, seeking an abundance of prey and useful plants.
  • The Moonrise Mountain - The mountain that watches over the Grove is home to many dragons of the clan who prefer quiet and contemplation, rather than the hustling homes and tavern of the Sanctuary. This is also the home of the clan's doctor and his extended family.
  • The Elderwild - This dense and tangled thicket of the Wispwillow Grove is home to dragons who represent nature in its raw and untamed form, equally beautiful and merciless, comforting and dangerous, providing and taking away. These dragons are proud to be part of the clan, yet they rarely interact with their clan mates unless there is grave danger or great need.
  • The Chthonic Cavern - This is a deep and winding cave beneath the mountain. Dark and gaping, only the bravest (and often the fiercest) dragons choose to make their lairs in here... And yet, it's a valuable source of minerals and raw materials for the clan and their visitors.
  • Odin's Outcrop - This is the hibernal den for the clan, where they can rest and sleep peacefully, sheltered by the mountain and yet never too far from their friends and family.

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Starrysaur's avatar
February 03, 2024 03:07:28
Welcome to Flight Rising!! It's always nice to see new players! Also, I sent you a gift!
Chonchou's avatar
February 03, 2024 02:29:42
Thanks for buying Drizzlefade !!
Dragonqueen1215's avatar
February 02, 2024 20:21:03
No need to send any treasure! Sent the crossroad (should just be able to access through notifs)!
Everlux's avatar
February 02, 2024 16:26:59
Welcome to FR! I hope you're enjoying the warm welcome, just wanted to stop by and compliment your progens cuz their colours work well together, and that's pretty lucky! Yewtangle is legit the perfect name for that dragon I'm a big fan of browns and greens

Anyway, enjoy your time here, get settled, and if there's anything you need trust that I or another player will be happy to help :D
Wisdum's avatar
February 02, 2024 13:54:00
Haha yes! Tbf the pinglist system is only a couple months old, so it's fair to get used to that. Glad you saw some pairs you liked :D
Wisdum's avatar
February 01, 2024 09:19:47
Hey! I saw you're wanting an aether. I run a hatchery (which is a bunch of dragons paired together to make pretty babies sold in a specific place) and I've got some really pretty aether pairs! I'll include the link if you'd like to look through! If you're interested you can sign up to be pinged, I'll help u if you don't know how ^^
Dragonqueen1215's avatar
February 01, 2024 09:15:27
Saw on the forums you wanted to get your hands on a aether!
I have one that's just collecting dust! I was planning on selling him or something, but if you'd like I could totally send him over to you ^^
GlowZipper's avatar
February 01, 2024 04:52:52
Correct my friend :>
GlowZipper's avatar
February 01, 2024 04:49:38
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Date Joined
Feb 1, 2024

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prehistory's avatar
prehistory (#339028)

having an identity crisis
JoonTheGayest's avatar
JoonTheGayest (#699262)
Dragonqueen1215's avatar
Dragonqueen1215 (#430755)

Decide you don't like it, then burn it in the street
Bisharpamor's avatar
Bisharpamor (#388994)

The crazy clan conquers all!
Chonchou's avatar
Chonchou (#686168)

Starrysaur's avatar
Starrysaur (#519166)

I was born to lose 'cause I'm a fool for love!
Everlux's avatar
Everlux (#535672)

lightweaver help my lair, too many residents...

Recent Activity

Feb 27
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Nocturne Male
Feb 25
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Obelisk Female, 1 Obelisk Male
Feb 25
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Imperial Male, 1 Imperial Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 26
Tay-Per or Ta-Pier?
Feb 25
Don’t Play Koi With Me
Feb 25
You Didn’t Mean “Myriad”?
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