dedinonuggies' Clan
Clan Info

the kingdom of Pekoria is a powerful clan of dragons that hold many secrets and powerful magic.
The Crystal Fea was the kingdom that once stood on their lands but was destroyed by the power-hungry clan, 'the Entu'.
the queen's daughter, Dusk, fell in love with a skydancer who manipulated her to lower the kingdom's guard and let the entu in and attack.
the princess survived the kingdom massacre and built a new kingdom from scratch, recruiting dragons who were previously Crystal Fea citizens or the royal army.
dusk bore the child of the entu prince and raised her to be kind and understanding and NOTHING like the entu.
in this magical story, you will find romance, heartbreak, magic, betrayal, and grief.
stay tuned to here any updates! <3
Recent Comments

Corela was on the front page

Corela was on the front page :)

if anyone has a boon of fertility i would really appreciate it if i could have it, in return you can have 20,000 treasure

narnla was on the Random Dragon!

narnla was on the front page!


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