AlmostHuman's Clan
Clan Info

DC2.~Df/"Skull drake" G~(mn) L- W- T Pfhtw~ Sku,hf Cgr- A- Nj M/ Fo/p+++! R+++! J S I# V---"Phytokinesis" Tc-- E+++!
I'm a WOF reader who does art as a hobby and has a oddity hoard. I'm also a terrible gamer who plays like a 7 year old who just discovered barbie's flash games aren't the only games out there.
Looking for more dragon buddies

Pupa a Fae dragon who's dedicated her life to coliseum fighting used to live alone in the Nature Flight, once she was building her lair she's met a Guardian dragon named Rubrik, they became friends and Rubrik made her his charge, after sometime they became a couple.
Eventually a Snapper dragon named Mietra joins into their den and becomes one of their allies, some days after Billar, a Nocturnal dragon also joins in with them and becomes Mietra's mate.
Pupa and Rubrik hatches their two eggs, Gloom and Coral, and they get lectured by Mietra and Billar until they grow older.
After some years Mietra and Billar hatch Stoico, Baltimorre and Phlox, but go their separate ways but still raise their dragonets together.
Coral and Phlox would become great friends and grow really fond of each other, Baltimorre and Gloom would also interact with one another and grow closer, Gloom would start having weird interests and grow to find it plesurable to hurt his brother and Mietra's dragonets as well with murdering smaller creatures.
One day, a Mirror dragonet showed up in their den from the woods and started living with them, that was Floki, a weird little dragon no one knew from where he came, he was the only dragonet who would confront Gloom about his wrongdoing when no one else would.
While on a walk in the woods Floki finds there collapsed a younger dragonet, he had no idea what kind of dragon he was as he has never seen one like him before. Once Floki takes him back to the den, no one but Mietra knew the little dragon was actually a Gaoler dragon, he didn't remember anything from before despite his own name "Anstice".
Anstice was really introverted and anxious around the others, so he would live with Stoico and Mietra, and eventually move in with Stoico once he had his own lair.
Coral, Phlox and Floki would visit Stoico almost everyday as it was Floki's demand to always be nearby him, and because of that Floki ended up following Coral and Phlox around to do that more often since Phlox would visit his brother quite frequently and Floki needed an excuse to always be there. Floki hated Anstice for no apparent reason and not even Anstice knew why.
Anstice never left the den to interact with anyone for years now nor has he ever talked to them in all of that time living with them.
That would have changed once a Tundra dragon joined in within Pupa's clan, It was a female named Ophelia that has been wandering alone for a couple years now, she's moved from the Plague flight to the Nature Flight looking for a change in her life.
She really quickly befriended Coral and Phlox and made Floki stick around too, she made them grow closer to each other and all of the 4 quickly became best friends who where always together, because of that, she ended up meeting Anstice, and she and him became inseparable, she even manage to make Floki not hate Anstice.
Everything was fine and happy until Gloom fell in love with a female fae named Aurora he's met at his coliseum fights, she wanted to become a coliseum winner and both of them quickly got along, Gloom took her to live withing the clan as soon as he's realised they both wanted the same thing and had the exact same goals.
No one liked Aurora, especially Pupa, Aurora would mistreat everyone withing the Clan and she would steal from Pupa's treasure and apparels she hoarded, eventually Pupa and Gloom had an argument which resulted in Gloom challenging her into a duel where he tried to kill her and take over the clan.
He lost the duel and got banned from the clan, him and Aurora were forced to leave the clan's territory and find another place to live, Gloom however was planning to attack again when no one suspected, he managed to make Baltimorre comply to delivering him messages about how Pupa's Clan was doing and about their routine so he knew the right time to try and kill Pupa, his plans failed as Baltimorre got discovered and got banned as well, Baltimorre would get mistreated by Gloom everyday and used as a dummy for Gloom's gladiator training.
With that ocurrence Pupa has gone insane and could only think about building forces always expecting an army coming to attack everyone under Gloom's command, she didn't trust anyone any longer, she became obssesed with replacing Gloom and having someone she knew she could trust blindly, so she had more dragonets with Rubrik and completely Isolated herself with the eggs in a incubator fortress she built until they would all hatch.
She's gone from a lovable dragon who protected and cared for everyone, to a completely deranged and aggressive dragon to all of the others within the clan who would enter the fortress, even her beloved mate, who was left behind thinking about how he has failed as a guardian dragon for not being able to protect his charge properly.
Everyone left in the clan did not know what was their next move regarding her, the dragonets were all adults now and only Mietra, Billar and Rubrik were still living in the original clan location where everything started.
No one wanted to especially Rubrik, but they all left that place leaving Pupa behind in the fortress, there was nothing that could be done for her anymore.
Rubrik became the new clan's chief and Billar and Mietra followed after him, they all decided they would live near the now grown dragonets and restart from there.
Eventually a Snapper dragon named Mietra joins into their den and becomes one of their allies, some days after Billar, a Nocturnal dragon also joins in with them and becomes Mietra's mate.
Pupa and Rubrik hatches their two eggs, Gloom and Coral, and they get lectured by Mietra and Billar until they grow older.
After some years Mietra and Billar hatch Stoico, Baltimorre and Phlox, but go their separate ways but still raise their dragonets together.
Coral and Phlox would become great friends and grow really fond of each other, Baltimorre and Gloom would also interact with one another and grow closer, Gloom would start having weird interests and grow to find it plesurable to hurt his brother and Mietra's dragonets as well with murdering smaller creatures.
One day, a Mirror dragonet showed up in their den from the woods and started living with them, that was Floki, a weird little dragon no one knew from where he came, he was the only dragonet who would confront Gloom about his wrongdoing when no one else would.
While on a walk in the woods Floki finds there collapsed a younger dragonet, he had no idea what kind of dragon he was as he has never seen one like him before. Once Floki takes him back to the den, no one but Mietra knew the little dragon was actually a Gaoler dragon, he didn't remember anything from before despite his own name "Anstice".
Anstice was really introverted and anxious around the others, so he would live with Stoico and Mietra, and eventually move in with Stoico once he had his own lair.
Coral, Phlox and Floki would visit Stoico almost everyday as it was Floki's demand to always be nearby him, and because of that Floki ended up following Coral and Phlox around to do that more often since Phlox would visit his brother quite frequently and Floki needed an excuse to always be there. Floki hated Anstice for no apparent reason and not even Anstice knew why.
Anstice never left the den to interact with anyone for years now nor has he ever talked to them in all of that time living with them.
That would have changed once a Tundra dragon joined in within Pupa's clan, It was a female named Ophelia that has been wandering alone for a couple years now, she's moved from the Plague flight to the Nature Flight looking for a change in her life.
She really quickly befriended Coral and Phlox and made Floki stick around too, she made them grow closer to each other and all of the 4 quickly became best friends who where always together, because of that, she ended up meeting Anstice, and she and him became inseparable, she even manage to make Floki not hate Anstice.
Everything was fine and happy until Gloom fell in love with a female fae named Aurora he's met at his coliseum fights, she wanted to become a coliseum winner and both of them quickly got along, Gloom took her to live withing the clan as soon as he's realised they both wanted the same thing and had the exact same goals.
No one liked Aurora, especially Pupa, Aurora would mistreat everyone withing the Clan and she would steal from Pupa's treasure and apparels she hoarded, eventually Pupa and Gloom had an argument which resulted in Gloom challenging her into a duel where he tried to kill her and take over the clan.
He lost the duel and got banned from the clan, him and Aurora were forced to leave the clan's territory and find another place to live, Gloom however was planning to attack again when no one suspected, he managed to make Baltimorre comply to delivering him messages about how Pupa's Clan was doing and about their routine so he knew the right time to try and kill Pupa, his plans failed as Baltimorre got discovered and got banned as well, Baltimorre would get mistreated by Gloom everyday and used as a dummy for Gloom's gladiator training.
With that ocurrence Pupa has gone insane and could only think about building forces always expecting an army coming to attack everyone under Gloom's command, she didn't trust anyone any longer, she became obssesed with replacing Gloom and having someone she knew she could trust blindly, so she had more dragonets with Rubrik and completely Isolated herself with the eggs in a incubator fortress she built until they would all hatch.
She's gone from a lovable dragon who protected and cared for everyone, to a completely deranged and aggressive dragon to all of the others within the clan who would enter the fortress, even her beloved mate, who was left behind thinking about how he has failed as a guardian dragon for not being able to protect his charge properly.
Everyone left in the clan did not know what was their next move regarding her, the dragonets were all adults now and only Mietra, Billar and Rubrik were still living in the original clan location where everything started.
No one wanted to especially Rubrik, but they all left that place leaving Pupa behind in the fortress, there was nothing that could be done for her anymore.
Rubrik became the new clan's chief and Billar and Mietra followed after him, they all decided they would live near the now grown dragonets and restart from there.
Recent Comments

minha gang ta cresceno #dergelavenceu


pupa euto triste :( não veio derg famoso falar comigo quando eu entrei aqui mas foram em todos vocês, to me sentindo carente ;-;

ih ala, ta rosinha


Sim, por favor, eu não aguento mais essa vida de pro player do Fairgrounds, eu ralo ralo ralo em troca de migalhas, enquanto que derg do pix faz em 1 dia o que eu faço em 10 anos

nooossa desculpa, eu não sabia que você fazia parte do dragão do pix 🤓 vou até apagar o outro comentário pra não levantarem suspeita da nossa conversa 🤪

mano num da pupa, ta tendo muito dragão do pix, cuidiado

pupa cade butão de adicionar

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