Theme Week: Winter Dragons!

ArzChaos' Clan
meow meow meow meow. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
Clan Info
Arz // 18 // reject humanity, become mass of shapes and colors
Stuff I'm Working On:
Lore writing (Designs, short bios, figuring out overarching story)(This is gonna take a while since its de-prioritized relative to my main creative projects)
Format: Illustrated writing
(good news chat the plot is cooking as we speak)
Commissions/owed art/etc
Trying to hatch this guy
Tertiary Everlux Gene: Eclipse
Secondary Everlux Gene: Crown
Primary Everlux Gene: Throne
Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Augment
Stuff I'm Working On:
Lore writing (Designs, short bios, figuring out overarching story)(This is gonna take a while since its de-prioritized relative to my main creative projects)
Format: Illustrated writing
(good news chat the plot is cooking as we speak)
Commissions/owed art/etc
Trying to hatch this guy

the silly
Tertiary Everlux Gene: Eclipse
Secondary Everlux Gene: Crown
Primary Everlux Gene: Throne
Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Augment
Recent Comments


Plasma (#84829473) was on the front page!

Howdy, and welcome to Flight Rising! Thanks for buying Oxide, hope you enjoy her. :)
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