Looking for Cream/Iris/ Moderns
DJ1347's Clan
Just a character maker who loves dragons!
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Hello! I’m DJ! Welcome to my clan. I am always open to friend requests and chatting:)
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Hiya DJ, how ya been?
It looks like my pfp dragon, Astraio (#49400084, Cream/Bubblegum/Antique) has a 2.22% chance of producing a Cream/Iris offspring with Plinthgrowth. Technically also a chance of producing Royal (0.02%). I'll probably run a clutch of these guys when I get a chance, if I don't hear from you before then.
Sorry about the delayed response, I was inactive when you asked.
Hey there! I don't know if you're still active and still working on that Cream/Iris/Royal project, but I'm willing to talk about Plinthgrowth/#51479943! I'm kind of fond of her/not TERRIBLY inclined to sell her outright, but I'd certainly be down for a temp trade (of indefinite duration, on the honor system) for you to breed clutches with her! I'm not very scientific with how I breed dragons so I don't even know if I have another dragon with a decent chance to produce cream/iris with Plinthgrowth.
Hey there! #35412664 doesn't get nested very often, but if I happen to get a cream/iris bab at some point, I'll let you know! ^^
hello! sorry, I won't be breeding malus ever :(
Hey! Commenting here since I can't reply to pms atm, but that's fine! Thank you for notifying me in case there are hatchlings from Sakon :]
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