Imperial Space-Stone Pair Hatchery

MinaiTeratzi's Clan
Local genderqueer, trying to raise some dragons...
Clan Info
Call me Minai!(she/they)
(Currently working on ~~
The Lore
Clan is divided in 2 locations, South Snowsquall Tundra and the Frozen Sanctum
While the bulk of the Clan is located in the South Snowsquall Tundra and mountain area, the Clan is known for raising students to be brought to the
Frozen Sanctum to attend to the Oculus, if they so wish.
(Currently working on ~~

Clan is divided in 2 locations, South Snowsquall Tundra and the Frozen Sanctum
While the bulk of the Clan is located in the South Snowsquall Tundra and mountain area, the Clan is known for raising students to be brought to the
Frozen Sanctum to attend to the Oculus, if they so wish.
Recent Comments

Dionysus was on the front page!

Hi! I was just checking where some of my hatchlings ended up, and I'm SO happy to see Din is part of a LoZ lair! It's my favorite series of all time and I'll be checking your lair often <3

Hey cheers! The Great Fairies are always fun to make! :D

Thanks! I see your Din and Nayru dragons, good luck finding Farore! ^_^

Sunset just made the front page, congratulations!

I saw your little Imperial in the Impulse buyer's thread and I just had to congratulate you on your good impulse!
What a beauty!

Thank you so much for the pretty little baby!

It’s fine! Also your rented nest has four eggs!

Thank you for your compliments for Nightingale about her outfit >:3 it inspired me to actually go write her some lore which I'd been meaning to do for a while

No worries on it- I just dealt with the cruel realization of one of my own pairs being related as well. Feel free to send the fixed pair whenever. :D
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