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Aquillia's Clan

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will
Ancient Lair
in the
Wispwillow Grove icon

Clan Info

Previously known as BenevolentMyths

Hatchery | Art Shop | Skin Shop | Lore Shop

Clan Tenebris

You shouldn't be here.

That's what every part of your
body tells you.

It's what the environment tells you. The gnarled trees' branches
reach out for your soul and the
unnatural stillness in the woods
around you is unsettling at best.

You know that. Yet you still approach, curiosity outweighing fear.

As you walk through the woods, you trip on something: an old sign made of festering wood. It's faded and broken and barely legible, but you can still make out what it says:

Turn back... if you value your life.


'Are you lost?'

The voice echoes through the Tangled Wood like a breath of wind, coming from everywhere yet impossible to pinpoint.

'You are, aren't you?'

There's a rustle from behind you, but the moment you turn to look, the undergrowth is still, the only light being that of the glowshrooms native to the area.

'Oh, Traveller,' the voice sighs, 'don't be scared.

'I think you'll come to like it here.'


Many dragons say that Clan Tenebris isn't made of the shadows, but is part of them.

A more accurate description would be that they're like them. Like shadows in the way they spread, never just inhabiting one part of Sornieth, but spreading themselves from the Tangled Wood to the very edge of the Southern Icefield and beyond.

The specifics are unclear, but rumour has it the Clan grew too large for the Tangled Wood and so separated, keen to explore more of the world while still within the comfort of their Clan, but some left it entirely, perhaps seeking to join a new one.

Different factions of the Clan exist, each having their own leaders and own rules, but in the end, all subject to the authority of the Council of Clan Tenebris.



Deep in the Tangled Wood, there is a city with tall spires and arching gates. Within it are multiple groups who are part of Clan Tenebris, but they all belong to the same faction, and with that, the same leader: Moon.

That is the only thing they share though. Within the faction itself, dragons of all backgrounds and skillsets roam. There are nobles and aristocrats, artisans and traders, soldiers, thieves and even murderers. That said, it comes as no surprise the Tangled Wood is easily the largest of the factions of Clan Tenebris.


"Give me a choice between light and dark and I will choose dark... every single time."

English | Español
Artist | Writer


Hey! I'm Aquillia, a bilingual artist, writer and pixel dragon
collector... among other things.

My pronouns are she/her but I don't mind they/them.
I'm also bi and taken.

While I do my best to come on FR every day, I am also a student
and more often than not, have a lot of work to do. Unfortunately,
pixel dragons don't take priority.

That said, I will always answer any messages sent to me as soon
as I can (provided I don't forget). I do like mail.

In the near future, I also hope to open art, lore and skin shops
to get gems to fund my numerous projects on this site. If you're
interested, don't hesitate to send me a message.



XxLugiaxX and I share an IP address (he's my brother).

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Deladria's avatar
February 22, 2025 04:37:34
Civra was the random dragon just now. Simple and effective look!
AstorTheDisaster's avatar
August 19, 2024 09:29:56
Algae (#75332183) was on the front page!
noirlecrow's avatar
May 29, 2024 19:52:05
Vasylyna (#72079710) was on the front page!!
Pashinko's avatar
February 19, 2024 10:09:50
Thank you! He's looking quite dapper as the Gloom boy in my rainbow project~
XenoModule's avatar
February 13, 2024 13:16:25
Three eggs from both pairs giving an egg total of six!
SlightSuccess' avatar
January 16, 2024 02:22:11
Hey, if you ever become active again, I would like to buy Mond #71600477. She’s perfect for my subspecies with one gene adjustment.
Iminox's avatar
August 16, 2022 08:06:34
Whoops, sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much! :D Your lair is gorgeous as well!
gbot13's avatar
July 21, 2022 10:59:33
Ellipsis was on the front page!
ClockworkAnomaly's avatar
July 14, 2022 21:00:11
saw your comment! your pair is now accounted for :)
Krinharth's avatar
July 01, 2022 07:48:18
Ah ok. Thanks
Krinharth's avatar
June 30, 2022 23:23:04
Hi! you asc flint female ping 79157776
Illuminadi8's avatar
June 12, 2022 04:19:49
5 eggs!! I’m on a roll lately lol, it’s great xD
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Date Joined
Aug 16, 2021

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XxSnowfallxX's avatar
XxSnowfallxX (#561698)
FenJi's avatar
FenJi (#363014)

IamNoHere's avatar
IamNoHere (#563831)

Two friends, one head
HoneyedBee's avatar
HoneyedBee (#469476)

we ping becase we care
Kaminotea's avatar
Kaminotea (#345764)

Do you see under my hood, Cypher?
BlueTangerine's avatar
BlueTangerine (#583357)

that's how *every* it gets
Scorisyn's avatar
Scorisyn (#577781)

avoidance never heals but it sure feels good
MegaAbsols' avatar
MegaAbsols (#218719)

Make the Shadows you want to See in the World
moonspar's avatar
moonspar (#37080)
XxLugiaxX's avatar
XxLugiaxX (#592851)

Recent Activity

Apr 01
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Veilspun Male
Mar 03
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Banescale Male, 1 Banescale Female
Mar 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Obelisk Male, 2 Obelisk Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 03
You Could Say I am a Regular (14)
Mar 03
You Could Say I am a Regular (7)
Mar 03
Dominance Discount Dealmaker
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