2024 Brightshine Coli Challenge

IzzytheBatpone's Clan
Clan of the Fireflies
Clan Info
Howdy there, my name is Izzy, it’s nice to meet you! I’m always looking forward to meeting new friends on here! ^^ ❤️
Yowie Wowie!
I also look forward to experiencing all flights, starting with Nature Arcane and so on.
Favorite Breeds: Tundra, Obelisk and Abberration
Yowie Wowie!
I also look forward to experiencing all flights, starting with Nature Arcane and so on.
Favorite Breeds: Tundra, Obelisk and Abberration
Recent Comments

Googly eyed snappers are S tier. Hands down.

Wow Frostfury is so majestic


Hazel was on the front page!

<3 thank you for you comment! I can't wait to breed her + her mate :D

Hello, and welcome to Flight Rising!
Nature's Seedling Thread has links to guides and other flight activities for you to get started, here: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl10/2396809

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