TheDayzEye's Clan
Clan Info

Skaidrum had always been a through and through wind dragon, He has sourn through the sky for years without rest. He paints the sky and shares the stories through the wind. That is his purpose, to share the stories of his clan. But during an evening flight he bumps into another dragon, literally. The two tumble down to the earth landing with a thud on the solid ground.
Skaidrum initially annoyed heaves himself up ready to roar at whoever knocked him out of his element but stops when he sees the fae dragon looking back at him, another member of windclan by the looks of her eyes but he had never seen her in the skies before.
She jumps up excitedly and apologizes for knocking him out of the sky, she goes on to explain that she doesn’t fly much which shocks the sky dragon, flying is in the very nature of a wind dragon. He questions her and is surprised by her response.
She tells him that she too spent all her time in the skies but one day she just had to come down, curiosity got the best of her. She tells him of the beauty in the nature around them that she fell in love with and that she couldn’t bring herself to leave it.
He seems confused by her words, not understanding why you would ever leave the sky; so she shows him her world, the creatures and flora, the amazing colours and life. He is in awe by the beauty he has flown over all these years.
He asks her what about the stories of their clan, how will she share them. She simply laughs at him and explains that dragons are all over the place, she has heard and shared so many stories she had never heard before coming down from the skies. He understood because hadn’t heard of her story before.
As he spends the sunset with her on a mountain in the Viridian. The mountain is covered in climbing vines and vegetation, with one lone tree leaning over the edge, below it a large cave.
He knows he should go back to the skies but he wants to spend more time in this new world and with her. So he does. They travel all over the place meeting dragons from all flights of life. They do this for a few weeks.
They once again sit atop the lonely tree watching the sunset but Skiadrum realises he had more knowledge and stories than he ever had before, that as well as happiness. As with his urge to go to the sky he has the more powerful urge to stay with her.
He feels growing guilt in his heart, he is thinking of leaving his home clan of wind to make a life with her in the nature below. Windsinger would never forgive him but at that very thought he felt a soft and warm gust of wind blow over him, singing a soft tune. He took a deep breath of that wind and felt it in his heart, It was windsinger telling him it’s alright.
And so he asks her to start a lair with him atop that very mountain. A place where all dragons from whatever clan are welcome to come share their stories. A place of safety and growth. She agrees wholeheartedly.
And they do just that, dragons from all over the world join their den from all elements and breeds, colours and sizes. Some only stay for a while to tell their stories and share their knowledge and some decide to stay in the safety and protection of this new home. A home welcome to all.
The Gladekeeper has accepted your new allegiance, and welcomes you into their domain. Go forth, proud new nature clan, and make a name for yourself!
Hey! I'm new to everything so please teach me your ways hehe :3
8 hours ahead of FR time
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Nice job!