Dandelion's Art Shop | Closed

DandelionDreams' Clan
Clan Info
Welcome to the MoonThorn Warren! This verdant hollow and the tunnels below are home to a tight-knit community of dragons, led by the fae Owynn! The MoonThorn Warren is a safe haven for all who need it, a secure little bolt-hole deep in the forest. Feel free to explore its earthen passages and seek the secrets within!
this is a NON-EXALTING lair. I have never exalted a dragon and never intend to.
I’m Dandelion, the overseer of this clan! I’m agender, but go by any pronouns- my favorites being he/him. I’m an artist too, and looking to gain some gems via commissions! It’s appreciated if you check out my commission shop, see if you’re interested in purchasing anything!
this is a NON-EXALTING lair. I have never exalted a dragon and never intend to.
I’m Dandelion, the overseer of this clan! I’m agender, but go by any pronouns- my favorites being he/him. I’m an artist too, and looking to gain some gems via commissions! It’s appreciated if you check out my commission shop, see if you’re interested in purchasing anything!

Recent Comments

Goober /aff :)

I am very happy to know that about Shaami and Shamrock's children! Thanks!

Hey! I got to admit, you have a very large collection. If you ever want to breed one of your’s with one of mine, then let me know.

I just realized- Laurel and Evania have the sane primary genes! (and secondary, but they are different colors)

Thanks for buying Eftirsja! I hope she does well for you.

Sure, I don't mind. I'll pop them up in a PA for the samd price

Thank you for buying my dragonet Slate! <3

Thank you very much! Also, welcome to F!. Looks like we have the same birthday, too! < 3

Greetings and welcome to Flight Rising! There are links to guides and flight activities in Nature's seedling thread. Hope to meet you there: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl10/2396809
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