WalrusesOhBoy's Clan
I, uh, thought this was a walrus breeding game
Clan Info
MTG Theme:
Each dragon in the "-Color" tabs is given a broadcast message to match the name of a card from Magic The Gathering, basically whichever card they most resemble to me. Almost every dragon, except the ones in The Party tab, is given a certain combination of mana symbols (AKA: color) to reflect their vibe as perceived through an MTG lens.
Unowned Dragon Silhouettes:
Imperial F
Ridgeback F
Snapper F
Tundra F
Sandsurge F
Aberration M
Coatl M
Gaoler M
Undertide M
Wildclaw M
Each dragon in the "-Color" tabs is given a broadcast message to match the name of a card from Magic The Gathering, basically whichever card they most resemble to me. Almost every dragon, except the ones in The Party tab, is given a certain combination of mana symbols (AKA: color) to reflect their vibe as perceived through an MTG lens.
Unowned Dragon Silhouettes:
Imperial F
Ridgeback F
Snapper F
Tundra F
Sandsurge F
Aberration M
Coatl M
Gaoler M
Undertide M
Wildclaw M
Recent Comments
Sweetmarsh was on the front page! This is such a cool MTG lair - basing the tabs off the color groups is fantastic. Big fan of Soot!
A friend linked me to your lair, I'm obsessed with the themeing. Sweetmarsh (great simic rep!) Tatyana, and the one you have for brazen upstart are some of my favorites!
Bloodstepped was on the front page!
i thought I recognized somebody from discord so I searched for walrus in usernames and... your username-avatar combo is amazing
Fumes was on the front page!
Zircon was on the random dragon spotlight!!
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