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Weirdo's Clan

Romarique Portelaine (Romarique Portelaine)
Ancient Lair
carved into
Terraclae icon

Clan Info


Recent Comments

ADFX01's avatar
April 01, 2015 12:43:35
I found your Testosterone on the front page somehow
Niharike's avatar
February 22, 2015 07:58:31
hey can you please ping me when/if you release that Moonlight Reveler Accent
Aeonox's avatar
February 05, 2015 06:02:50
Most welcome! ^_^ Also wooooah you have an Ancient Lair! :0 Grats on that too!
Nerd's avatar
February 04, 2015 01:29:04
I fear what the future holds for us all
Vaixation's avatar
February 02, 2015 13:17:40
I was looking through my friends list, and was super confused as to who you were until I looked at your Tumblr - when did you switch usernames?! xDD And how have you been?
Nerd's avatar
December 05, 2014 05:07:12
I'm going to be able to close my eyes and appear as though I'm in deep thought, when in reality I'll be Google-ing chocolate cake recipes.
Nerd's avatar
December 05, 2014 05:01:43
WHAT am I going to finally live my dream of being a real life cyborg? Does it get any better than this?
Nerd's avatar
December 05, 2014 04:57:42
I read that in the go-go Gadget voice
OverlordFreya's avatar
November 10, 2014 16:53:48
Gorgeous skin entry! It would also be super cool as an accent :D
Shulk's avatar
October 13, 2014 12:20:23
Ah thank you! As do you.
Dork's avatar
September 14, 2014 07:39:02
TadpoleTalks' avatar
July 17, 2014 03:33:12
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Weirdo's Friends

Jingles' avatar
Jingles (#848)

[X] Genuflect
WeiYing's avatar
WeiYing (#4275)

despite everything, it's still you. stay determined!
Nephele's avatar
Nephele (#5705)

If you do not ask, how will you know?
Noxious' avatar
Noxious (#4067)

returning player - haven't been on since 2017ish
Lycan's avatar
Lycan (#1038)

Mostly here for the Achievos. Working on an Ancient Layer.
Raine's avatar
Raine (#460)
Amerlan's avatar
Amerlan (#837)

*hides in a pile of eggs*
LadyWizard's avatar
LadyWizard (#923)
Berenil's avatar
Berenil (#5803)

Solvere volo et solvi volo.
Ipiktusuktuqa's avatar
Ipiktusuktuqa (#5243)

Recent Activity

Oct 15
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Snapper Female, 1 Snapper Male, 1 Obelisk Male
Sep 30
Became friends with Porcupie0506
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Sep 28
Became friends with nonkiru
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Sep 30
Special Eyes (Goat)
Jul 24
A Refined Underbelly
Jul 24
What Did the Arcanist Do Now?
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