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Brackenheart's Clan

Mighty Lair
overlooking the
Gladeveins icon

Clan Info


The Everbloom Garden
b r a c k e n h e a r t' s c l a n

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tucked away and hidden by a overgrowing lush jungle hides the dragons of the Everbloom. Nullam placerat a felis scelerisque vehicula. Proin vestibulum, lectus ac malesuada bibendum, arcu dolor vestibulum felis, et scelerisque nisl tortor sed arcu. Fusce blandit augue eget mi dictum, id pretium odio bibendum. Morbi pulvinar ultricies imperdiet. Nullam eu euismod nisi, sit amet venenatis ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisi ligula, pretium eget orci sed, placerat imperdiet magna. Donec a fringilla augue. Nullam placerat a felis scelerisque vehicula. Proin vestibulum, lectus ac malesuada bibendum, arcu dolor vestibulum felis, et scelerisque nisl tortor sed arcu. Fusce blandit augue eget mi dictum, id pretium odio bibendum. Morbi pulvinar ultricies imperdiet. Nullam eu euismod nisi, sit amet venenatis ipsum.

Sprouting Goblin
about me

bracken - she/her -17

- jew (ethnic) whos still figuring out religion
- ace lesbian!
Celadon Silk Veil
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dragon bios refs!
lore guide!
fr help!
dragon bios!

Recent Comments

WildYarrow's avatar
September 11, 2024 00:32:57
Nightshade was on the front page! Beautiful!
bookmanofbook's avatar
January 19, 2024 09:48:18
Ianto was front!
DarkAngelsBlood1's avatar
September 13, 2020 23:04:34
Ciro was on the front page!
KnightSmudge's avatar
February 28, 2020 05:46:29
Vileskull was on the front page!!
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Date Joined
Jul 23, 2019

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Brackenheart's Friends

Tuft's avatar
Tuft (#479654)
DarkOverLight's avatar
DarkOverLight (#459352)

RailwayDecay's avatar
RailwayDecay (#474788)

my gender is swords and violence
ghostlyplants' avatar
ghostlyplants (#424401)

This ghost is very gneiss.
EchoDuskfallen's avatar
EchoDuskfallen (#568188)

Remember us. Remember that we once lived.
dearagony's avatar
dearagony (#236412)

I got a bit too caught up in all of my ghosts
spinmetal's avatar
spinmetal (#581081)
fourfiveone's avatar
fourfiveone (#592688)
arcticthecragon's avatar
arcticthecragon (#581093)

Recent Activity

Jun 05
Became friends with arcticthecragon
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Mar 10
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female
Sep 10
Became friends with fourfiveone
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Jun 28
Oooo, Somebody's Popular
Jun 28
Spread a Little Joy
Jun 28
Corporate Wants Us to Rebrand
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