Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!

AetherTheGreat's Clan
I was the FIRST Aether! the dragons came second!
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oo0oo oo0oo oo0oo |
0 Aether 0 She/Her +3 |
The first thing that you would notice about her is the sound she makes as she walks. Her walk is loud like the way that your professor’s walk is loud- the clacking of the heels can be heard from the stairwell, which is a good distance from the class- whose door is closed no less. It announces that she is coming but not yet there, giving you a few blissful seconds to still your nerves. Your nerves of course, are not stilled, but rather worsen in this brief moment before your professor walks through the doors. You are not prepared for this class. You never are. This is by no fault of your own but your professor still pits the blame on you. This is why you are filled with such dread to hear the sound of her heels on the linoleum floor as she leaves the stairwell and steps foot into the hall that houses your classroom. She doesn’t even need those dreaded heels. She stands at a height of 5’11’’ and yet every day she dons her heels, making her a wretched 6’1’’. When she enters the room, you feel small. This is entirely unreasonable considering the fact that you, yourself are quite tall. But even the gangly basketball player next to you who stands at 6’6’’ looks minuscule compared to the vastness of your professor. And so you fear the sound of your professor’s dreaded heels.
But she is not your professor. You are not so fortunate. And this woman is actually rather quiet when she walks. Audible, but quiet. She could have been silent but she chose to be audible, for your sake, which is somehow worse. She is also not a 55 year old divorcé that matches the physical description of your professor, but rather a young woman with dark skin and bright eyes.
It is also important to note that some of the previously mentioned nouns such as “linoleum” and “basketball” do not exist. And they won’t for some years. It is 1855 during a season that is comparable to autumn but isn’t autumn. You are not you, but rather a young man named Gareth Blackwood. The young woman is a bellhop. Together they stand in mansion-lodge where the wealthy, famous, and fortunate go to disappear, and the walls are infested with hands.
But she is not your professor. You are not so fortunate. And this woman is actually rather quiet when she walks. Audible, but quiet. She could have been silent but she chose to be audible, for your sake, which is somehow worse. She is also not a 55 year old divorcé that matches the physical description of your professor, but rather a young woman with dark skin and bright eyes.
It is also important to note that some of the previously mentioned nouns such as “linoleum” and “basketball” do not exist. And they won’t for some years. It is 1855 during a season that is comparable to autumn but isn’t autumn. You are not you, but rather a young man named Gareth Blackwood. The young woman is a bellhop. Together they stand in mansion-lodge where the wealthy, famous, and fortunate go to disappear, and the walls are infested with hands.
Recent Comments

Styx was on the front page!

Saria was on the front page! Definitely deserves more stars! ⭐️

Leviathan was on the front page! He's a very cool-looking sweetheart!

tell your friends perhaps, I have been getting a fair few eggs, though I grow tired of grinding, how has it been for you?

Dusk was on the front page!

Tunum was front page!

Victory (56842833) was on the front page! Beautiful look!

Holly was on the front page! Perfect for December lol


Hello! Eridian was on the front page! And all I can say... wow. Gorgeous. Stunning! I just absolutely adore and aspire to have a dragon like them. (I love stars and space stuff, so... I may be a bit biased xD)

Grim (#55959603) was on the front page!

Crypt was on the front page. Gorgeous dragon!!!
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