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MangoMegs' Clan

the best clown in your circus <3
Ancient Lair
shielded within the
Astrolodome icon

Clan Info


Note to any mods or devs: I am the only one playing in my household, I use a few different devices depending on where I'm at. I refuse to even tell anyone in my house about Flight Rising due to many people recently saying their accounts were closed suddenly due to multiple accounts under one IP. It is me and only me and I don't cheat the system in any way.

Midoriya%20Sig%20S.pngเผปโœง MangoMegs โœงเผบ BEIXHq.png
-ห‹ห เผป Mango // She/Her // FR time+0 // เผบ หŽหŠ-
๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ About Me โ˜ฝเผ“๏ฝฅ
โ€œYou are not controlling the storm, and you are not lost in it. You are the storm.โ€
~Sam Harris

"I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live." John 11:25

8SzUkvf.pngeZ8WjnI.pngLair History: Joined in February 2019 during the Trickmurk Circus. Was in Ice Flight for a few months before moving over to Lightning Flight. Stayed in Lightning Flight for five years before moving on to Arcane Flight on 08/09/24


Favorite Dragons: Coatls, Aethers, Auraboas, Gaolers, Wildclaws, Skydancers, Imperials & Nocturnes the most, though I love them all really. Aethers are my favorite hatchlings though. I almost prefer ancients over moderns, I just think they're so cool and diverse.
BEIuD7.pngBEZYz1.png Other Favorites: Music, Anime, animals, tv shows, candy, youtubers, video games, Jesus, dogs, cats, sparkly things, crafting, guitar solos, foxes, my friends <3
Code done by: AnyaKnees
โ˜†About Lair โ˜†


Total # of Primals hatched: 42
Current project: try to get a primal in each species. Still need: Veilspun & Dusthide, everlux

54046588p.png58667260p.png59235751p.png 61983452p.png62492985p.png62576753p.png 63663185p.png 64161815p.png 64598025p.png 65023714p.png 65729802p.png 66860555p.png 69188361p.png 69449828p.png 72712417p.png 73421009p.png 74188955p.png 74541721p.png 76084312p.png 77056447p.png 80067942p.png81332270p.png 82231282p.png 83101403p.png 83875438p.png 84428295p.png 85366836p.png 85545130p.png 85617341p.png 88165926p.png 89947611p.png 91055656p.png 91116386p.png 91846872p.png92415534p.png 94242345p.png 94324899p.png 95944423p.png 96070423p.png 98377447p.png 99488488p.png
(4 snappers, 1 pearlcatcher, 2 mirrors, 1 wildclaw, 6 spirals, 1 imperial, 2 banescale, 2 ridgebacks, 1 nocturne, 1 gaoler, 2 bogsneak, 3 Coatl, 3 obelisk, 1 guardian, 2 fae, 2 tundra, 2 Undertide, 1 Sandsurge, 1 skydancer, 1 fathom, 1 Auraboa, 1 Aether, 1 Aberration)
(25 male, 17 female)

(came, saw, bought the t-shirt)

Total # of Multi-gazes hatched: 37
Still need: undertide, dusthide, everlux
59590923p.png 60506456p.png60632438p.png|60954870p.png 62804053p.png63471528p.png 63528719p.png63566908p.png 66814448p.png 67308891p.png 69807565p.png 70209395p.png 73252891p.png74175583p.png 75377047p.png 75529865p.png 78537898p.png 78630119p.png 80067944p.png 81062738p.png 81571157p.png 82652966p.png 82866832p.png 85341395p.png 87020459p.png 88477690p.png 88675851p.png 93684155p.png 94038897p.png 95539118p.png 96229866p.png 97168367p.png 98883211p.png 99415062p.png 99877288p.png 100516130p.png 101130577p.png
(2 nocturnes, 1 spiral, 3 imperials, 4 skydancers, 3 mirrors, 2 coatls, 2 pearlcatchers, 1 fae, 2 tundra, 1 snapper, 1 banescale, 1 veilspun, 2 guardians, 1 gaoler, 1 Wildclaw, 1 Aether, 3 Aberration, 1 obelisk, 1 bogsneak, 1 sandsurge, 1 ridgeback, 1 fathom, 1 Auraboa)
(18 male, 19 female)

Total # of Faceted hatched: 9 (Maybe? Wasnโ€™t exactly keeping track those first few months) ((stopped keeping track))
61048554p.png 61239028p.png 61358976p.png 62161292p.png62414660p.png62724648p.png63374701p.png63548032p.png63636778p.png

First Goat Eyes hatched:

First few faded eyes after the eye type was released:
94123313p.png 94253643p.png 94294688p.png 94646066p.png 95202921p.png

First few dark eyes after the eye type was released (took me over a month to hatch the first one):
94944227p.png 95098991p.png95729089p.png 96381357p.png 96756739p.png

โœ”๏ธHatch a multigaze (update: after 371 days of hatching eggs Iโ€™ve finally done it!!)
โœ”๏ธUnlock all den slots (with items) finished 01/15/22 With gems finished 11/17/22
โœ”๏ธBuy all Lair slots
โœ”๏ธGet my first battle team (Eilina, Dustril & Xue) to level 25 (Completed 06/30/2020)
โœ”๏ธCollect all reasonably attainable Familiars
โœ”๏ธCollect all wanted vistas (completed 07/31/21)

Current # of Fully Awakened Familiars: 1279
Sakura Owl Brown-Spotted Mith Zeeba Glowing Pocket Mouse Aer Phantom Harvest Hardshell Alstroemeria Fox Aerborne Ambassador Tourmaline Vulstal Petalwing Peryton Mossy Beetleboar Carmine Serthis Opheodrys Serthis Scarlet Serpenta Longneck Hunter Fathomsearch Ambassador Golden Kitsune Pale Greattusk Chillriver Bucktooth Swamphaunt Kelpie Lilyfowl Tropical Caiman Undergrowth Shovelsnout Dunewind Manticore Grey River Flight Rosetail Clouddancer Grove Piper Garden Watcher Charoite Burrower Hoarfrost Mauler Scaleback Death Seeker Gladegift Ambassador Amber Gulper Ancient Fungus Rambra Boran Veteran Highreach Bonepicker Candy Cockatrice Crested River Flight Maren Wavesinger Dripcave Deputy Greenroot Janustrap Paddyfowl Sickle Kamaitachi Wintermane Bowman Searing Jackalope Triple-Sight Firebug Frosted Pocketmouse Juvenile Starsweeper Sunset Lasher Smoke Gyre Runescar Lynx Scorchpaw Prowler Kelpie Plantation Pincher Spotted Faun Webwing Alpha Iron Golem Spinel Vulstal Lesser Wisp Mistral Minion Sundial Gem Guardian Chipskink Wildwood Owl Coppercoil Creeper Ceanothus Brawler Kelp Tender Fiendcat Goldfin River Flight Emeraldback Shardspawn Marbled Serpenta Coral Carpenter Fenfisher Flattail Acid-Tongue Serpenta Bamboo Phytocat Grouse Basilisk Silver Featherfin Vulpine Lamp Rusty Golem Ember Mouse Jeweled Octoflyer Quillrunner Venomtooth Pilco Cinder Mith Charcoal Sprangyroo Painted Protobeast Citrine Cave Jewel Myosotis Fox Bluelight Chipskink Princess Petal Gecko Emerald Webwing Steam Gyre Runic Bat Scarlet Flycatcher Leftover Residue Basilisk Sentinel Mith Moss-Covered Golem Gold-Throated Sparrow Ragepuff Cockatrice Augite Protector Magic Nymph Deadwood Boar Chillwind Harpy Highland Gem Guardian Fallout Streak Proto Manticore Spectral Duskflapper Autumn Dryad Coral Basilisk Sparkling Stinger Winter Wolf Gale Wolf Travelling Garden Dwarf Hainu Macaw Dreameater Construction Mith Nochnyr Deepmine Aardvark Scaleside Noggle Tar-Trooper Slarg Flesh Forager Nightfall Imp Ignited Imp Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse Raptorik Ringmaster Summer Sphinx Chalcedony Snipper Agol Sentry Squawker Bumble Watermelon Coleus Gecko Satin Pocketmouse Teardrop Owlynx Radioactive Slime Creeping Tendril Maren Warlock Butter Caiman Amaranth Moth Shatterbone Vulture Basalt Vent Hop Brilliant Psywurm Luna Mith Lithetail Assassin Emberglow Gem Guardian Time Devourer Janustrap Flamescale Venomcaster Crystalplate Stinger Unburdened Billy Enstatite Burrower Emerald Cave Jewel Renegade Aviar Ultimate Buttersnake Fanrat Abyss Striker Almandine Sturgeon Rhodochrosite Crane Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse Goliath Mountain Beetle Stonewatch Prince Painted Centaur Nightmare Wintermane Spearman Ragamouse Wispwillow Peryton Clouded Mith Ensorcelled Volume Grassland Skira Ashscale Ophiotaurus Cosmo Gecko Silvermane Barbtail Octoflyer Pebblehide Stoat Starry Ampelope Dainty Wavehopper Flamescale Spearman Everglade Lasher Petalmane Floron Spellbound Golem Ethereal Trickster Fungalhoof Qiriq Black Iron Creeper Crooked Hatchet Baku Lilium Floron Mimic Buttersnake Longneck Lampooner Bubble Nymph Crystalspine Gem Guardian Autumn Sphinx Poisonous Toridae Cloud Chaser Stormcloud Harpy Red-Breasted Hainu Amberwing Waveskimmer Chromefeather Lookout Blooming Strangler Buttercup Strangler Blue Dragon Reef Snail Heartred Croaker Yeti Brawler Raptorik Wanderer Bucktooth Digger Longneck Wanderer Barkback Boar Spellwall Boran Hippalectryon Deadland Disciple Coarsefur Yeti Voltaic Ambassador Mith Bruiser Sunbeam Dryad Smoky Bantam Fangar Phoenix Duskthicket Bonepicker Ashspine Widow Frostbite Hummingbird Petal Jumper Umbra Wolf Mossy Cerdae Zalis Dappled Seal Magma Embear Death's-Head Stag Otherworldly Aura Paradise Zalis Longneck Gladiator Southmarsh Podid Longneck Magi Anomalous Nekomata Bluefin Charger River Muck Terra Tortoise Firefly Cockatrice Shiny Residue Hooded Dodo Sweetpuff Blue Vein Pansy White Rot Deer Bramblecrown Stoat Centaur Archer Contagion Gem Guardian Noggle Heckling Hydrena Crimson Reef Snail Leafy Moth Harlequin Stagwing Silky Webwing Brown River Flight Peacock Scorpion Amethyst King Ruby Webwing Blackwing Croaker Obscuring Goblin Nature Sprite Fungi Sage Lakelight Weaver Wraith Hound Aurora Pangolin Ampelope Dryad Serthis Alchemist Serthis Potionmaster Dire Vulture Red-Winged Owlcat Venerable Shalebuck Mottled Buttersnake Auburn Woolly Walrus Bearded Yeti Parasitic Fungus Raptorik Herder Colubrid Column Mistwatch Shellion Glassbound Solarvul Glassbound Gustvul Somber Spirit Cumulus Seal Shadow Serpent Skittering Megashrimp Loga Black Wolf Five-toed Pilco Venomous Toridae Rabid Grinfin Dwarf Truffle Spirit of Wind Enchanting Goblin Swift Lumen Shattered Plain Gem Guardian Rainbow Sprite Flamerest Fiendcat Orbiting Spirit Daydream Puffer Sunbeam Soldier Psywurm Tradewinds Gull Fan Scorpion Bluemoon Aviar Longneck Medium Iridescent Scaleback Common Podid Woodland Turkey Fallen Streak Serpentine Lamp Parda Ophiotaurus Lux Spectre Hulking Greatowl Tatterwing Carcass Apatite Fisher Cheerful Residue Ashen Bicorn Whale Arctic Hippalectryon King Parda Longneck Skirmisher Dodo Spirit of Nature Moonbeam Crayfish Peacock Spider Windcarve Bladedancer Glam Nudibranch Shalebuck Livewire Grizzly Sentient Alloy Leopard Coralclimber Firebug Snow Streak Protobeast Spellwrought Ambassador Swift Volt Plainstrider Bard Bogsneak Puppet Masked Harpy Infestation Hound Kyorinrin Relic Eel Spring Millifae Orange Blotch Pansy Molten Marauder Bubbling Goblin Golden Lionsnake Rosy Lake Cormorant Seething Stove Hedgehog Gusting Goblin Lurefish Shattered Serpent Axe Mimic Sunspot Clouddancer Flutterbun Stonewatch Harpy Corrosive Depin Greenwing Razorclaw Enduring Goblin Poultrygeist Hippogriff Snowfall Elk Living Sculpture Marshland Poodle Mith Condorwing Champion Lightning Lancer Winter Sphinx Goldenplains Poodle Mith Riptide Clipper Inscribed Pangolin Bouncy Broiler Hydra Scorpion Bullephant Strawberry Noggle Animated Statue Magic Mirror Glazed Sentry Barred Skira Celestial Antelope Serthis Support Hippocampus Wood Ear Deer Graveyard Guardian Glowing Globe Clearwater Oracle Serpenta Spellbound Tome Valorous Cape Spirit Armor Ball-Jointed Bogsneak Squall Rasa Crimson Emperor Gladeveins Needletooth Apparition Lance Scroll Stealer Downy Fox Rat Fawn Fox Rat Animated Armor Curious Kettle Deadly Reflection Sprangyroo Peacevine Aardvark Vigorous Goblet Furious Faun Clattercog Engineer Pitfall Fixture Antique Chair Spidered Seat Frigid Gem Guardian Aspen Gall Dryad Unlikely Alliance Ravenous Cauldron Masked Phantom Seaglass Swimmer Transmuted Treasure Corundum Chameleon Pronghorn Hunter Clown Hippocampus Opposing Forces Vigilant Spear Magma Runner Sprouting Goblin Ultraram Living Luminance Pinpush Mirror Doll Four-Eyed Phylactery Sable Feathercroak Overwatered Seedling Cryptic Cameo Raptorik Warrior Algae-Bottom Slarg Spritely Portrait Brush Dodo Windcarve Fugitive Ruffletail Tadhop Slight Eyewing Redfin Wavespinner Poltergeist Pile Flamescale Lancer Flora Cerdae Maned Cerdae Gaseous Megashrimp Miniature Sornieth Globe Dancing Chalice Water Sprite Flamescale Illusionist Moonlight Fungi Armored Duskflapper Mantarune Golden Featherfin Dire Hyena Great Blue Waveskimmer Corpse Cleaner Calculating Candelabra Chocolate Noggle Centaur Berserker Monkey Wrench Silver Kitsune Noxious Coralclimber Prancing Capricat Longhorn Capricat Storm Seeker Inquisitive Shroud Budwing Morpho Serthis Loremaster Sludge Sifter Wandering Surgepriest Bloodstone Beetle Empress Beetle Speckled Peacock Spider Maren Scout Roundhorn Rager Silver Springbok Maren Warrior Maren Ambusher Veiled Vision Vivid Wavehopper Smoldering Sconce Hibernal Starbear Origami Steward Tengu Caller Granite Guardian Longjaw Lurefish Silky Mole Sunbeam Ursa Driftwood Gem Guardian Venomblade Assassin Tender Larail Coursing Skira Darktouched Chimera Swiftfoot Slayer Cursed Bat Sorcerous Arms Longneck Mender Harvest Floracat Melon Squirmscoot Mirage Puffer Greybeak Reaper Carrioncorn Eye of Talona Undying Featherback Ghost Manticore Autumn Millifae Workshop Monitor King Quillrunner Blueridge Greatshell Gearspring Pocketmouse Tribeam Lurker Jawlocker Disoriented Spirit Longneck Interloper Timber Tender Folded Friend Dirge Fiddlefiend Fairy Octopus Bluetail Skira Roving Lionsnake Chocolate Ferret Silver Ferret Grasslands Trunker Irradiated Astronomer Lightning Sprite Blooming Hedgehide Stardust Scholar Sweetheart Swan Armored Greatowl Seawater Savior Permafrost Impaler Chimera Frostbite Dryad Salve Kamaitachi Spirit of Water Tick-Tock Mock Firebird Depin Greater Sandstrike Maned Rasa Nephrite Chameleon Snarling Mimic Hainu Zephyr Gem Guardian Painted Marionette Tufted Leaf Beetle Wooden Marionette Spring Sphinx Swinging Chandelier Manticore Screamer Robotic Tender Wolpertinger Murkbottom Gull Blight Nymph Radiant Flutterbun Tengu Frosttangle Strangler Bramble Guardian Deeprealm Hunter Dreadram Nightsky Fuiran Quartz Cockatrice Cardinal Hippogriff Hawksbill Goliath Crystalhide Jester Spirit of Lightning Spirit of Ice Cinder Nymph Barkskin Watcher Bubble Brook Gecko Treehorn Wolpertinger Sewer Toridae Umberhorn Qiriq Mischievous Magnifier Deadwood Strangler Mantled Foo Shellion Tigerblood Foo Bengal Chimera Golden Porpoise Buff Laced Cockatrice Primrose Mith Malevolent Spirit Firebelly Weaver Crowned Bonepriest Ghosthost Viola Marbled Jester Clown Charger Wartoad Palefoot Tadhop Scrapmetal Tracker Trick of the Light Longneck Scrapper Maren Shark Hunter Maren Currentfinder Extinguished Jackalope Woolly Walrus Blue Tang Hippogriff Mammertee Tricolor Yapper Enchanted Armaments Glossy Duskrat Ashmane Chimera Windcarve Harpy Wintermane Minstrel Waveswell Sorcerer Highfin Sea Serpent Superb Gryphlet Double-Tailed Warcat Moordwelling Trunker Granite Thresher Pangolin Racer Garden Larail Snowsquall Floracat Maren Defender Dunhoof Ambassador Blacktalon Striker Crystal Carrier Dappled Dunhoof Maple Caterpillar Blueband Duelist Pronghorn Stomper Harlequin Feathercroak Sorrel Gryphlet Which Waychunk Cragward Custodian Falconclaw Warrior Insubstantial Illusionist Cinderkelp Loach Battered Vase Scythe Kamaitachi Flower Nymph Tsunami Gem Guardian Cactus Marzal Shale Thresher Melon Marzal Mammophant Greatshell Fuiran Mossy Pohip Tricky Telescope Tendril Loach Rosaline Strangler Elk Stone Borer Which Waychip Greattusk Wave Sweeper Irregular Nekomata Warcat Protector Black Dwarf Unicorn Banded Owlcat Wasteland Collector Cracked Crystal Wetland Unicorn Steelhound Mistyhollow Agent Cauldron Crawler Featherback Boar Hurricane Herald Luminous Ambassador Raptorik Bladedancer Glamourtail Hopper Maren Spearmaiden Enamored Swan Dapplemane Deceiver Cherry Blossom Caterpillar Tawny Aardvark Colorburst Buttersnake Bellus Glamourtail Peacock Firebird Sandshore Snipper Aragonite Haunt Spirit of Earth Ectoplasmime Waveswell Seer Patina Pangolin Ornamental Eyewing Strangler Mottled Sea Serpent Spirit of Shadow Marshfowl Skycrest Bicorn Boran Alpha Snowy Owlynx Shining Goblin Magpie Sphinx Pink-Tail Mole Satin Rambra Tuxedo Floracat Stormclaw Showman Everbloom Gem Guardian Swallowtail Buttersnake Silky Fanrat Velvet Floracat Hippojay Ruffle Glasswing Mesacliff Harpy Dwarf Unicorn Manticorian Provocateur Longneck Scholar Tribeam Hunter Fanfin Noggle Thornthick Thief Serthis Archivist Crazed Powermith Sparkling Goblin Longneck Vigilante Spiney Whale Aberrant Chacma Maren Sorceress Sanguine Multimist Hydra Frost Delver Banshee Brooch Slumbering Charlatan Blushing Tangle Foolish Prince Mesacliff Assassin Wavebreak Snarler Blotched Quetzeel Spirit of Fire Brightwing Dwarf Hainu Ringlet Amphithere Roc Starspawn Flyer Melprin Roundhorn Melprin Swallowtail Jumper Warped Gryphon Giant White Toridae Crested Waveskimmer Ferberus Glasswing Flutter Overcharged Silverbeast Rainbow Daydream Shining Cancer Sweetsong Reaper Dustfeather Sphinx Frogspawn Flyer Contaminated Ambassador Taper Cradle Crowned Roc Autumn Sea Dragon Centaur Bodyguard Void Wyvern Conjoined Skink Glitterfreeze Ambassador Critical Mass Volten Blazing Goblin Motley Marionette Blackline Bicorn Whale Anomalous Skink Teleporting Planesrunner Jadecarved Decoy Thunderstomp Regenerating Reedjumper Bladebone Goliath Geartoggle Smith Everburn Tangle Crumbling Goblin Fae Ferret Portal Watcher Springfoot Bilworper Rivermouth Flatbill Tattertail Bilworper Spirit of Plague Cloud Nymph Sparksylph Deeprealm Leon Copperplate Longmech Giggling Planesrunner Seaweed Scavenger Manticore Barking Jester Roughshod Sniper Perching Java Sparrow Jelly Drone Deepwater Traveller Flutterwing Stinger Hati 592.png Longmech Oceansurf Magus Black-wing Hummingbird Maned Cobra Rat King Guardian Foo Driftwood Baron Candycane Xolo Flowering Pohip Ichor Nymph Mindless Flight Frozen Goblin Lavaborne Hoax Golden Bantam Fangar Shimmering Xolo Barhide Menace Laybrush Larcenist Spotted Pukasloth All-Seeing Eye Curious Mith Thornhide Floron Rainbowfeather Thief Mechanical Destroyer Quetzeel Feathered Beetle Medusa Leon Long-Crested Hippogriff War Smith Octoflyer Baron Crackling Leo Leatherback Wave Sweeper Spined Cobra Fluted Pukasloth Torrent Tricktail Spectre Wyvern Cloudkeeper Herald Hellhound Sunsea Pseudo Lap Pupowl Ultramel Amphithere Tunnel Hydra Rockback Charger Rosy Peryton Bogus Manamonger Basic Hippalectryon Goldenbeast Wind Sprite Sparkle Nymph Calico Ferberus Murktooth Bramblekeep Sapling Speaker Leatherwing Boar Warbling Watcher Turbocharged Creeper Firemane Manticore Fallbrush Fraud Smokebillow Sham Rogue Excavator Quillcrown Parda Spirit of the Arcane Sundial Imposter Speedy Crowncrest Melprin Vermillion Epiptite Conflagrant Ambassador Burning Virgo Spirit of Light Green-Breasted Sawbeak Witherbough Warlock Golden Roc Molten Wartoad Igueel Matriarch Shardspine Boar Polarfreeze Defender Surf Strider Ghostly Rat Lord Wind-Up Pocketmouse Toxic Igueel Blue and Gold Macaw Scarlet Macaw Fear Frog Hydraulic Armored Protector Cragbacked Bouldursa Bearded Pupowl Enchanted Libra Voltspire Intruder Chainlink Jeweler Plague Sprite Terror Toad Coast Charger Reserved Jeweler Shadow Sprite Glittering Jeweler Spiral Capricat Coastline Sawbeak Electric Nymph Longwing Epiptite Stonestomp Spearmaiden Fungusbearing Phony Ruffled Serpent Djamor Bat Creeping Cluster Crystalcourt Ambassador Rainbowbeast Ostreatus Bat Vibrant Jeweler Spoiling Scorpio Cave Lantern Polarized Bell Goat Swiftstride Soldier Bell Goat Murkmirth Ambassador Lop-eared Faun Alabaster Squirmscoot Basalt Eruption Liquid Fiendcat Ice Sprite Dire Claw Willowmane Deerling Burrow Bear Fire Sprite Unyielding Sagittarius Bihorn Chacma Snowflake Nymph Crackers Boulder Nymph Earth Sprite Raucous Runner Silverstring Harp Manticore's Might Wicker Dragon Writer's Aid Catty Cannon Encouraging Quill Killer Keyboard Tinder Toy Magic Carpet Steadfast Sweeper Bewildered Broom Fleetflight Manticore Poltergeist Piano Veilspun Verse Swarmsprite Deerling Red-Footed Akirbeak with Fionaโ€™s help: Boolean Skycat Light Sprite Bone Fiend Cog Frog Golden Idol Normal: Scalding Jeweler Wandering Aquarius Charming Swan Disappearing Pisces Roaming Aries Sanddrift Fuiran Buff Dunerunner Tricolor Viperpillar Masked Gryphon Dunerunner Charcoal Kitsune Redtail Gryphon Fennec Kitsune Dusk Fuiran Prickly Strangler Desert Strangler Brilliant Gryphlet Flowing Taurus Bluejay Gryphon Curious Jeweler Sprouting Gemini Sparkling Capricorn Marble Lightweaver Sandstone Stormcatcher Sphinx Battlelord Brave Sphinx Courageous Warhorse Petalprayer Mantis Frosttrail Scout Ironclaw Spearmaiden Clubtail Jerboa Raging Tiger Foo Ferocious Foo Jerboa Clawmasher Iceridge Warrior Valorous Battlemare Conflict Creature Sunstream Contestant Battleram Skirmisher Vigilant Sparrow Crystalcleave Canary Scytheclaw Mantis Delving Jeweler Porphyry Flamecaller Barkbound Construct Spiffy Sphinx Crane Contraption Cherry Blossom Strangler Chalcedony Arcanist Lion's Mane Seeker Cinnabar Plaguebringer Growing Jeweler Silt Wolf Whisper Armored Colony Ink Ant Fungal Garden Marsh Kelpie Muckbottom Catfish Swamp Wolf Furry Fiddle Acid Ant Vilevenom Kelpie Supernal Brightbeast Granite Earthshaker Corvid Lamp Sumptuous Cape Infatuated Slarg Fragile Flutterbun Guest Greeter Decision Maker Danger Decor Leisure Loaf Curious Parasol Rock Paper Scissors Brass Knocker Splendiferous Sunshade Voguepuff Cerussite Icewarden Armored Iguanador Styracavus Styrantrum Shardback Minmi Jade Troodo Lowjaw Minmi Sunrise Troodo Iguanador Agate Shadowbinder Blue-Footed Eggull Ruched Sojourner Kelp Caretaker Maren Seahunter Maren Harvester Eggull Ruche Slug Maren Fisher Fluorite Windsinger Striped Noggle Hex Noggle Deadly Glamourtail Fancy Terror Bird Malachite Gladekeeper Bonecarver Ancient Boneshard Jeweler Harpy Ancestor Pet Roc Proto-Roc Mundane Terror Bird Bookworm Lightback Slink Tumbling Jeweler Thunderback Slink Flying Fawn Sword Spider Bladed Boa Armed Flight Serrated Snake Blade Horror Albino Battlelisk Battlelisk Bloodwing Owlcat Warblade Owlcat Spongy Spingy Woodoon Flameback Slink Spring Glade Lord Moonglow Nightjar Glorious Dayjar Featherfoot Spingy Velvet Fawn Trumpet Porcupine Aurelian Porcupine Winter Glade Lord Scarlet-Crested Woodoon Raptorik Captain Raptorik Freebooter Runeback Slink Regal Bladebearer Boilback Slink Twirling Jeweler Deepglow Nautilus Abyssal Bard Walking Fish Abyss Wanderer Trench Siren Carcass Cleaner Filter Fiend Seaweed Nautilus Eel of the Depths Fossil Hunter Fossilback Slink Windcarve Miller Stormcloud Miller Harpy Artisan Mesacliff Painter Undertide Fidget Toy Book Swarm Formal Tea Set Salt and Pepper Afternoon Tea Flying Brass Key Flying Iron Key Articulated Fidget Toy Book Hoard Nutcracker Snapper Nutcracker Sugar and Spice Shardback Slink Brambleback Slink Breezeback Slink Leo Cancer Shellback Slink Foresight Phantasm Glowing Sea Dragon Kingfish Fisher King False Sphinx Platewing Sphinx Bloomback Slink Platewing Messenger Virgo Root Dweller Bottlesnake Garden Gnome Locomoting Lilypad Octavious Colossusbane Crystal Collector Libra Rose of Brightshine False Eye Depin Watermelon Puffer Sandskink Larkspur of Thundercrack Scorpio Weapon Scavenger Luna Mith Squire Battle Chef Longneck Messmaster Decorated Capyhog Warbound Capyhog Crowned Gryph Shorn Cerdae Roseate Gryph Poppy of Flameforger Sagittarius Flighted Molecricket Glow Worm Swarm Assassin Bug Tendriltrail Jellyfish Scarlet Hamble Fire Grub Swarm Jelly Jewel Juvenile Crocoturtle Ridged Crocoturtle Nightsong Bard Hornworm Viperpillar Shy Bagwitch Aquarius Catercroak Aster of Starfall Mith Spellstealer Blue Hamble Striped Crecko Colony Killer Velvet Buttersnake Roving Jelly Jewel Mith Loremaster Climbing Catercroak Maple Bagwitch Silkmith Watchful Viperpillar Illumination Crecko Moth Keeper Sunset Buttersnake Pisces Marigold of Rot Moonrock Collector Midnight Lantern Regal Silkmith Archer Bug Sabrespine Hunter Evergaze Glypto Flameshell Glypto Boggripe Bulemoth Dreadwolf Rimestalker Sabrespine Prowler Sorrowsnow Bulemoth Dusky Dreadwolf Peony of Rockbreaker Taurus Narwin Fisher Narwin Harvester Flying Figurine Wallowing Willow Wicked Smile Band of Companionship Cursed Die Ponder Orb Snappish Planting Entrapping Shackles Enchanted Jewelry Dismayed Devilwood Vile Grin Rogue Apparel Littlest Snapdragon Eerie Baubles Venom Ring Die of Bargaining Whimsical Ensemble Treacherous Irons Crystal Curiosity Inkwell Foo Fleetfoot Ampelope Snowdrop of Crystalline Aries Rosa Cerdae Tendertiel Blushing Tendertiel Violet of Trickmurk Gemini Plumed Springtail Swarm Sovereign Plumed Wintertail Swarming Devourer Daffodil of Mistral Kitsune Florist Broadfin Hippocampus Sweet Pea of Wavecrest Evolving Amphithere Wetland Amphithere Lily of Greenskeeper Flounced Greattusk Skykin Planesrunner Plumed Summertail Dreadtooth Ravager Grasslands Chimera Decorated Chimera Preening Prince False Prince Boneyard Patroller Boneseeker Hissing Foulscale Steelscale Isopuppy Boneblade Knight Bonebeetle Spinal Sorcerer Lightning Gryphon Boneyard Omen Carcass Custodian Ossein Scavenger Bonepicker Archivist Corven Scribe Sunbleached Foulscale Heraldic Capricat Needlepuff Wind-Up Automaton Capricat Lancer Impaling Irepuff Obsidian Blade Psywurm Nightshade Reaper Porcelain Pocket Fighter Starcatcher Psywurm Thornhedge Dryad Fire Gryphon Bloodfang Watcher Tarpit Cockatrice Ridgespine Streak Infected Scavenger Harvest Waxwing Bearded Shrieker Oilslick Cockatrice Waxwing Cultivator Skeletal Streak Bloodfang Hunter Sisyphus Beetle Corvid Convergence Rodaque Standardbearer Raptorik Swashbuckler Seafaring Rodaque Isopuppy Arcane Gryphon Plumed Autumntail Fluted Streak Sproutroot Sentry Bone Sage Veteran Bonesmith Murder Cage Spinesword Warden Spotted Seastar Seastar Plague Gryphon Captain's Rodaque Tufted Greatowl Elder Dreadwolf Earth Gryphon

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Sorel's avatar
September 05, 2019 09:43:45
Yo excellent job tricking out that primal guardian! I was really hoping somebody would snatch him up and do him up right :D
SoulLugia11's avatar
August 27, 2019 14:41:52
Eee thank you very much for the compliment! You have a very lovely main lair! <3
Theo's avatar
August 04, 2019 17:03:50
Lol I don't care about a few gems. Exalt fodder is 7 gems to me.
murdoccomp's avatar
August 02, 2019 15:14:38
murdoccomp's avatar
August 02, 2019 14:56:52
Thank you for buying Tawny! Hope you like her; even if she's for resale!
Kururin's avatar
July 31, 2019 11:56:07
Haha okay!
Kururin's avatar
July 31, 2019 07:59:40
Heyo, you actually keeping Alyeona? Just curious since I listed her for fodder price. If so, awesome ^^ & if not no worries either
Wychwing's avatar
July 25, 2019 19:26:02
You're very welcome! He's going to get spoiled for sure. :D
Zattana's avatar
June 01, 2019 12:25:37
Cool dragons c;
Dullanyan's avatar
May 06, 2019 19:11:56
aw thanks!! :3
Foodyum's avatar
March 26, 2019 10:09:49
Beautiful dergs
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Date Joined
Feb 23, 2019

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MangoMegs' Friends

Bigsad's avatar
Bigsad (#449713)

i have become one with the coliseum
Foodyum's avatar
Foodyum (#370867)

TikindiDragon's avatar
TikindiDragon (#28345)

Will nobody that was ever here grieve me when I die?
Dullanyan's avatar
Dullanyan (#271485)

caught ya lookin!
NythLikeMyth's avatar
NythLikeMyth (#460531)

Always selling Dragons!
AnxTheEmoAvenger's avatar
AnxTheEmoAvenger (#473311)

I am the emo nightmare.
SoulLugia11's avatar
SoulLugia11 (#269769)

I'm secretly a velociraptor yo
LoneWolfRed's avatar
LoneWolfRed (#360706)
Speedeturtles' avatar
Speedeturtles (#492673)
Melisa25ba's avatar
Melisa25ba (#459424)

Recent Activity

Mar 05
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Dusthide Male, 1 Dusthide Female
Mar 04
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Veilspun Male, 1 Veilspun Female
Mar 03
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Veilspun Female, 2 Veilspun Male

Recent Achievements

Mar 04
Seafood Stasher Supreme (20000)
Jan 20
Carnivore Caching Captain (20000)
Jan 16
Spotty Style
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