Free Anniversary Raffle (9th edition)

friesianlover's Clan
Clan Info
I very much love dragons. Just enjoying checking in and out, playing some games and keeping dragons fed! Also can be found on Wajas! Wolves and Dragons!
Also, I am loving familiars so if you hoarded some of the retired ones from earlier years, I'd love to talk trades or reasonable prices. I think they are so creative!
Please enjoy checking out my sales tab! Most are in the auction house or I might be leveling a few up. If you like one, I love making deals and always need more room in my lair!
Finally, if I do buy your dragon, I bought it because I liked it and won't be exalting it. However if I'm supporting ICE for dominance I might start buying low cost fodder to help them on occasion. If you buy mine and exalt, it's ok but I am much happier when I know my non real cyber pet may have a forever home because you liked what I bred!
looking to buy a fire sprite and light sprite! One can dream...
fun badges from ICE participation!

I very much love dragons. Just enjoying checking in and out, playing some games and keeping dragons fed! Also can be found on Wajas! Wolves and Dragons!
Also, I am loving familiars so if you hoarded some of the retired ones from earlier years, I'd love to talk trades or reasonable prices. I think they are so creative!
Please enjoy checking out my sales tab! Most are in the auction house or I might be leveling a few up. If you like one, I love making deals and always need more room in my lair!
Finally, if I do buy your dragon, I bought it because I liked it and won't be exalting it. However if I'm supporting ICE for dominance I might start buying low cost fodder to help them on occasion. If you buy mine and exalt, it's ok but I am much happier when I know my non real cyber pet may have a forever home because you liked what I bred!
looking to buy a fire sprite and light sprite! One can dream...
fun badges from ICE participation!

Recent Comments

Thank you! I really enjoy your dragons' color combos :)


thank you for the sweet message about moonberry! he's all grown up and so lovely. <3

Thank you for the welcome! I'm delighted with my new Snapper, and really looking forward to having him as part of my group!

Thank you. I love Orsi, I can’t wait for her to age up.

You're very welcome, and thank you so much for making your Boa available, he's such a sweet and beautiful bean boy and I promise I'll take very good care of him! ^w^

thank you! he's a very pretty boy and will have a lovely home in my sad lore!

Thank you!! I love Milady's colours and thank you for the welcome, happy to be here! I want to just scoop up all the dragons like cats and hug them, I love them all. :D

Thanks for letting me know Boa is yours, I snipe partly in hopes I can return lost dragons to their homes. <3

Thank you!!! Wed is gonna live happily next to my wedding day hatch :) It seemed fitting to have a pair of wedding day dragons hahaha

Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome c:

thanks so much!! I saw a few dragons that gave me a bunch of inspiration haha You had such lovely ones!!
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