saltmarsh's Clan
i'm a simp
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Just dropping by to say that you have great taste in skins, your dragons are beautiful!
wow I love Wylan!! I stole the names of several characters for my dragons but they aren't fandragons lol. i ADORE that series <3
Thank you again for hosting my pairs! ^_^
Your hidden is absolutely gorgeous! I'm very in love with the kitsune theme you have going on!^^
Please show me when you put that skin on someone, I know it'll be lovely <3
Your Hib Den is so full of beautiful dragons, gosh ... I had to go onto a veritable like spree
Your avatar dragon is fantastic! That's definitely one of my favorite animal themed skins out there! Also, Foxes are amazing :D
Maelan was on the front page! Gorgeous!
Astoria is gorgeous!
Astoria was on the front page! An absolute beauty!!!
Reiju was on the front page, and is absolutely gorgeous!
Atlas is *chefs kiss*!!
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