Auction House Mispost Lost-and-Found!

HaloJones' Clan
Clan Info
We are a miserly clan. We like to collect lots and lots of money and jewels and keep them all in our vault!
After 2.5 years I finally got my Boolean!
I'm not sure what my next goal is going to be yet ..... I'm still reeling.
After 2.5 years I finally got my Boolean!
I'm not sure what my next goal is going to be yet ..... I'm still reeling.
Recent Comments

Thanks for the anklet!

just wanted to drop a thank you for all your auction house listings! you've helped me unlock hibden spots, brew items, and so much more!

it has been a few years now so im just going to leave a strange once in a blue moon comment >.> every time i see your UN in AH sales you motivate me to continue selling my coli junk! i know you may not accept random friend requests but if you're cool to be AH stonks friends on FR i am happy to click that blue smiling dragon button XD

Azkaban appeared on the frontpage! The colors and accent make such a cool combo!

Azkaban was on the front page!

Bless your AH listings <3

Ah so nice to see the comments on your page, that's exactly why I'm here - thank you for reasonably priced hibden items. May all your nests be full

thanks for the hibden items homie, enjoy the money o/

Thank you so much for your reasonable prices on the AH for hibernal den slot items...savior ..

thank you for buying Obsidianscale! i know he'll be happy here

Thank you for buying Vari!

Zeno (#81900781) was on the front page today!! He's such a pretty dragon ^^
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