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NyxianDragons' Clan

In the brambles and branches, we thrive.
Ancient Lair
hidden within
Murkbarrow Close icon

Clan Info



Wish list:
Zodiac set
All elemental holiday apparel and familiars (long-term goal)

Future projects:
Create Lore and Art shops
Create hatchery
Create lineage post

Outdated Lore:
They live on an island in the river between Shadow and Nature. They have a city, half built in the trunk of a giant tree, and half under ground. Deep underneath even the deepest of tunnels is the tombs, where Alden and Athena stay, caring for the spirits. Some believe them to just be stories, or that they're minor deities. Dragons are almost never granted entrance, and most who visit have accidentally fallen in when the roof collapses. They always seem to be expecting whoever falls in, and usually say it's fate that they were brought there.
There is only one entrance to the tombs outside of the ones that randomly open and shut, and it's inside Emerald and Aldrich's den, in the largest root of the tree. There are tunnels both in and around the root system, with the 'town square' and many of the shops being outside the roots, and individual dens being inside.
Usually dragons are only allowed in the tombs if a spirit guides them in there, or if, again, they fall in. Funerals only ever involve the tombs themselves if it was a clan leader, and even then only Athena and Alden do the rites. For normal dragons, there's burial grounds on both the Shadow and the Nature side of the mainland. These two areas are protected by Ebony, Fate and their progeny, both adopted and not. Spirits are guided to the tombs either by other spirits or by Athena and Alden themselves.

Recent Comments

Chlorine's avatar
January 15, 2025 16:17:02
clifford and clancy <3
Shiekx0's avatar
August 30, 2024 17:44:34
Thank you for buying Amphitrite from me, she's very pretty
healthpoints' avatar
August 10, 2024 23:50:20
WOW! Andreas sure got a glow up :D
Zytaria's avatar
August 09, 2024 15:28:12
Oh hey! I hope you're doing well and thank you so much for giving another dragon a home!
Zytaria's avatar
July 16, 2024 10:08:45
Hello! I am just swooping through to say thank you for adopting a Fae from me! I hope you have a great day!
Heyone's avatar
June 26, 2024 13:43:07
Congratulations on the five egg nest!
Fallenleaves716's avatar
May 07, 2024 16:25:30
Unbecoming #31638599 was on the front page :D really pretty derg
Thirteen13boi's avatar
April 08, 2024 09:09:02
Thank you so much for picking up one of my hatchlings! This is the first one I've sold so far. Hope you like her!
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Date Joined
Nov 18, 2017

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NerissaPond (#626214)

Hi, intrepid heroes!
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amusedmuralist (#43904)
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MeowyJr (#604192)
Tanganika's avatar
Tanganika (#623800)

Tangled is the best Disney princess movie. fight me.
Killerinstinct's avatar
Killerinstinct (#640495)
Cheypie565's avatar
Cheypie565 (#497293)

A very rare Bogsneak enjoyer
Ubersaur's avatar
Ubersaur (#21272)

clown town

Recent Activity

Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fathom Male, 1 Fathom Female
Feb 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Everlux Female
Jan 27
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Fathom Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 23
Swag! (Love is in the Air)
Jan 01
Budge and Nudge to Formulate Sludge? (Blue)
Dec 26
How Dare You Call this "Useless Knowledge" (1000)
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