Flaunt and Flare
VividDreamer's Clan
making Space Dad proud
Clan Info
If you are reading this you are a cutie patootie and will have an amazing day.
*This is an exalting lair!*
*This is an exalting lair!*
Recent Comments
Thanks for buying Quaranir!
Warpcrypt was on the front page! He looks awesome!
I love your clan info :D
Thank you for adopting Leise! His name means quiet, soft, and gentle in German! Please take good care of him, I had him for a while!
Thank-you! She's one of my oldest and dearest, so I've put a lot of effort into her. :D
accidentally sent that request, sorry!
I'm happy to pm you my plans for them if you're desperate to know further, since I don't know how long it will take me to update my bios and complete their lore :)
Your comment struck me. The namesake of Devlin (a pet of mine) passed away recently, so it felt nice to see his dragon version being noticed. Thank you :) To answer the question, when I finally stop being lazy, I have plans for them to reconcile :D
Torch was on the front page. She's beautiful!
Can i be your friend please
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