Krafey's Clan
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The tome-spanning epic of Krafey's Clan is yet unwritten. Time alone will transcribe its tales upon the scrolls of history.
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Dharu was on the front page :D

You can just have all three, if you want. :) They were bred for you, after all, and they'll probably just get sold or exalted otherwise.

Hey! Just leaving a heads-up that Hellion and DiGlacia's babies have hatched. They're the three unnamed hatchlings at the very top of my lair. If any of them interest you, let me know which you like and I'll set up a trade!

Thought you might appreciate a little something to tide you over until I can breed the couple you requested. :)

Oooh! They will make a pretty pair! Hellion has a 13-day cooldown before he can breed again, but I'll make sure to hold DiGlacia until then so that the waiting period doesn't go up even more. :)

Actually, because you're shiny and new, penpal, I'll do you one better! Pick any two dragons in my cave (one male, one female, of course) and when I can breed 'em, I will, and I'll let you have first pick of the litter when they hatch. :D
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