Hey! I also have a dragon named Charoite. But what's special about your Charoite is that she is the mother of Myriad who is the mother of Calmir who is the daughter of Enid who is the daughter of Axinite and Celestial, who are my dragons!
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Banescale Female, 1 Banescale Male
Dec 15
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Obelisk Male, 1 Bogsneak Female
Dec 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Undertide Female
Recent Achievements
Dec 21
You Can Never Have Too Many Dragons (25)
Dec 21
Just Hold Your Nose and Close Your Eyes (500)
Dec 18
Modern Egg-stravaganza (250)
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i like saying where you ____