Sornieth's Academy for the Gifted ~Open
Shinypokemon822's Clan
We are Argentum Clan! Beware the Swarm!
Clan Info
"I send the Swarm, I send the Hoard"~ Prince of Egypt "The Plagues"
I love this movie and when I first Saw Plague, I just had to join. Now for the Clan Bio *ahem*
We are Argentum Clan. We know no other perfect mother than our own. We fit to thrive with our brothers and sisters of Plague in our home. We and dozen of our brothers and sisters swarm together for each other and against foes. If you ever mess with one of us, Beware the Swarm!
My Wishlist:
-Elemental Eggs
-More Friends
Recent Comments
happy birthday!!
whos your fave pokemon?
Aww thanks! I would like to continue nest rentals for them, so hopefully they have a few more in the future! I will gladly share babies :)
Your pair had two eggs!
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