~GGH~ Gossamer Galaxy Hatchery (WIP)

Motherofdrgns747's Clan
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Rebuilding My Lair
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Thank you for buying Quasar! I hope you enjoy him :)

saw your icon and just HAD to drop by. galaxy is gorgeous!!! <3

That’d be great! I’d love to take him

Machai is gorgeous

Love your coatls! Especially the butterfly dergs, have you ever considered making an XXY petal/butterfly/glimmer project?


pretty dergs you have :O

Yas! You ghosted Severus! I thought about doing that too, but I've already gone a bit crazy with the obs/obs ghosts, which is why I sold him and made a different one called "Snape", who is a ghost as well. Great minds.

thanks for giving my coatl boy a home!

did you see my post about the derg by the looks of it you already exalted the derg o well

I messaged you about a dragon in an adoption forum!! Sorry to bother you but i just do not want to miss out on this cutie

Is Mossmere for sale? If so, for how much? Thanks!
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