I know that reference!
Realuity's Clan
Clan Info
Injuriously curious, the outline drawn in chalk.
+7:00 fr time!HI, I'M REALU
he/him please! splatoon fan, fandragon enthusiast, and enjoyer of sniping fodder dragons and regretting it. i don't bite! --- currently saving up for: nothing in particular.. although i'm currently trying to figure out a cobigail fandragon.. FEEL FREE TO GIFT ME ANY APRIL FOOLS EYES. I LOVE THE THINGS. GIVE ME THEM. while i don't have a forum thread open (im bad at managing those) you can message me for commissions info here! |
i am not american, nor have i ever been to america in my life, so apologies if i'm a little out of the loop.
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great gaze, friend
INHERITED CONTEXT::'heck yeah';'fellow c.ob fan!!';'also i love your music fandergs especially OhKlahoma'
BTW, love your fandergons. inscryption and splatoon!? hell yeeaaaaaa good taste mate