[S] Purple and Pinks Positively Precious

celi's Clan
Clan Info
Dream Dragons:
Silver Iri/Ice Shim/Storm or Stonewash Circuit
Dream Dragons:
Silver Iri/Ice Shim/Storm or Stonewash Circuit
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Shoulei was on main page

Hi! Your dragons are lovely, I especially love your gold iri/pink shim/aqua gem Guardian male, he's a beauty! :)

If you ever decide to sell Emerald let me know, im actually looking for a dragon with her colors and genes.

Tangaroa wrote: Report | Delete Just wanted to update you on Fate c: He's about to have his first clutch and he is such a stunning boy! He's about to have his first clutch and he is so handsome. Thankk you for selling him to me!

Sorry for intruding, but your Suuni was the random dragon just now! Your entire lair is lovely.

Thank you for the lovely compliment! :D You have some fantastic dragons yourself~ Louie especially. ^^


Hey there! I saw Potato as the front page random dragon just now, and I love her! Great name for her. XD

I want to buy your ice/sky/sky spiral, can I? :)

Just wanted to let you know your Carnelian was on the front page. She's gorgeous!

^^ Would you be interested in maybe breeding your forest/forest/seafoam WC with my seafoam/seafoam/forest Coatl? Or if you don't plan on keeping that WC, I would offer a good price for her.

leaf/leaf imps are here if you're still interested!
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