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Vengri's Clan

*Bird noize*
Ancient Lair
Aergate icon

Clan Info


v7rE7ee.png || PDuDspB.png || eIK5iG7.png || PRICTGJ.png
kCHWEjf.png || wCOCqt3.png || 3Atxu83.png



Clan Thingy
In case if my skins will be scalped, you can dm me for the skin you want and I will sell it through a PA for an original price, which would be cheaper than the AH price

This is a mixed lair with no sort of theme... I just like interesting color combos!
I do not sell/buy to exalt, but I do exalt unlucky offspring from my projects.
In love with G1 skydancers!

Also, check out my
primal baby representatives project!
Skin/accent Shop

Discord @pecca_tori[/size]
Fan of:
GHiDarO.png c7EfJg9.png lvNmyEi.pngfD64ZUR.png

Primary: Skink, Pharaoh, Flaunt, Pinstripe, Iridescent, Metallic, Cinder, Harlequin, Tide
Secondary: Spinner, Butterfly, Toxin, Sarcophagus, Flair, Trail, Shimmer, Alloy, Blaze, Foam
Tertiary: Glimmer, Capsule, Opal, Flameforger, Brightshine, Carnivore, Firefly, Koi
Trade with me on CS!

Wind vs Ice 10.2024
Foddart participation badge
By Hikumi
Wind vs Ice foddadopt
with my dragon Patrice

Scavenging turns since last egg:
Wind - 276
Shadow - 140
Earth - 274
Water - 79
Lightning - 105
Ice -
Light - 33
First Pretty pink mum foraged: 08.28.24, keeping
2nd AND 3rd - 08.31.24
4th - 09. 06. 24
5th - 09. 09. 24
6th AND 7th - 09.13.24
8th - 10.12.24
9th AND 10th - 10.15.24
11th AND 12th - 10.25.24 (game likes to give them in pairs huh)
13th and 14th - 11.04.24
15th - 11.14.24
12.05.24 - wait i didn't noticed the gathering and familiars update so uuuh
there are 19 pink mums now-
12.07.24 20-TH !!! but i'm keeping one, so looking for one more
12.08.24 21-ST. FULL SET!!
the familiar drop update is a miracle



Recent Comments

LalafellPrincess' avatar
June 26, 2018 13:17:47
Oh cool ^ ^ thanks for noticing!
Grunty's avatar
June 07, 2018 05:30:13
Oh it's a good thing I threw that outfit on her yesterday, otherwise she would have been bare to the world!
DousedInPetrol's avatar
June 06, 2018 15:31:05
I take ONE day off playing (due to mega-long choir practice after work), and ma boi only goes and does a famous!
ForgeFossil's avatar
May 16, 2018 06:57:34
Your greenskeeper entries are gorgeous o0o any chance you'll sell them if they don't win?
Tymbs' avatar
May 07, 2018 15:56:33
I love your skin entries, omg!!!
GrumpyCatlover's avatar
May 05, 2018 10:17:08
YO your greenskeeper entry looks so amazing :DD
TalaTari's avatar
May 05, 2018 09:42:55
Спасибо =)
Snowtea's avatar
May 05, 2018 09:02:53
Love your entry!
ofMontreal's avatar
May 05, 2018 08:29:41
your submission to the greenskeeper gathering is gorgeous!
TalaTari's avatar
May 05, 2018 06:57:04
Чудесная работа для фестиваля! В ней столько магии вечернего леса. Желаю удачи
stjarne's avatar
May 05, 2018 06:47:01
just here to say beautiful submission for the GG! kinda reminds me of starry night. :D
GoodLoki's avatar
April 30, 2018 09:28:10
Взаимно! И тебе хорошего дня! :)
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JoshuaKun's avatar
JoshuaKun (#246008)

Hoot-hoot, you're cute!
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Nekomell (#250295)

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Evgay (#246349)

Tiantrellis' avatar
Tiantrellis (#256985)
Shped's avatar
Shped (#185776)

Active, just leaving my dragons hungy
DyingDog's avatar
DyingDog (#192328)
Merrymind's avatar
Merrymind (#272641)

...someone's watching you from behind the treees...
Firael's avatar
Firael (#266116)
Bracelet's avatar
Bracelet (#278714)

Lucerphia's avatar
Lucerphia (#204726)

Why is life so hard?

Recent Activity

Feb 14
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Male, 2 Imperial Female
Feb 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fathom Female
Feb 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Snapper Male, 1 Snapper Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 18
I Just Love Them So Much (100000)
Feb 16
Carnivore Caching Captain (20000)
Jan 30
Bug Borrowing Baron (20000)
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