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NightEmber's Clan
Like a Shadow, I am and I am not
Clan Info
My official dragon translater that my friends and i made:
I train-exalt, to serve the Plaguebringer trained soldiers. I adopt young hatchings, train them to level 5+ and exalt them for a higher price. I keep a directory here.
Dragons I've exalted
Calvato, Vipera, Candlestine, Gregoria, Vixmar, Brizo, Sovin
Close friends:
Monarchs in Power: Kaleo and Hytus
I train-exalt, to serve the Plaguebringer trained soldiers. I adopt young hatchings, train them to level 5+ and exalt them for a higher price. I keep a directory here.
Dragons I've exalted
Calvato, Vipera, Candlestine, Gregoria, Vixmar, Brizo, Sovin
Close friends:
Monarchs in Power: Kaleo and Hytus
A fire started in the Tangled Woods, only north of NightEmber's clan site. They were an abundant clan, made up of a proud 65, no more could be held. But it was only so long before the endless flames devoured them too... They were so oblivious to see what was about to happen, that it was much too late to run or hide. The wall of flames broke into te edge of the Abiding Boneyard only one hour before hitting their clan, and no fortifications were in its way. It hit the clan at night with a surging speed; wind and rain seemed to only strengthen it. Only a few survived, and the Plaguebringer granted NightEmber two Plague eggs to serve as their progens. With Scald and Lia, Astrid took up the role of Defender alongside Trill and FlaringSunwaves-half of who survived. Another who survived was FireScales and her once-infant son MagmaBattle, who out-lived his other siblings. The remaining and new members were granted gifts, only able to be accessed by them and only when they were ready to find out what their gifts were. Some drakes figure it out immediately after hatching-while others only find out on their deathbed. Their souls power their abilities, and most of NightEmber dragons are more than formidable in fighting.
Familiars are granted at hatching, and stay bonded to their dragon until one or the other die; most of the time the dragon dies first. It is rare to get a young(wary) familiar, and sometimes the familirs teach the hatchlings skills seen by their past, wisened dragons before death. A familiar can be chosen based on matching personalities, cover-ups in an area the drake isn't good at, or simply color schemes. The familiar also grants another hidden power at the time of its death, known to only few living dragons.
"It has been centuries but we did it. We finally beat death!" a scientist shouts only hundreds of years later. His first task? Resurrect the true monarch, Kaleo and his mate Hytus. A black and blue Tundra stepped out into the air once more, breathing the chemicals and musty smell of the chemist's cave. His blood-born eyes dart around excitedly. "Where is my son!?" His voice boomed through the tunnels and caverns. "Where is Fetira!? And those traitors, Isvael and Blaze and-" He stopped mid-sentence when the dragons in front of him did not recognize these names. "We-we are so-s-so sorry sir" A fae started "But there was a blight, a famine, and a plague that swept along the Wyrmwound that we were not familiar with. Clan Desmius-long story- was exterminated- but that was so long ago. Your son, Once-King Fetira, he was sent to Adric- so long ago." The great ruler's eyes frenzied when he heard that his son had become king after him, but he hung his head and the power that once tensed his muscles and brightened his eyes faded as he stepped out into his kingdom. He saw the dragons who merely glanced at him, strangers in his wake. He stepped to the Great Caves, and looked inside. Isvael and Rhi did not sit on the adorned thrones, and neither did Fetira and Mireen. It was two mirrors, bickering like they hated each other, while their bright orange son sat idly and bored. The Tundra mustered all strength he could in his voice "This is a failing castle, and if you don't leave I will force you to! I will duel you!" To this the mirrors merely laughed. "You think we would fight you over this pile of junk? Go on, take it, we've been waiting for years for this to happen." Amusement filled his voice, but did he catch a tint of... relief? Kaleo stepped up to the bejewled throne and waited for them to say something, but they only laughed and left shouting the words "We're Free!" out the door. A red-striped Wildclaw glared cruelly at the Tundra and his Guardian mate. "I am Astrid. The one who has actually been taking care of the clan since your death. I've lived through Isvael, Fetira, Blazeshadow, and now Scald. It has been a long time, my king. A very long time."
King- Kaleo (2nd Gen)
Queen- Hytus
Royal guards- Astrid (Concubines of Astrid- Nicolan and Dagir); Flaring Sunwaves; Trill; Arctic
Elite Soldier Commander: Shade
Elite Soldiers: Magmabattle, Klypse, Beryl, FierceWolf,
Lead Hunter- Wastewalker
Hunters- Ketetdabreis, Tobage, Tigerfang,
Spymaster- Rilyn
Spies- Shadowglass
Lead Researchers- Rodersite
Science Team-
Spellwarden- Lia
Mages- Sedar, Brynter,
Assassins- Alias,
Builders- Arctic,
Soldiers/guards- Whirpool, Mooncatcher, Loko, Surf, Arysyn, Kriiondengru
Oracle- Sedoa
Gemstone Spirits- Smithsonite and Chalcedony
Seekers- Dominion, Blizzard, Duskriver, Aquademon, Shadowwind
Concubines- Kabria, Elara, Ophiterra, Sibil
Hatchling Watchers- Auberon, Neyomia, Havega,
Would give my firstborn to have:
2x Coatl
1x Fae (Theta soon to be)
1x Imperial (Kriiondengru)
2x Tundra (Iota soon to be)F
2x Wildclaw
2x Bogsneak
0x Guardian (Havega and Omega)
2x Mirror
1x Nocturne (Blizzard is male)
2x Pearlcatcher
2x Ridgeback
2x Skydancer
2x Spiral
1x Snapper (Female only)
What I have:
1x Nocturne I (Blizzard)
2x Guardian I (Havega and Omega)
1x Imperial
Familiars are granted at hatching, and stay bonded to their dragon until one or the other die; most of the time the dragon dies first. It is rare to get a young(wary) familiar, and sometimes the familirs teach the hatchlings skills seen by their past, wisened dragons before death. A familiar can be chosen based on matching personalities, cover-ups in an area the drake isn't good at, or simply color schemes. The familiar also grants another hidden power at the time of its death, known to only few living dragons.
"It has been centuries but we did it. We finally beat death!" a scientist shouts only hundreds of years later. His first task? Resurrect the true monarch, Kaleo and his mate Hytus. A black and blue Tundra stepped out into the air once more, breathing the chemicals and musty smell of the chemist's cave. His blood-born eyes dart around excitedly. "Where is my son!?" His voice boomed through the tunnels and caverns. "Where is Fetira!? And those traitors, Isvael and Blaze and-" He stopped mid-sentence when the dragons in front of him did not recognize these names. "We-we are so-s-so sorry sir" A fae started "But there was a blight, a famine, and a plague that swept along the Wyrmwound that we were not familiar with. Clan Desmius-long story- was exterminated- but that was so long ago. Your son, Once-King Fetira, he was sent to Adric- so long ago." The great ruler's eyes frenzied when he heard that his son had become king after him, but he hung his head and the power that once tensed his muscles and brightened his eyes faded as he stepped out into his kingdom. He saw the dragons who merely glanced at him, strangers in his wake. He stepped to the Great Caves, and looked inside. Isvael and Rhi did not sit on the adorned thrones, and neither did Fetira and Mireen. It was two mirrors, bickering like they hated each other, while their bright orange son sat idly and bored. The Tundra mustered all strength he could in his voice "This is a failing castle, and if you don't leave I will force you to! I will duel you!" To this the mirrors merely laughed. "You think we would fight you over this pile of junk? Go on, take it, we've been waiting for years for this to happen." Amusement filled his voice, but did he catch a tint of... relief? Kaleo stepped up to the bejewled throne and waited for them to say something, but they only laughed and left shouting the words "We're Free!" out the door. A red-striped Wildclaw glared cruelly at the Tundra and his Guardian mate. "I am Astrid. The one who has actually been taking care of the clan since your death. I've lived through Isvael, Fetira, Blazeshadow, and now Scald. It has been a long time, my king. A very long time."
King- Kaleo (2nd Gen)
Queen- Hytus
Royal guards- Astrid (Concubines of Astrid- Nicolan and Dagir); Flaring Sunwaves; Trill; Arctic
Elite Soldier Commander: Shade
Elite Soldiers: Magmabattle, Klypse, Beryl, FierceWolf,
Lead Hunter- Wastewalker
Hunters- Ketetdabreis, Tobage, Tigerfang,
Spymaster- Rilyn
Spies- Shadowglass
Lead Researchers- Rodersite
Science Team-
Spellwarden- Lia
Mages- Sedar, Brynter,
Assassins- Alias,
Builders- Arctic,
Soldiers/guards- Whirpool, Mooncatcher, Loko, Surf, Arysyn, Kriiondengru
Oracle- Sedoa
Gemstone Spirits- Smithsonite and Chalcedony
Seekers- Dominion, Blizzard, Duskriver, Aquademon, Shadowwind
Concubines- Kabria, Elara, Ophiterra, Sibil
Hatchling Watchers- Auberon, Neyomia, Havega,
Would give my firstborn to have:
2x Coatl
1x Fae (Theta soon to be)
1x Imperial (Kriiondengru)
2x Tundra (Iota soon to be)F
2x Wildclaw
2x Bogsneak
0x Guardian (Havega and Omega)
2x Mirror
1x Nocturne (Blizzard is male)
2x Pearlcatcher
2x Ridgeback
2x Skydancer
2x Spiral
1x Snapper (Female only)
What I have:
1x Nocturne I (Blizzard)
2x Guardian I (Havega and Omega)
1x Imperial
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Smithsonite (#31874325) was on the front page!! so stunning!

Thanks! I hatched her right when Rosette first came out!

Your Siberia was on the front page, she is absolutely gorgeous!

Smithsonite was on the front page!

Astrid was on Random Dragon; what a dramatic backstory holy cow


Siberia was the random dragon, she's gorgeous!

Sure! I'll send a CR c:

It was the first name that came to mind and I felt like it matched her personality-didn't know it was an inside joke XD.

Very much so

you must be drowning in pings.

Okay then, no big deal, just wondering how you were doing :)
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