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roselapis' Clan

no watermelon allowed
Ancient Lair
near the
Moonportal icon

Clan Info



fr + 1
angelic justice descends
welcome, traveler.
led by the angel sera and her mortal vessel noire. the order seeks to destroy the creatures tormenting the land of light through any means necessary. if one needs dragons to battle the twisted shade of the sunbeam ruins, or the demons lurking the underworld below the mortal plane, they need only call sera's name to receive aid.
Stories tell of a realm of radiance far beyond the realm of dragons. Magnificent creatures serve an alien deity known as the Creator: a living beacon of light amid the shifting void.

When Clan Pendulum summoned a celestial being its residents the creature's consciousness in the body of a Tundra named Noire, and granted her authority to spread the radiance of the Lightweaver throughout the lands. Noire's influence would soon explode and drown the existing governing structure of Clan Pendulum,leading to interclan turmoil.

Factions who coexisted peacefully feuded. Formerly respected elders became prisoners. Innocent dragons complied with Noire's prestigious decrees, lest they be exiled from the home they knew or imprisoned among the wilds of the Lightweaver's world.

To Noire, this change represented the goodness of dragonkind and the sanctity of angelic order. It was not a kind switch but it was necessary. The greater good demanded it.

No longer would there be creatures of a symbiotic darkness, of ancient elements, or of aliens from the far cosmic rifts. Demons would be banished, undead expunged, and exorcisms abundant across the territory which once held a thriving home for so many.

The Order of Sera Noire was born.

Formerly called Clan Pendulum. In a great distant past the clan Temperance and the Clan of George existed across these grounds.
Light Runestone
rose+lapis - they/she
i buy and sell g1s
perpetually tired author

Soft Lightweaver Idol
stuff :

no to random friends
yes to chatting
yes to hatchling letters

dead links that might be picked up again at some point :

symbiotic shade 'subspecies'
elemental runestones lore thread

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dearagony's avatar
January 21, 2019 10:03:36
i saw hubris was shared in the newest dragon share and i read his bio. he's absolutely adorable and i love him and his bio!!
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Date Joined
Jul 11, 2013

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Reese's avatar
Reese (#4754)

Avast ye matey!
fun's avatar
fun (#25768)

some nights I stay up cashing in my coli loot | FR +16
cearabelle's avatar
cearabelle (#34495)

I need to update this more often!!
alexa's avatar
alexa (#35254)
Sunshine's avatar
Sunshine (#35210)

Here comes the sun
Licorne's avatar
Licorne (#10606)

I got 99 problems and maize is all of them.
Ninjakitten's avatar
Ninjakitten (#35151)

cute. soft. deadly.
Togekiss' avatar
Togekiss (#57392)

What are you doing in my swamp
keki's avatar
keki (#58913)
Inked's avatar
Inked (#75423)

Tree Hugger

Recent Activity

Mar 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Female, 1 Obelisk Male
Mar 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Male, 1 Fae Female
Mar 10
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Obelisk Male

Recent Achievements

Feb 20
Bogborn Orphan
Feb 20
Brightcliff Orphan
Feb 20
Seaspray Orphan
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